The Andalusia Star from Andalusia, Alabama (2024)

AlfDALUSIA BAILY STAB MONDAY AFTERNOON, APRTL 26, 1926 i DELINQUENT TAX NOTICE map Falco. State and County tax, ty tax, $14.18, District school tax. $0.54, Disrlct school Ux. $0.09. Cost $3.36.

Cost ad charges. $2.25. Int. and charges. $3.09, Into tax.

Print-! on tax. Printer's fee, $3.13 CLASSIFIED ADS STATE OF ALABAMA. ter's fee. 22.48. 1 BEAT 18 iCOVIXCTON COUNTY.

aaaouaco him aa a' candidate tor Sher- -itt of Cosiaxtosi County subject to tie Democratic Primary- to be held Aoa nst 10th, 1926. This announcement la placed by his friends who believe ho will make the county a good peaea officer as he has already shown hla capacity tor service in this office. Ws invite the support ot ail who desire SCAT 19 FIELD PEAS, VELVET BEANS To ALEX HART: To ELLA SMITH, Col Map ot Riter Falls All S. ot Public Road. 1-3 room house.

State und County Ux, $6.94. District school $0.99, Cost and charges, $2.80. Int SE 1-4 of NW 1-4, leas NW 1-4, NW 1-4 The Tax Collector for said couuty has tiled i my office a list of delinquent tax payers of real estate up-ou which, taxes are due. You are reported as deliuquent and the map of Florala. 1-t Roosa Hovae.i State and County UX, $14.49.

District school tax, $2.49, Cxwt and charges, $2.00. Interest oa tax. Printer's fee, $2.94 BEAT 9 To W. HULON: Lot, 160x198 ft. Cor of eth Are ft 6th St, State and Coanty tax, $2.70.

District School tax, Cost and charges, $2.9. Int on tax. Printer's fee, $2.68 BEAT 9 To S. LARK1N: We pay best prices for Field and Velvet Beans. NE 1-4 of SW 1-4, 1 A.

fork of road, leading from Rome to Hart's Bridge BEAT 2 To JAMES RABREN, Col. 6 1-4 Acres in SE Cor. of SE 1-4 of SW 1-4, I 3-4 A. in SW Cor. of SW 1-4 -of SE 1-4 Sec.

8, T. 8. 14. State and County tax, $0.90, District school tax, $.15 Cost and charges, $2.00 Interest on tax, Printer's fee, $4.24. BEAT 2 To NETTIE JBILAND, Col: Lot No.

11. Block 6. Douglas Map. Opp, One two room house. State and County tax, $1.98, District school tax.

$.33, Cost and charges, $2.50, Inter-eat On Printer's fee, $2.83. BEAT 3 to give Covington County a good her- to Andalusia. Sec. 4, 2, R. 14.

ing real estate is reported as assess BUCK EVERAGE Andalusia, Ala. ed to you: on -tax Printer's fee, BEAT 18 To E. S. NELSON: El-2 of NB 1-4, Sec. 19.

T. 3, R. State and County tax, $5.85, District school tax, $0.97, Cost and charges. FSIHNDfi OF H. B.

OANTT BEAT 1 (PaM PallUeal advortlslng by friends $2.00, Int. on tax. Printer's fee, To MRS. M. J.

DUNN: of 8L B. fiaatt Alabama.) 17. 1-2 room house. State and County BEAT 12 "Lot 20 Block 3. South Ala.

Realty jlx, $12.60, District school tax, $2.10, To MRS. R. U. JERNIGAN; Andalusia. State and uouuiy tax, Lots 7.

9, 1. Block 17. Lot, 1, 2, 18, 19. 20. Block 21, Lots 1-2 of SE 1-4, SW 1-4.

Sec. 21, i i $0.18, District school tax, 03., Cost and For Tax Collector, CovlnfltM Co4Mt9b Cost and charges, $2.00, Int on tax. Printer's fee, $3.09. T. 6, R.

15. 1-2 room house. State 4, 6. Block 67, Low 9. 19 charges.

