The Tuscola Journal from Tuscola, Illinois (2024)

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The Tuscola Journali

Tuscola, Illinois

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to Do was over 8 Tuscola old his John Koenn and 3 was of Garrett was Arcola Morris were visitors inhere guest riday of Tuscola rola ulknrav tives and friends 4 of 7 Tuscola Saturday from Blair Neb 'K day to spend a couple of days with Newman Monday for a visit withLfi Monday from Sadorus where was operated on last Thursday for reab'zmg the need of good a 1 I '1'111 A hAnbn A KHllwMOM 1 A AHtTAW ftATM rtAI Ws 'Z! if I A i was rel Chicago millinery '3 a was rel lust a Nice B'g Box of CHOCOLATES in the city Monday enroute to old home in Arcola fir sad Mrs Alva Scott who litbeen living on a farm just cast Iwton have removed to the Oak hi wirhWhfwL lira Luttrell who has been em at the I depot for past three month? returned Sun to his home at Bruce Mn James inley returned Sun to her home near Urbana aftertort visit with Mr and Mrs Roseith ad other local relatives Miss Allen who has been the ht of Mrs Josiah Wright for sev twits left Thursday for Tulsa i She resides at Tulsa Oklapur watch running ns it leave it at George Buchrig Jfany's jewelry store They I specialty of high grade watch Monday from a visit with her dautrh bu i ir i I 4a Vlnm tor in Tiirknnnvilla IMIMWnaicirc Lyto purchase ii team of Mr and Mrs Ed A White was a Monday visitor in Champaign McIntyre was here from Monday visiting friends here Mon Bert Cn attendance a business 0 Parker A A McKee and Newman was a Jones were pisitors in Villa Grove and spent the week end with friends in afternoon Pr Charles Cunningham was I Postmaster Thos Hinds of New t0 indlay last week where he isman was the guest Saturday of nPht yar(j cerj for the I Postmaster Cha ties Taylor I Lee Hackett returned on Mrs rank irestone was the frorn a two visit with his guest riday of her daughter Mrs daughter Mrs Alice Tolly in Char Ethel Barrett in armer City Reston Pat Coggin the Arcola concrete Richard Hammett of Charlevoix contractor was here on business Mich has been the guest of rela and visiting Tuscola friends Mon 'tives and friends here and at Camar daf go this week Horace Makepeace returned Mon Editors Helm dav to his home at Westfield after ahoro News i fcah Brown and daughter Ljjnh' Brown of Charleston Sunday with Mr and Mrs I Vest i fc cd Mrs A Tliorrton re Sunday from a two week's with relatives in Chicago and Arthur I TllCsrJri McNEILL Quality Accuracy nnd air Dealing Mam Street Tuscola III Ida Banta went to inspect inv visitor in the city Monday Monday ueorge penmitt Walter Hackett business visitor in was able to be down town Monday Tommy Wright expects to be a member of the party of colored folks which will leave Chicago on May 22 for a five days visit to the great in stitute founded by Booker Wash ington fit Tuskegee Ala Com mencement will be celebrated while they arc at the school ano also the inauguration of the successor of the late President Washington Claude Barnett who formerly mode his home la thia eity is chairman of the committee of Tuskegee graduates in charge of the trip Herman Beard and daughter Hl Hume and Miss Lyra cf Camargo were guests Ames Homer Hall and George1 Saturday I nd Mrs A Cedusky took daughter Oma to Dan ly and specialists there de tht the little ten year old girl aSicted with appendicitis The was performed 4 Wednes ef Herman Stock aif Ceman farmer and attaining his major fMentysna reward received from deck for $500 as re not using tobacco until he Mrs of age Be will ftlg0 vacation which he Nebraska Iowa and JP No 24 Sons of Monday night the ito mo the phar dosed and members tak must pay a higher a this meeting it is i wil1 odopt mprdininary formBi' Just a nice bo of chocolates our hat arid A our the correct' visiting tor inen pNow you are fully quipped to'call on the lady of your choice and nre sure of meeting her deepest approval tne minute She gets her eye on inat fine box of chocolates If you re going to call on her this ur be sure to take a box 2 WHITMANS MAR JHA WASHINGTON Choco along She will appreciate Jou nil the more for your atternonn tuid Mrs Ed Kern of West Mr nnl Hinge sponc ounnay with Mr Mrs Elmore Mrs Charles Price went to Decatur this morning James Roe was a business visi tor Saturday in Champaign was in Champaign attended the in niepS I 03 i vvuiivj bUlW llUIIiHfr JIKSLIL UVU cL A7WUVUI Saturday af i today were Highway Commissioners annually to pay the I Co for Kent cashier of the Bragg i it XT a1k ft 1 fl a Af nnJ TT Remmlrc Urquhart and I Mr and Mrs Ward of Ar bonds the city will issue as they be Monday appointed consevator of John 'I due should the municipal i Mosbarger Mr Kent's bond was Star meeting in Villa Grove riday anniversary riday The affair was plant bond issue carry March 13 i i ie Rolxvr Ml mvl i at mm nn IT non HI vrriiiMHU wxv navuiu vi wjch hoh vmi Mrs John ry and little daughter tury of residence in Arcola Mr ana 3irr unver uasKin re sick list for the jiast week Dr Welby Coyler of Garrett fl I'll '( I ft VlQltfkH I 4 11 M1T Ala I UWUI' U' apcni iuon 1 tunday with relatives in Ar thur Mrs McVay of Mattoon was a weekend guest of Mrs 0 Grider Howard Thomas of Newman i George Schmitt the florist was Vhe fc'uest oI luit0a on