Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)

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2 riday Evening March 27 1959 6 Republicans Democrats 3 More in Mayor Race You can depend on this PROESSIONAL Insurance Service ELWOOD ROBERTS HERMAN SAUBERT HOLE CLARENCE Clarks Hill YOUR RIENDLY TROBEL 5 and 10 Stores 3 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Here's the MOST house or Your Money NATIONAL HOMES' AIRLANE 1 AS LOW AS: VETERANS NOTHING DOWN $6900 MONTH ACROSS ROM MARKET SQUARE A Joyce Shirar and Ronald were married in the Clo Methodist church at NATIONAL HOM ES ding of their niece a daughter of Mr and Mrs Ray Slauter Mr and Mrs Tom Delaney at tended the boat show at Indian apolis wheeled in and Ponto was safely stored away NATIONAL HOMES RUITWOOD KITCHENS CHOICE EXTERIORS ORCED AIR HEAT COMPLETELY INSULATED THREE BEDROOM KITCHEN DINING ROOM SPACIOUS LIVING ROOM LARGE CLOSETS THE JOURNAL COURIER LAAYETTE IND fects by Brown The guest conductors were for mer directors Eldon Ready of Griffith and Richard Lovin of Rolling Prairie also Weldon Morgan band alumnus 'of Otter bein school and band director at New Augusta Guests included the band alum ni of the class of 1934 Mrs Ralph Booher class member spoke con cerning their band days and intro duced other members Mrs Paul McKinnis and Mrs Steve Crose The program concluded with numbers by the combined bands under direction A re ception followed tear down the locked door to the basem*nt rustrated he tried to Climb onto a telephone booth in the Jobby Men with an net cornered him there With Naumann direct ing a cage on rubber tires was LAAYETTE Rug Cleaners PHONE 2 0698 BATTLE GROUND 232 'Reverse Charges) cau 2 0216 Lion Breaks from Cage Terrifies Citcus Crowd Buck Creek PTA Elects New Officers BUCK CREEK New officers of the PTA elected and installed in Buck Creek school President Marilyn Cervella vice president Helen Combs secre tary) Mabelle Pettit and treas urer) Pat Lesley Perry township amateur show winners were: Vocal Lura Ver milya novelty Rhythm band and instrument Lura Vermilya A basketball game is scheduled for Monday March 30 in the East Tipp school between the band fathers and bus drivers Mr and Mrs Everett Dunk Lafayette 3 entertained Mr and Mrs Glen Dunk Mr and Mrs Charles Craw of near Cut ler and Mrs Rachel Dunk They were celebrating the birthdays of Mrs Rachel Dunk Mrs Ruth Craw Melvin Dunk and Mike Dunk and the first wedding an niversary of Mr and Mrs Charles Craw Afternoon callers were Mr and Mrs Ed Patrick and family of Chalmers and Mr and Mrs Elmer Patrick and family of Del phi 4 Mrs Lucile Roberts and Mr and Mrs Edward Roberts at tended baptismal services at Rensselaer for Timothy Way mouth graadson of Mrs Lucile Roberts Mrs John Tingley and Evelyn INCLUDES PRINCIPAL INTEREST TAXES INSURANCE PLUS NOMINAL CLOSING COSTS Property and casualty insurance ia our business We offer professional counsel on all forms of in surance protection and will plan your business and personal insurance programs for complete coverage at the most economical cost clou at hand when losses occur get fait personal service Call us now for rates and information on any of your insurance requirements GRAIN DEALERS MUTUAL AGENCY INC VINTON HOMES NON VETERANS $35000 DOWN $7400 spent a day at Cutler Mrs Marie Misner and Mr and Mrs Charles Younker and son were in Michigan where they were called because of the seri ous illness of Mrs moth er 1 Mr and Mrs Cash Boars of Muskegon Mich who spent the winter in lorida brought Mrs Marie Misner home Mr and Mrs Ellvin Ket and daughter returned home after vis iting in lorida Miss Schutz verleaf ickle 628 MAIN Shop Monday and riday 9:008:30 MAR JEAN VILLAGE Open Daily 9:00 9:00 3 SONS SHOPPING CENTER Open Daily 9:00 9:00 NEW YORK (AP) Pea nuts pink and a Hon on the loose The latter wasinadvertently served' up to about 2000 persons attending a dress rehearsal Thursday night of the Ringling Broth ers Barnum and Bailey circus at Madison Square garden Putting on an impromptu terrifying act for about 10 minutes was Ponto heavily maned 800 pound lion said to be one of the largest of his species in captivity He was finaUy recaptured in the lob by No one was injured Ponto broke through a door of his cage and started roam ing around the big arena while a tiger and lion act was in progress Temporarily king of all he surveyed he leaped over the arena rail into section of seats which luckily happened to be sparsely populated Some spectators stood their ground not knowing what else to do Others scattered Hans Naumann the trainer dashed after Ponto with whip chair and pistol Ponto headed for the lobby It immediately emptied Apparently the huge beast was following the scent to oth er animals ir the basem*nt menagerie He vainly tried to Two Republicans and a Demo crat