$2.50 Int. on tax. Printers-fee, $2.48. Alabama I hereby aaaounco myself a eaadV- This is to notify you to appeoi and County tax, $55.80, District school Block 78, Part of Block, 76 Hughes To D. C.

FITZGERALD before the Probata Court of said Addition to Forala, 1-4 Room House. tax, $9.39, Cost and charges, $2.99, Lota 21-22-23, Block 3, Smith Maya SMALL ANIMAL HOSPITAL 2 S. a-Notch Andalusia Well equipped arid taor- ougtily sanitary. The best attention given, to man's best friend the Dog Richard I. Kearley Assistant State Veternarian BEAT 1 date tor tax collector of OovingCast Coaaty, aahjoct to tho actftoa ot cho county on the next term thereof cow- State and County tax, $24.48, District Int.

ou tax. Printer's tee, $3.29. addition to Opp. State and County To IBWIS M. JOHNSON; meacin lajonday, the day BEAT 13 school tax, $4.96, Cost aad charges, Lot 8.

Block West HieaUuda, Domoaratte Primary to ho held Assist 1924 May, 1926. then and there to show $2.99 lat. on tax Printer's fee, $4.3 To MRS. J. P.

GATLIN: tax, $0.83, District school tax, $.19, past aad charges, $2.09, Utrest ax tax Printer's fee. to Andalusia. Stat and Count; tax, $1.80, District school tax, JM), Cost SCAT 1-3 of NB 14, SB 1-4 of NW 1-4. I solicit your support cause, if amy you hare, why a decree tor th sale of said real eawte should MVRRY, Col; 1- of NB 1-4 of SB l-4t Sec 19, SCAT a aaf tafia saoo. and coaxes, $2.90.

Int. en tix. Prlat-ters' free, $2.42. aot be made for the payment of taxes 1-2 of Let 3. all Of 4, Block 74, a.

W. HORN: T. 2, R. 19, 2-4 room koases. State and County tax, $38.79, District school W.

PoUOcal. adartiaU by W. aasessod against you atN fees aad Hughes maa. florala. 1-4 Ram kuse.

EAT 1 Lot 24 IVxter Mrtla a4KttB Om. State aad Couaty taa, (IK, coets. Stat, an4 Covaty tax. $9l9. WstrwM To M.

McLSNDON: JL MarrUt Aaialaala, AIM UX, 66-45, Coot aa dcaargaa. $2J9, lot tax. Priaiter't (e, $4-J5. tekuA tasv $i-SS, Cast ga4 efceret. Lot S.

Block RUef Katikia A. Tali th, 24th day of Arit 1926. M. J. BROGOBN FOR SALE Thoroughbred Chickens, Also eggs for hatching Sheppard Strata Ancooma, Black Minoroas, S.

C.R.I. Reds. All young hens and good layers. BEAT Bistrlct school tax, $0.33. Cst ui cbarcM.

$2., Interest tax, ttix fee, rea tax as6esbor I borsby aaasuBco myself aa a Julga of Probata. To D. F. COLQVIT: $2.59. tet en tax.

PrUrtertj fee $3.13. BEAT 9 XSAS Ei D. YATES; to Ala. State ami Couaty tax, 8J.H, District school tax, 88 Cost and eaarxea. 2-r.

lot a Printer' fee, $2.55. i 1-3 of NB 1-4 ot NB 1-4. Sec. 14, eajaidate tar ra-otoettoa to tho Kca of Tax Aasoxoor tor CovlaajtM EAT I To GEO RGB MjOUNT, Cek T. 4.

17. AU S. ot Ax4alusU Lot Im IHala, troatus $9 ft MttTrCAt ANNeUftCEHENT Slda Andalusia A Florala Road Elba Road. Sec. 11.

4, R. 17. BEAT 1 Lot 13 Block 2, Map of Opn, gtatq Cvt. to the Democrat, fo Primary to ho hold in Aagnst 192, Murphree Poultry farm Andalusia, Ala. 15 ft oa S.

