Is Vigoro Mulch Good for Your Garden? (2024)

Is Vigoro Mulch Good?

Vigoro mulch is a popular choice for gardeners, but is it really the best option? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Vigoro mulch to see what it has to offer and whether or not it’s worth the investment.

We’ll start by discussing the different types of Vigoro mulch and their pros and cons. Then, we’ll compare Vigoro mulch to other types of mulch to see how it stacks up. Finally, we’ll give you our final verdict on whether or not Vigoro mulch is a good choice for your garden.

By the end of this article, you’ll have all the information you need to make an informed decision about whether or not to use Vigoro mulch in your garden.

What is Vigoro Mulch?

Vigoro mulch is a type of organic mulch made from recycled materials. It’s available in a variety of colors and textures, and it’s designed to suppress weeds, retain moisture, and improve soil fertility.

Vigoro mulch is made from a variety of recycled materials, including wood chips, bark, and leaves. The specific materials used vary depending on the type of Vigoro mulch you choose.

Types of Vigoro Mulch

Vigoro mulch is available in a variety of types, each with its own unique set of benefits and drawbacks. The following are the four main types of Vigoro mulch:

  • Wood chip mulch: Wood chip mulch is made from shredded wood chips. It’s a good choice for suppressing weeds and improving soil drainage. However, it can be heavy and difficult to spread.
  • Bark mulch: Bark mulch is made from shredded bark. It’s a lightweight option that’s easy to spread. However, it can be more expensive than other types of Vigoro mulch.
  • Leaf mulch: Leaf mulch is made from shredded leaves. It’s a good choice for improving soil fertility and attracting beneficial insects. However, it can be messy and difficult to spread.
  • Compost mulch: Compost mulch is made from composted organic matter. It’s a good choice for improving soil fertility and water retention. However, it can be expensive and difficult to find.

Pros and Cons of Vigoro Mulch

Vigoro mulch has a number of benefits, including:

  • Suppresses weeds: Vigoro mulch can help to suppress weeds by blocking out sunlight and preventing them from germinating.
  • Retains moisture: Vigoro mulch can help to retain moisture in the soil, which can help to improve plant growth.
  • Improves soil fertility: Vigoro mulch can help to improve soil fertility by adding organic matter and nutrients to the soil.
  • Attracts beneficial insects: Vigoro mulch can attract beneficial insects, such as earthworms and ladybugs, which can help to improve soil health and control pests.

However, Vigoro mulch also has some drawbacks, including:

  • Can be heavy: Vigoro mulch can be heavy, which can make it difficult to spread.
  • Can be expensive: Vigoro mulch can be more expensive than other types of mulch.
  • Can be messy: Vigoro mulch can be messy, especially when it’s wet.

Is Vigoro Mulch Good?

Overall, Vigoro mulch is a good option for gardeners who are looking for a mulch that can suppress weeds, retain moisture, and improve soil fertility. However, it’s important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of Vigoro mulch before making a decision about whether or not it’s the right choice for your garden.

If you’re looking for a lightweight, easy-to-spread mulch that’s affordable, Vigoro bark mulch may be a good option. However, if you’re looking for a mulch that’s especially effective at suppressing weeds and improving soil fertility, Vigoro compost mulch may be a better choice.

Is Vigoro Mulch Good?

| Feature | Is Vigoro Mulch Good? |
| Cost | Yes, Vigoro mulch is a relatively inexpensive option. A 2 cubic foot bag of Vigoro mulch costs around $5, which is comparable to the cost of other mulches on the market. |
| Availability | Yes, Vigoro mulch is widely available at most major retailers. You can find it at Home Depot, Lowe’s, Walmart, and other stores. |
| Performance | Yes, Vigoro mulch is a good performer. It helps to retain moisture in the soil, which can help to improve plant growth. It also helps to suppress weeds and pests. |

What is Vigoro Mulch?

Vigoro mulch is a type of organic mulch made from recycled materials, such as wood chips, bark, and compost. It is available in a variety of colors and textures, and it can be used to improve the appearance of your landscape, as well as to provide a number of benefits for your plants.