announced Thursday that they would seek nominations for mayor of Lafayette in the May 5 primary election They are Herman Saubert 2408 North Nineteenth and El wood (Robbie) Roberts 2019 Crestviqjv both Republicans and Clarence Hole 1501 South Eighteenth a Democrat Hole has been superintendent of the Knights of Pythias home here since coming to Lafayette in 1944 He formerly was active in politics itr Muncie where he once served as president of the city council Prior to coming to Lafayette he operated a farm near armland Hole was an unsuccessful candi date the Democratic mayor nomination here four years ago He is a 1 past grand chancellor of the Knights of Pythias and is a member of Elks Lodge 143 and the Masonic lodge here Hole is married and he and his wife are members of the riends Me morial church They have two adult children living in Indianap olis and Muncie 1 OUT TOWN Hole was attending the Grand Lodge convention of the Knights 1 or ytmas or Indiana at Indianap olis riday and was unavailable for comment on his candidacy Roberts a 47 year old native of Warren county has lived in La fayette since 1941 and owned and operated the Roberts and Son service station at Main and Kos suth for 10 years until 1958 He presently is employed by the In diana bureau of motor vehicles here as a examiner He was employed by the state highway department in Warren county before World war II Dur ing the war he worked as a ma chinist at the Aluminum Company of America Lafayette works LISTS CAMPAIGN GOAL have never run for any of fice declared Roberts if nominated and elected I will work with other good Repub licans to see that our city gov ernment is operated to the ad vantage of all Lafayette Roberts said he feels that his age is to his advantage and that younger and more energetic men and women will lead the Repub lican party in the future Roberts said he believes that his highway experience would be an asset in administrating street work in La fayette He is a member of Trinity Methodist church Masonic Lodge 492 Grotto the ez club and raternal Order of Po lice is married Saubert a life long resident of the city currently is employed as a truck driver for the Tippecanoe county highway 'department Active in the functions of Post 154 of the Veterans of oreign Wars and Post 11 of the Ameri can Legion Saubert is a past commander of the VW post He has been post chaplain for the Planned CLARKS HILL The spring roundup for next first grade beginners will be held in Lau ramie grade school here Wednes day April 1 from 8:30 to 11 a Miss Gladys McDill county school nurse will check the chil dren Mrs orest Moore of Clarks Hui and Mrs Robert Sears of Stockwell are in charge Mrs Ruby Thompson and Jim mie were guests of Mr and Mrs John Morlen of Lafayette Bryan Parvis has been gradu ated from Ball State Teachers college Muncie and has employ ment at Logansport WSCS OICERS NAMED Officers elected by the WSCS of Hill Methodist church are as follows: President Mrs Mabie Hault vice president Mrs Opal McGill secretary Wilma Nydeggar treasurer Mrs Eve lyn Gish local church activities Mrs Evelyn Wheeler? supply' sec retary Mrs Evelyn Lee Mrs Catherine Johnson and Mrs Maude Wood promotional secre tary Mrs Pearl Coe missionary work Mrs Alta Alter and Mrs Hallie Cooley youth work Mrs Evelyn Wheler and Mrs Rosa Hudelson literature work Mrs Geneva ickle work Mrs Amy Shaw and Janet Moore spiritual life Mrs Ann Cooper Mrs Agnes Parvis and Mrs Ava Johnson status of women Mrs Mae Smithers student work Mrs Helen Hudson Mrs Viola Moran of Cates and Mrs Lillian Platt attended a Roy al Neighbor meeting at Indian apolis orest Moore Is a patient in St Elizabeth hospital Mr and Mrs Cedric Kuhn of West Lafayette called on Mr and Mrs Noble McClure Mr and Mrs Herbert ergu son and children of rankfort were guests of Mr and Mrs Bill Platt Mrs Ruby Thompson called on Mrs Bertha Thompson of rank fort DOWNTOWN 117 4th STREET AND JEERSON SQUARE YOUR ONE STOP PHOTO CENTER 4 Bay Kodachroma Service 7 Bay Kedacolor Service BE SURE TO INQUIRE ABOUT PREAID PROCESSING MAILERS In our Wednesday March 25th ad the regular price of short sleeve sport shirts was it should have been st SPORT SHIRTS BALTIMORE Shop 414 Main St OR APPOINTMENT PRICE PRICE INC 318 erry St BUILDERS NATIONAL HOMES Spring Roundup See us for expert PROCESSING of Kodak Color ilms Make as your headquarters for complete color slide aed color snapshooting service We've a full assortment of Kodak color Kodachrome Ektochrome and Kedacolor and we're prepared to handle your processing with expert taro at modest cost See as for Kodak lint see as again for fast depend able processing when your pictures are taken Dial 2 72S0 Downtown Dial 2 3301 Jefferson Square AND WE WILL GLADLY PICK UP and DELIVER YOUR COLOR ILM MAKE Green Hill Woman To Be 93 April 2 will be held from 2 