SJd Ala, St hot la Sut and County tax, $9J District To ARRIS PSAS, Cai. and Coanty ux, District school tax. $0.33. Cost aad charges. $2 fH REPRESENTATIVE )P CeT Tour snaaort aad influence win bo school tax, Cost aad charges, florala, fronting 29 ft oa W.

side of One lot in Andalusia, br Sim approctated. Andalusia and Florala Road, 136 mons, Bast, oy T. jhu aouin. iy Interest tas. Printer's fee, $25, IN6T0N COUNTY At the rawest of many Jrieaao, ft deep.

1-2 room house. State and $2.00, Int Ux. Printer's fee, $3.98. BEAT 15 To HICK GANTT, Col. Brunson, West fcy Jen, us, la -ec hereby aaaouaco atyaelf a a caadl- EAT 3 To M.

PARIKR: W. R. JORDON (Paid Political Advertisem*nt by W. K. Joraoa, Aadalosla, Ala.) County tax, $3.60, District school tax.

19, T. 4, R. 16. 1-2 room hoiue. State PROTECT YOUR EYES With Properly Fitted Glasses C.

J. WARD, Optometrist dat for RoaraseatatiT from Oovlag- $0.60, Cost and charges, $2.90 Int. on 1 A. In NW Cor, of NE 1-4 of NW and County tax, $2.97. Distrust school 1-2 of SW 1-4, Sec.

1, 3, IL 18. 1-4, Sec. IS, T. 5, R. 16.

State and tax. Printer's tee, $3.96. tax, .50, Cost and charges, $2.50, One three room. One four room hotoss SCAT 9 Iut. on tax.

Printer's tee, $3.72. State and County tax, $18.00 District County tax District school tax, $0.39, Cost and charges, $2.50, toa Couaty la the Lower House of the next General Assemhtf of the Alabama Legislature, subject to tho action of tho Democratic Priatary to be hold la August, 1926 Tour sup To MRS T. A. HALL: BEAT 1 N. 3-4, Lot 20 Block 10, 1-2 of To JOHN D.

RILEY: school tax, $3.00, Cost and charges. $2.00, Interest on tax. Printer's fee, $3.13 Int. on tax, Printer's fee, $3.33. BEAT 17 To W.

A. MALLBTT: SW 1-4 of NE 1-4. SE 1-4 of NV 14. BLUE BIRD BREAD L. 13, 1-2 of 17 B.

10. 1-2 of 7. all of Lot 9 11. 1 Brick NOTIC6 I hereby declare my self to ho a candidate tor tho Democratic nomlnatlom la tho primary election to be held oa tho second Tuesday In August 1928, for tho office ot Solicitor ot tho 12th Judicial Circuit ROBT. 8.

REQ) Paid aoUticai adrarualag by Root' Roid. Ala.) SW 1-4, Sec. 32. T. 3.

R. 14, NE 1-4 of BEAT 3 port aad Uafluenco ara solicated aad be assured, ther will ho aaproetaUd. NE 1-4. NE 1-4 of NW 1-4. Sec.

25, SW 1-4 of SW. 1-4, Seo 11, T. 8, R. To P. M.

SEXTON: building. Pt of L. 8, 11. I Wood Building. LoU, 1M3-15, 12.

1-2 B. BALDWIN, Lot facing SO ft. on N. side ef R. T.

5, R. 15. Lot Anaai'isia. won-ins 215 feet, on N. aide of But Three Paid political advertisem*nt by B- of Lots, 21-22-23-24, 12 all U-12 For HEALTH AND HAPPINESS Made by ANDALUSIA BAKING COMPANY R- Are, extending back 200 ft Bctiad- 17 1-2 of NE 1-4 NW 1-4 ot NW 1-4, Sec.

14, T. 6, R. 17, SE 1-4 ot NE 1-4, NW 1-4 of SE 1-4, SE 1-4 of SE 1-4, See 15, T. 9, R. 17.

SUte and 15-18, 15, 2 3 Room houses. Lots O. Baldwin, Aaaalosla, AU) Notch Bounded N. by J. M.

Taylor edK.cE. by Courson's W. by Rico- 15-16, B. 15, Lots, 3-4, 18 Lot. 3, E.

by Mrs Bonnie Crenshaw a. oy burg, S. by St One fire room house. 45,. I brick building, AU Hughes County ux, $21.60, DUtrlct school M(rs.