Benefits of Vigoro Mulch

Vigoro mulch offers a number of benefits for your plants, including:

  • Improved soil moisture retention: Mulch helps to keep the soil moist by reducing evaporation. This can be especially beneficial during hot, dry weather.
  • Reduced weed growth: Mulch helps to suppress the growth of weeds by blocking out sunlight and providing a physical barrier. This can save you time and money on weeding.
  • Improved air circulation: Mulch helps to improve air circulation around the roots of your plants, which can help to prevent diseases.
  • Reduced soil compaction: Mulch helps to prevent the soil from becoming compacted, which can improve drainage and root growth.
  • Increased nutrient content: Mulch can help to improve the nutrient content of the soil by breaking down and releasing nutrients. This can help your plants to grow healthier and stronger.

How to Use Vigoro Mulch

Vigoro mulch is easy to use. Simply spread it around the base of your plants, leaving a few inches of space between the mulch and the stems of the plants. The thickness of the mulch layer will depend on the type of plants you are growing and the climate in your area. In general, a layer of mulch that is 2 to 4 inches thick is ideal.

When to Apply Vigoro Mulch

The best time to apply Vigoro mulch is in the spring or fall. This will give the mulch time to decompose and improve the soil before the growing season begins. However, you can also apply Vigoro mulch at other times of the year, as long as the ground is not frozen.

How Much Does Vigoro Mulch Cost?

The price of Vigoro mulch varies depending on the size of the bag and the type of mulch. A 2-cubic-foot bag of Vigoro wood chip mulch costs around $10, while a 3-cubic-foot bag of Vigoro bark mulch costs around $15.

Vigoro mulch is a versatile and affordable way to improve the appearance and health of your landscape. It offers a number of benefits for your plants, including improved soil moisture retention, reduced weed growth, improved air circulation, reduced soil compaction, and increased nutrient content. Vigoro mulch is easy to use and can be applied at any time of year.

3. Drawbacks of Vigoro Mulch

While Vigoro mulch has many benefits, there are also some drawbacks to consider before using it.

  • It can be expensive. Vigoro mulch is typically more expensive than other types of mulch, such as shredded bark or compost. This is because it is made from recycled rubber tires, which are a more expensive material than other mulching materials.
  • It can be difficult to find. Vigoro mulch is not as widely available as other types of mulch, so you may have to go to a specialty store or order it online.
  • It can be difficult to apply. Vigoro mulch is heavier than other types of mulch, so it can be difficult to apply evenly. It is also more likely to clump together, which can make it difficult to spread.
  • It can attract pests. Vigoro mulch can attract pests, such as rodents and insects. This is because it provides a warm, sheltered environment for them to live.
  • It can be difficult to remove. Vigoro mulch can be difficult to remove if you decide you no longer want it. This is because it is tightly packed and can stick to the ground.

Overall, Vigoro mulch is a good option for mulching, but it is important to be aware of the potential drawbacks before using it.

4. How to Use Vigoro Mulch

Vigoro mulch can be used in a variety of ways to improve the health and appearance of your landscape.

  • To improve soil quality. Vigoro mulch can help to improve the soil quality by adding organic matter and nutrients. This can help to make the soil more fertile and allow plants to grow better.
  • To retain moisture. Vigoro mulch can help to retain moisture in the soil, which can help to keep plants hydrated during dry periods.
  • To suppress weeds. Vigoro mulch can help to suppress weeds by blocking out sunlight and making it difficult for them to germinate.
  • To improve drainage. Vigoro mulch can help to improve drainage by creating a layer of air space between the soil and the mulch. This can help to prevent water from pooling on the surface of the soil and causing damage to plants.
  • To add beauty to your landscape. Vigoro mulch can add beauty to your landscape by creating a natural, layered look. It can also help to highlight the colors of your plants.

To use Vigoro mulch, simply spread it around the base of your plants in a layer that is 2-4 inches thick. Be sure to water the mulch after you apply it to help it settle into place.

Vigoro mulch is a versatile and easy-to-use mulching material that can benefit your landscape in many ways. By following these tips, you can use Vigoro mulch to create a beautiful and healthy landscape.

Vigoro mulch is a good option for mulching, but it is important to be aware of the potential drawbacks before using it. If you are looking for a mulching material that is affordable, easy to find, and easy to use, Vigoro mulch is a good option. However, if you are concerned about the potential for pests or if you are worried about the cost, you may want to consider another type of mulch.

Is Vigoro Mulch Good?