to 4 Sunday April 5 in Green Hill school basem*nt for Mrs Ella Shoaf who will cele brate her 93rd birthday April 2 She is being honored by her sons Earl of Lafayette Asa and Ev erette of Green Hill and their families The EUB church will have an Easter breakfast from 6:30 to 7 with Keith Lester in charge Services will follow the breakfast with Dr Allan Stone as pastor He then will go to Ot terbein to conduct services there The weekly Bible study was planned the school basem*nt Thursday night Mrs Henry Northrup was in jured when she fell from a chair in the bay window of her home She is staying with her daughter Mrs Adrian Buck and Mr Buck while she is recuperating Mrs Jack Watkins and Jean and Maurice were guests of Mr and Mrs Walter Slentz of Lafay ette Jean and Maurice spent the night there and the Slentz cou ple then were guests of the Wat kins family Mrs Henry Banning and Mrs Sylvia Mann are ill Mr and Mrs Lewis Christen berry of Pine Village were guests of Mr and Mrs Guy Lemming Mr and Mrs Raymond May attended the funeral of Mrs Reu ben Newell at Lafayette Mr and Mrs ritz Lowery and Michelle df Lafayette were guests of the parents parents Mr and Mrs George Lowery Mi chelle remained for a longer" vis it with her grandparents Mr and Mrs William Thomp son Sr visited at Kokomo with the latter's daughter Mrs Dud ley Brooks and Mr Brooks Mrs Brooks is ill i Twins a son and daughter were born to Mr and Mrs Ho mer Bruce of Lafayette Mrs Bruce is the former Anita Robin ette daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Pine Village high school pupils gave a farewell party for Jerry Pyle who is moving to Kentucky Mr and Mrs' Harry Lawson of Boswell called on the sister Mrs Henry Northrup Baptismal services were held in the EUB church with the pas tor Dr A Stone administer ng rites to the daughters of Mrs fames Clawson and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Keller Bert Yeager of Sullivan is vis iting the Thompson family Mrs "Riompson is visit ing relatives at Merom ana ler re Haute Mr and Mrs Dant Perry and family have moved from Lafay ette to the Reitsma tenant house formerly occupied by Mr and Mrs Sam Delaney Mrs Dora Kellison of Lafay ette visited her mother Mrs Merle Delaney Sharon Lewis daughter of Mrsois Lewis has been dismissed from St Elizabeth hospital where she was a medical patient Sain Remster son of Mr and Mrs Ed Remster has been dis missed from St Elizabeth hospi tal where he was ill with pneu monia Me and Mrs Clive Morgan and Mr and Mrs Amos Shoaf were at Newtown to attend the wed American Legion for the past three years and has served as post chaplain for the VW for 10 years He also has been VW district chaplain for nine years and is a past department chaplain for that organization He also is a mem ber of the Military Order of Coo ties a VW organization MAKES PLEDGE! Saubert said that if elected he will strive see that the tax paying residents of Lafayette set the policy of government of our He attended Jefferson i school He married the former Miss Dorotha Leighty of I Otter bein and they have five adult daughters Other Lafayette Republicans seeking the mayor'nomination are Elton McQueen the present city clerk Kenneth Snyder the incumbent mayor Lawrence (Larry) Stage and Norman (Normie) Neiburger a city coun cil Other candidates for the Demo cratic mayor nomination are Curtis Hostetter George Balfe Philip Opperman and William Gettings i Otterbein Band Homecoming Concert Given OTTERBEIN The fourth an nual band homecoming concert was presented in Otterbein high school gymnasium to a large au dience The 80 piece high school band under the direction of Mrs Gladys Wright opened the pro gram with the numbers the band will play at the district contest April 4 The beginning bands of Otter bein and Green Hill grade school combined to play two nuinbers The Otterbein and Green Hill ad vanced grade school bands com bined to play two numbers The alumni band under Brown first band director presented three num bers including a novelty tling armer with sound ef fae 'Add 203 Robertson Building Phone: 2 4973 A 5 rX 'St xAvx '1 S' S' 5 a ia I sz z' I Be XX 3rd Chaster Jime at Hat'ltet: Saucii'e AYRES CO BEAUTY WALK BOWER TYPEWRITER AND GITS CITIES SERVICE OIL CO DAVIS CLEANERS DEETS LIQUOR DIANA SHOP EISNER GROCERY MAY CANDIES RUIT BOWL TIRE AND RUBBER HOOK CAETERIA KRESGE BARBER MATERNITY MODES OLAN MILLS OMAR PI2ZA KING RICHMAN BROTHERS shop ATTA 11 SABLOSKY'S DIPT I Jk STORE iWr SCHI'S SHOES A I SEL SERVICE LAUNDER WbfeV MAT SMITH SPORTS CENTER TURKIN TOYS REPAIR LAAYETTE LOAN TRUST co A Parking or riday or Saturday 'til 5 I fil 1 z4 ac va wwttaa oecoc mco*k ww svzx a ik a a ur ku exyxxUz 3TQe 1 IiLlT wk'' 4 4 JJUj I.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Views: 6448

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.