W. L. MfcLeod. State and Coan-ty tax, $64.80, District scnool tax. FOR RCPRCSENTATIYC State and County District school tax, $1.85, 'ad chareec.

map of Flarala, SUte and county tax. tax, $3.60,, Cost and charges. $2.90, A. H. xSSHNSGN I I $10.80,.

Cost and charges, $2 00. lat Int on tax. Printer's $5.80. $2.00, Interest on Ux. Printer's tee.

BEAT 1 Notary Public Th friends ot Dr. T. Q. Ray, hero-b announce him as a candidate tor RepresenUMv ot Covington Count $79.11, District school tax, $13.18. Cost and charges, $2.00, 1st oa tu.

Prinetrs' $7.94. BEAT 9 on tax, Printers' tee, SS.7L BEAT 1 To BOB BRADLEY, Col; BEAT To W. J. STANLEY: NW 1-4 of SW 1-4, less 2 A. Sec.

Andalusia, Alabama Representative of Security Mutaual Life To W. WALKER, Col Lot 13, What ley to Andalusia, State antl la the Leglslatur of Alabama, subject to tho will of tho Bemocratle To ESTES ft STURDIVANT: HNR iMMIfF I haroby aaaonneo my aava aa a OXdldsU tor sheriff ot Covington Couaty. Aia purpmaat to tho aettoa of tho BomoeratiB party oxprosssd la tho Aagnst Primary 1928. Tear note aad taflnonco will bo appreciated. N.

B. DoLOACH (Paid political advertisem*nts ay N. B. DoLoaoh, Andalusia. Ala.) FOR STATE SENATOR I hereby aanounco myself aa a candidate for the office ot State Senator from the 17th Senatorial District 26, T.

6, R. 15. 1-6 Room House SUte and County tax, $12.24, Bistrict school tax, $2.04, Cost and charges, Party to be expressed la tho Demo SW 1-4 of NE 1-4 less Acraa io NE Cor, NW 1-4 of SE 1-4, T. 3, R. 17.

State and County tax. County tax, $1.80, District school tax, .30. Cost and charges, 2 C0, Int. on cratic Primary to ho held August 19. $2.75.

Int on Ux. Printer's fee, $3.33. tax Printer's fee, $2.35. BEAT 2 WILL RELIEVE FLU $7.92, District school tax, $1.32, Coat (and charges, $2.00, interest on Ux. BEAT 18 182.

mis announcement Is placed by friends of Dr. Ray, who believe that he will make our ooonty a good To SA MFEAGIN. OoL To ELI LEWIS, Col Printer's fee, $3.69. Beginning at Public road on line represenUtive, and wo invite the NE 1-4 of SE 1-4, Sec. 5, T.

3, R. 14. State and county tax, $8.55, District NW 1-4 ot SW 1-4, NB 1-4 of SE 1-4, Sl-2 of Sl-2 Sec 14, 1, 18 Nl-2 Sec. 23, T. 1, R.

18, NE 1-4 of SW 11, Sec. 23, T. 1, R. 48. 1-5, 1-3 room house State and county tax, $72.09, District school Ux, $12.71.

Cost and charges. $2.00, Int on tax, Printer's fee, $4.78. BEAT 10 To MRS. MARY CORB1N: Lot 6, Block Falco Hut. Store Ac Dwelling.

St-f an AND COLDS Great to refteve Flu and Colds Latham's Liniment and Antiseptic. Made in Andalusia. 22 Oak Street. between NW ft NE running 170 ft. support aad Influence of all who would like to have him as our rop- W.

100 ft, 76 to Side of Road, composed of tho counties of Butler, BEAT 4 To MRS. A. T. MOODY: SE 1-4 of SW 1-4, Sec 26, T. 6, R.