Vigoro mulch is a popular brand of mulch that is made from a variety of materials, including wood chips, bark, and compost. It is available in a variety of colors and textures, and it can be used to improve the appearance of your landscape, as well as to protect your plants from weeds, pests, and diseases.

Overall, Vigoro mulch is a good choice for mulching your landscape. It is affordable, easy to use, and it provides a number of benefits. However, there are some drawbacks to using Vigoro mulch, which are discussed in more detail below.

What are the benefits of using Vigoro Mulch?

There are a number of benefits to using Vigoro mulch, including:

  • Improves the appearance of your landscape. Vigoro mulch comes in a variety of colors and textures, so you can choose the one that best complements your landscaping. Mulch can also help to create a more defined space between your plants and the surrounding area.
  • Helps to retain moisture. Mulch helps to retain moisture in the soil, which can help your plants to thrive. This is especially important during hot, dry weather.
  • Helps to suppress weeds. Mulch can help to suppress the growth of weeds by creating a barrier between the soil and the air. This makes it difficult for weeds to germinate and grow.
  • Protects your plants from pests and diseases. Mulch can help to protect your plants from pests and diseases by creating a barrier between them and the outside environment. This can help to reduce the risk of your plants becoming infected.

What are the drawbacks of using Vigoro Mulch?

There are a few drawbacks to using Vigoro mulch, including:

  • Can be expensive. Vigoro mulch can be more expensive than other types of mulch. However, it is important to remember that mulch can last for several years, so the initial investment is worth it in the long run.
  • Can attract pests. Mulch can attract pests, such as rodents and insects. However, this is not a major problem if you use a quality mulch that is free of debris.
  • Can be difficult to apply. Vigoro mulch can be difficult to apply if you do not have the proper tools. However, this is not a major problem if you are willing to take the time to learn how to apply mulch properly.

Overall, Vigoro mulch is a good choice for mulching your landscape. It is affordable, easy to use, and it provides a number of benefits. However, there are some drawbacks to using Vigoro mulch, which are discussed in more detail above. You should weigh the benefits and drawbacks of Vigoro mulch before deciding whether or not it is the right choice for your landscape.

Vigoro mulch is a good option for a variety of landscaping projects. It is made from recycled materials, is affordable, and is available in a variety of colors and textures. Vigoro mulch helps to retain moisture in the soil, suppress weeds, and improve the appearance of your landscape. However, it is important to use Vigoro mulch correctly to get the best results. Be sure to spread the mulch in a 2- to 4-inch layer, and water it regularly to help it settle. Avoid using Vigoro mulch in areas that receive a lot of foot traffic, as it can break down quickly under heavy use. Overall, Vigoro mulch is a versatile and affordable option for landscaping projects. It is a good choice for gardeners who are looking for a mulch that is environmentally friendly, easy to use, and affordable.

Author Profile

Is Vigoro Mulch Good for Your Garden? (1)

Arthur Cook
Meet Arthur Cook, the heart and soul behind Arthur’s story is deeply rooted in the rich soil of a small American town, where the horizon is wide, and the values of hard work and connection to the land run deep. Born and raised in the quaint town of Elkmont, Alabama, Arthur’s journey in agriculture began in the sprawling fields of his family’s farm, a stone’s throw away from the Tennessee border.

Arthur’s thirst for agricultural knowledge led him to Auburn University, where he majored in Agricultural Science. During his college years, Arthur dedicated his summers to working on local farms, gaining practical experience in modern farming techniques. His academic and real-world experiences combined to give him a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities in American agriculture.

Arthur Cook is more than just a farmer; he is an advocate for sustainable agriculture and a mentor to the next generation of farmers. Through, he continues to inspire, educate, and engage with a community of individuals who share his love for the land and commitment to preserving it for future generations.

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Is Vigoro Mulch Good for Your Garden? (2024)


Is bagged mulch safe for vegetable gardens? ›

Bagged wood chips are okay in a pinch (as long as they're not dyed or made from treated pallets), but nothing compares to fresh wood chips from a trusted source. Wood chips that have aged for six to twelve months are ideal for mulching since unaged wood chips can temporarily tie up nitrogen in the soil.

What is the best mulch to use in a vegetable garden? ›

Both straw and hay work well in vegetable gardens and they are easy to apply and rake away if you want to remove mulch later on. These materials also have a lot of air pockets when used as a mulch, which can provide shelter for beneficial insects and insulation for plant roots during the winter.