17, 1-2 of NE 1-4 of NW 1-4, 1-2 of SEW of NW1-4 less 4 tor church 1-2 of NE 1-4 of SW 1-4 7 Acres Sec. 3, 4, 15. 1-4 Room Houde. resnntative the Legislature. Conecuh and Covington, ubjeet to State anl County tax, 6.30, District tho action ot the voters at tho p*rno 'V- school tax, $1.05.

Cost and charges, -GLASSES CORRECTLY. FITTED Int. on tax. Printer's fee, $4.19. FRIENDS OF DR.

T. Q. RAT (Paid political Advertising by friends of Dr. T. Q.

Ray. Andalusia, Ala) FOR SHERIFF The friends ot H. B. Gaatt hereby BEAT 18 i.80, mioil tax. $0.30, Cost rcatie primary election oa taelOth day of August, 1926.

bT stantjdt. (Paid poiUloal advertlselng by B. SUaloy, eroonrUte. AIM To NAHTHAN LEWIS, Col; and cargee, j.n), Int. on Prjnt ter's fee, $2.61.

NE 1-4 ot SE 1-4, Sec 16 T. 4, in NE Cor. of SE 1-4 of SW 1-4, Sec. 35, T. 6, 17.

1-5 1-3 Room tvoues. State and County tax, District School tax. $4,26, Cost and charges, $2.00, Interest on tax. Printer's fee, $6.97. BEAT 15.

1-5 room House. SUte and Couu- BEAT 10 To J. B. COX: SW 1-4 of NW 1-4, less SE 1-4, Sec P. LEWIS, Optometrist To O.

8. BUTTS: 13 T. 1, R. 14, 1-3 room house. Stato NW 1-4 of NE 1-4, Sec.

12, T. and County tax, $3.19, District school school tax, $1.43, Cost ani charges, $2.50, Interest on tax. Prlawrs fee. $2.87. i BEAT 2 To SAM FEAGIN, Col.

SE 1-4 of SW 1-4 less S. 8 Acres, Sec. 33, T. 4, R. 14, Stai9 nod County tax, $10.98.

District School tax, $1.83. Cost and charges, $2.59. Interest on tax. Printer's fee, $3.00. BEAT2 TO E.GRINDLE and GUSSIE TOL-LTVER: NW 1-4 of SE 1-4 less one acre In SW Cor.

less 14 Acres on N. Side Sec. 8 1-2 of SW 1-4 of SW 1-4, NE 1-4 of NW 1-4 of SW 1-4, Sec. 28, T. 3, R.

14. State and county tax, $7.92. District school tax, $1.32, Coat and oharges, $2.50, Interest on t.x. Printer's tee, $5.21. To H.

A HUDSON: NW 1-4 of NW 1-4, 34 acres In NS 1-4 of NW 14, N' ft of Road, acres in SW 1-4 of NW 1-4, ft of Road, Sec. 1, 1-2 of NET 1-4. of NE 1-4, Sec i. T. 14; SB 1-1 Wl-2 Sec 3, 4, R.

14. One tax, $1.37. Cost and charges, $2.50, R. 16. State and County tax, $6.94.

District school tax, $0.99, Cost and Charges, $2.50, Interest oa tax. Int. on Ux. Printer's too $3.33. BEAT 10 Printer's fee, $2.87.

To J. O. CRAWFORD: BEAT FRESH FISH JUST ARRIVED Packing House Market J. Searcy S3 1-4 ot SE 1-4, Sec. 2.

T. 1, 14.. SUte and County tax, $7.92, To ANNA DAVIS: trict school tax, $1.32, Coat and charges, $2.58, Int on tax. Printer's feo, $2.74. 1-2 of NE 1-4 of SW 1-4, Sec.

3, T. R. 16. State and County tax, $2.88, District school tax. $9.48, Cost and charges, $2.25, Interest oa tax.

Printer's fee, $2.87. BEAT To A BROOKS: 7 Acres in SW 1-4 of SE 1-4, Sec. High est in Quality BEAT 10 To F. FLOYD: NE 1-4 ot NW 1-4 NW 1-4 ct NE row sals Caooaxe Plaata Bemada OaSoa J. W.

BHSSVS SONS 1-4. Sec 22, T. 1, R.15. For 1924 Lowest in Price 1925. State and county $16.36, District school tax, $2.76, Cost and 35, T.