Is it safe to use colored mulch in a vegetable garden? ›

The color does not matter to the plants, and is only for aesthetic purposes. There is no evidence that dyes used in colored mulches are toxic. However, if planning to use colored wood mulches, it is important to know the supplier and the source of wood used to make the mulch.

How do you use Vigoro mulch? ›

Directions for use: Spread evenly for desired look. 3 IN minimum for best results. Wear gloves when handling mulch to avoid color transfer to skin. To minimize the effects of weather, turn the top layer during seasonal plantings.

What is the best mulch for tomato plants? ›

Straw, shredded leaves, and dry grass clippings are all also ideal for mulching tomato plants. Compost is often overlooked as a form of mulch, but in fact, it is one of the best choices you could make.

Can I use landscape mulch in vegetable garden? ›

Mulching can be done all around your yard, but mulching around vegetable gardens is an especially beneficial landscaping practice. It means less weeding and watering for you and more protection for your tender vegetables. There are two types of mulch: Organic and inorganic.

What is the least harmful mulch? ›

Shredded leaves, straw, lawn clippings, compost, etc.

Organic materials like leaves will break down over time, enriching the soil, encouraging a healthy soil microbiome, and feeding your tree. They are best when combined with heavier organic matter like wood chips.

What is the best mulch for cucumbers? ›

Mulch is a covering on the soil, such as compost, straw, dried leaves or shredded newspaper. Simply spread 1 inch thick of mulch on the soil around your cucumber plants to prevent excessive evaporation. Try using compost from your vermi-composting kit as mulch. It will also supply nutrients to your plants!

Do you put mulch in a raised vegetable garden? ›

Adding a layer of mulch to raised beds can solve a number of issues all at once. In our early days of gardening with raised beds, we fought the same battles many gardeners face: pests, weeds, and dry soil. As our experience grew, we learned that adding a layer of mulch tackled all these problems at the same time.

Can you put black mulch around tomato plants? ›

Yes, it does warm the soil, extend crops growing time, hold moisture in the soil and keep down a plethora of weeds. No, black plastic is not organic. Most black plastic eventually goes into the landfill in a season or two-unless you use one of the newer biodegradable or photo-degradable black plastic mulches.

What's better than mulch? ›

Organic Mulch Alternatives
  • Newspaper and Cardboard. Using recyclable materials is an eco-friendly choice that makes a good alternative mulch. ...
  • Hay and Straw. ...
  • Compost. ...
  • Leaves. ...
  • Grass. ...
  • Pine Needles. ...
  • Groundcover (Green Mulch) ...
  • Other Organic Mulches (Not Wood)
May 24, 2024

Why not use black mulch? ›

This dyed wood mulch does not break down to enrich the soil as good mulch should. Instead, it leaches the dye along with the possible contaminants (chromium, copper, arsenic, and others) into the soil harming or even killing beneficial soil bacteria, insects, earthworms, and sometimes the plants themselves.

Can you put mulch directly on soil? ›

1. Don't Use Mulch Mixed with Soil. Greg Baka, a long-time gardener and the owner of Easy Digging tools, notes that it's OK to mix compost into your topsoil to improve it, but let bark mulch lie on the surface of your soil. "Mulch mixed with soil causes difficulties in digging and weeding," Baka explains.

Do you wet mulch after putting it down? ›

Expect all mulch to stop weeds.

Be sure to water after applying.

Is bagged mulch sterilized? ›

Moreover, bagged mulch is usually screened and sterilized, which means that it is free of weeds, insects, and diseases. This can save you time and effort in the long run, as you won't have to deal with unwanted pests or plants in your garden.

Does bagged mulch have insects in it? ›

It's not impossible to find termites in a bag of mulch, but it's not likely they would survive for long or even be alive once the bag is opened. A termite has a slim chance of surviving the chipping process that is used to create bagged mulch.

What are the benefits of bagged mulch? ›

Bagged mulch is convenient. It's easy to transport, store and use. If you have limited space in your yard or garden and aren't able to store bulk materials, bagged mulch can be a good option for you. The bags are also compact and lightweight, which makes them easier to handle than bulk material.

Can I leave bagged mulch outside? ›

That depends on where you store it. If you keep it sealed in the bag and in a cool, dry place it could last a year or so. If it's in a bag but outside, it may not last that long.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.