4, R. 14, State and county tax, $1.26, District School tax, $0.21, Cost Fire room house, State and County tax, $27.72, District school tax, Cost and charges, $2.50, Interest on charges, $2.09, Int. on tax. Printer's and charges, $2.00, Interest on tax. fee, $3.52.

BEAT 10 To SENNIE HALL: Lot 4. Cawthon Stokes, 2ud Ad Printer's fee. $3.07. BEAT To BUTLER COUNTY BANK: tax. Printer's fee $5.38.

BEAT 2 To CLARICY RABREN, Col. 1-2 of SW 1-4 of SE 1-4 loss 3 dition, Falco. 1-2 Room house State and County tat, $3.96, Dstrict school Ux, $0.66, Cost and charges, 52.50, NE 1-4 of NW 1-4, Sec. T. 4, R.

14. State and County tax, $4.77 District school tax, $0.80, goat and charges, $2.50, Interest on tat. Bring us 1: Your Chickens. js, I Turkeys, Geese, uoks I Beeswax and Hides. i We pay the highest market price in cash.

I CULBRETH HOOKS Andalusia, Alabama I acres, Sec. 8, 3, 14, Lot In NW 1-4 of NE 1-4 in NE Cor 198x220 yds. Sec 17; T. 3, 14, One three room house State and county tax, $11.43. District School tax, $1.91, Cost and charges, $2.00, Interest on tax.

Printer's fee, Int. on tax. Printer's fee, 55. BEAT 10 To WM. HARPER Col; Printer's fee, $2.74.

BEAT 6 To HENRY FOWLER, Col: 11 2-7 of SE 1-4 of SE 1-4, be Lots 2, 4, Cawthon Stokes-" Wa. State and County tax, $0.99, District siiUool tax, $0.16, Copt sari cbargas, ginning 125 yds, S. of NE Cor. W. sembly, is under direct control af the Ford Motor Company.

Iron is taken from Ford mines in Michigan; coal from the Com panyu mines in Kentucky and West Virginia. Glass comes from Ford glass plants; wood from the Ford timber tracts in the North. Raw materials and finished prod ucts are carried over the Company's own transportation routes; co*ke ovens, blast furnaces, a steel mill, foundries and saw mills all are part of this com plete organization. There are even salvage plants, paper milL cement plant, etc to transform waste materials into useful byproducts. In this way every possible economy is effected.

Under no other circ*mstance could Fordqualitw be had at Ford prices. Tkc finest steels available are used in the manufacture of Ford cars. The plate glass for windshield and window is as perfect as can be made. Upholstery material contains a larger percentage of wool than is ordinarily specified even for much higher priced cars. The basic features of Ford design have never been improved upon by any manufacturer.

No other car offers greater dependability. The Ford car. has won the favor of millions of users, under every conceivable motor tag condition. It convenience is known and appreciated the world its performance is taken for granted. Such quality 1 possible at Ford price because every operation, from mining of ore to final as Cooks l'OlO pure Cotton Seed, malw 40 bales on 2-horse faim, 1925.

Price $1.25 per bushel. Yr -s truly GEO. W. THOMAS. 440 yds, S.

225 yds, E. 440 yds, N. 125 to 8 P. Sec. 27, T.

4. K. 14. 11 5-7 in NE 1-4 of NE vl 4, beginning 63 yds. of NE Cor) S.

125. W. 440, N. 125 yds, 440 to P. Sec.

34, 4, R. 14. State and $2.50, Int. on tax. Printer's fee.

$2.09. BEAT 10 To JIMMiIE LEE. Col: Lot 2, Bloiik, P. C. S.

Map Falco. State and Comity tax, $0.54, district school tax, $0.09, Cost and charges, $2.50, Int. on tax. Printer's lee, $2.68. County tax, $3.96, District school tax, I Marion, Ala.

BEAT 10 We are exclusive agents for To MERRILL ft NORD, Col; $0.66, Cost and charges, $2.50, on tax. Printer's fee, $7.16. BEAT 6 To G. SMITH: SW 1-4, Sec. 20, T.

1, R. 16. 1-S Room State and county tax, $21.78, District school tax, $3.68 Cost and charges, $2.00, Int on Print-ter'g fee, $2.55. BEAT 7 PURINA COW CHOW end Poultry Feeds, also AIRY FAIRY FLOUR RILEY GROCERY CO. Phones 89 and 291 Features That Maintain Ford Leadership To L.

WALKER, Heirs: 1-2 or SW 1-4 ot SW 1-4, SW1-4 1-2 of SW 1-4, SW 1-4 of SW 1-4. Sec 31, T. 3, R. 14. 1-4 Room house.

State andw County tax, $19,80, District school tax, $3.30, Cost and charges, $2.50, Int on tax. Printer's tee, $4.30. BEAT 10 To LUCILE PALMORE, Col: Lota, 6-7-10-11-14-15 18 Cawthon Stokes map Falco. State and County tax, $1.80, District school tax, $0.30, Cost and charges, $2.50, Int. on tax.

Print-ter's fee, $328. BEAT 10 To WALTER SHULER, Oolr Lot 1, Block Cawthon Stoke Map, 1-8 Room Houso. State ThermoSyphon Cooling Simple, Dependable Lubrication Three "Point Motor Suspension Multiple DisoinOil Clutch AUrSttd Bodies Planetary Transmission Torque Tube Drive Dual Ignition System If you want your choice in First Class Vegetables go to Andalusia Gardens, just oft South 3 Notch Road, 1 1-2 miles from city square. P. A.

WILSON SON Proprietors Andalusia, Alabama 5 A. in SW Cor. of NW 1-4 of NW 1-4, 2 A. in NW Cor. of SW 1-4, of NW 1-4, Sec.

13, T.2, R. 1. 1-2 of NE 14, SE 1-4 of NB Sea. 14, T. 2, R.

16. 1-2 Room house. NS 1-4 of SW 1-4, all N. of River la Each SE 1-4 of SW 1-4 A NW 1-4 of SB 1-4, Sec. 33, T.

2, R. 16. 1-3 Room House. State and County tax, $37.08, District school tax, $6.18, Cost and charges, $2.00, Int on tax. Printer's FORD MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN 4 and County tax, $4.50, DUtrlct iichool Tolro a bes If you nave headache, backache, toothache, neuralgia, rheumatism, sciatica OR.

MILES' Anti-Pain Pills will give you quick relief. A package of these pills in your pocket or in your hopping bag may save you hours of suffering. Your ircgpA te" them pre-iwr price 3 doses EDWARDS 100 PER CENT. NEW PRICES RUNABOUT TOUKTNO COUPS $8.27. BEAT 9 tax, $0.75, Cost and charges, $2.00, Int on tax.

Printer's too, $3.23. BEAT 10 To MRS. DARBY SWINET: a. JL A $1 290 310 '500 '565 UAJK For Ladies and Gentlemen Cleanliness, Quality and SERVICE Oar Motto D. T.

EDWARDS, Prop. To ff. A. BOND: Lots 7-8, Block 10, Winchester map of Florala, State and- county tax. NW 1-4 ot SW 1-4 less SB 1-4, Sec.

30, T. 1. R. 14. SUte and County tax, $0.72, District School tax, $0.12, Cost $3.60, District school tax, $0.60, Cost CtoMd1 ear priest saetnoa (tartar ami dettumntahU rims.

AU prfcc F. O. B. Detroit TWENTY-TWO TEARS OF LEADERSHIP and charges, $2.00, Int on tax. Printer's fee, $3.00.

BEAT 10 To. CEORQE WIIITS, Col: and charges, $2.00, Int on tax Printer's fee, $2.61. BEAT 9 To T. B. HOTKEY: Lot 21, N.

30 Ft, 22 B. 5, Egga -3 eerla. Ecoaoi VrA.N7D--Te rest storo la resident jt Inn. Caol z. r.

z. Aft it i rv cwt 1X3. Lot 11, Block P. Cawthon Stokes.

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Article information

Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.