Tiuaovn rnaayj ami Mrs Joe Downs in Decatur M'L uornas Louis Eckstein returned Saturday from a visit with relatives at Saturday with Wll Ull'lDlS vancc I 1 on auTfiinnhiiA A 1 VTiK 1 1 MB vxvue irpsiiMiif eui it I i wuwiAy ng with a grl friend in Arcola viston viritor Buhrig Co tflll I 1 viiu Mifta rtrude Roe was the pruest i riends i ountv Pt'AT XV TJb! ltf Was lav on offirinl 1 BB 1 1 i hi inursaay ana riday if i Glenn Barricks of Villa Grove was Iiuim president the Tug i vMeMJvofl ua ujr in i ne cnv vinn i XVf'i fn iJrt er tv 1 I 1 Charles Lindsey of near Newman I Tuscola rela A Rock find wife A Hayward was over from Villa Snfnrdav to attend a i ing of the directors of the Douglas attending the cement i County air Association Pat Coggin the Arcola contractor a neetexonf 1 XU VAitmian ivAfo MISS I riuiupovu i anti VT IVUIIVI Vl xvmui4 wvax in the state library at the University among the other Douglas county men illinnid AnPnr UHl hu no n3T4 III cLllxl tUlllll 2 aiiinvit'i ifr Mfr Mr and Mrs Harry Marsh Tuesday morning to meet Hon appearance have rented the Ervin cottage on North Main street and expect to move here from Champaign about the first of March Mr Marsh is the new abstractor Louis Irwin suffered a severe attack of hyperemia Saturday after while working in his bam He ni rui CMrimi avnmir rwur nrii limn ri mvkTT toto the house by neighbors Hiwminion county' Mr Hackett had two youthful local competitors ap sher superiority in toe latto part of recovery however was rapid and he I drilled in that section previously pear While they did not land a the game Ucal rocovery howverwaa i janie mnnrtjlrv DrJ ciarabdte be surprised to see Arthur off Henson of this city and Alva we nonors at we cenvrai uuwu tarkey of Pesotum receive honor ter city meet the latter part of this able mention at Shelbyville A doien Tuscola Boy Scouts under! Blry Scotten a former aria rea the guidance of Scoutmaster 'Ident was arrested Monday at Arco Hine went to Bourbon riday and la and taken before Judge in the woods The Marshall of the Edgar county cir arXwon the jparty went down on the bar and have risen to preminence in ftxlly equipped for the day and the Cook county courts He was a most delightful time Tim Sts Ma here on buaineaa pertaining to an im 'spent the day along the Okaw study Toy her alimony TO he ho portant law suit in which prominent ling woodcraft building brush shacks refusing to do and wow owes his fa Douglas eocnty people are interert Jand indulging In other forms ofiiner ajwrae some $300 according Scoot sporty Tetoned boat Wher I Ctfon Newman Murphy insurance James of Mat pEn' suniay with Tuscola ipent tunia Uss Lislete (aijgnes Jonn LLZ were visitors Tuesday in so (jaxnpaign Sihiodcman and ihdtffies mvirn 1 UCrawiQ friends Atty Edwin Lyons day from Champaign in nt county court Mr and Mrs Sam Rich izT AlvlIJI UL UIIw i nr i uncles were visiting his narents One Newman who is in a hospital there tin lllfl cV nvMvtw aXVVVS UUU fcjlllliuj VA A ft ool vertou and Mr short visit with his sister Mrs red Newman Independent were Tuscola tinde he had not seen for 28 years recovering from the effects of a scr OIaa nn1 lonrrLtcr rr I Pnstmnstor Chas Tnvlor snent ioUS i parents Mr and Mrs man George Von Lankcn returned to Mrs Myron Bigelow friends and relatives in this city and Camargo Miss Clara Moulden was down from University of Illinois to spond the week end with her par ents Mr and Mrs Moulden On account of the fast mail being late her father accompanied her back to school Sunday evening Louis Bcrgmcn who had been thej guest of his sister Mrs Leon Rcln heimcr for the past two weeks left gugan Jeannette of Murdock visited ew ft 1 1 TTz xwl aunuay ior nis noniv ui Monday witn jwrs i is a citv mail carrier in tho Windy ia anl while here showed tne lo cal carriers some fine points about the gnme of checkers turned Monday from a i with relatives in Pesotum red Landes of South Whitley Ind was a week of her Winn Mrs James arrived Sunday for a visit with her scat visitor Monday pianos the best made Alias Lucile Watkins spent IV 1 1 ll litix'zis I V'VP 44 A lllclll Gates Ernest of Arcola was jgueat of Tuscola friends anee tamore was In Newman 'Si's Mrs rank Brown of Camargo I County Clerk and Mrs Charles A I Smith 1U1AS 111 IVlMLLUUn I I Mrs A Talbot of Champaign iwlcws spent TueslaJr afternoon Johnson goes to Indianapo I I I 1 A a rv i via ividUttb in xvvSIIittn lllfi I mu lbL 1 1 1 UivLllvT uQci Mrs Jones Rossell Austin is at Bloomington and look after some personal busi mLw doing some expert field demonstra ness interests Miss Helen Mason Arthur 'force 8pent Saturday afternoon with iton work for the Moline Plow Co Hamilton manager of the a visitor Saturday with her in Villa Grove Grismore remains in a very 'Douglas Telephone Company was a Pa irnttihriztcn vnof Tneelv serious condition witn Kirtney ana visitor nomer weanesaay looking Miss Eflie ry was the guest over jn Effingham with an old army heart trouble and his recovery seems after phone business ry' comrade who is very ill aouotiui xys umKie ana son vis Mrs TT Manwarring went to I Mrs Lois Rlnshaw returned ri ited Mr and Mrs Scott Belles last and Jo Chamoaien ridav to visit hertday to her horae RidSe arm after Monda? and Tuesday and spent Wed Saturday 7 VlSit MrS A ArC013 friend3 1 and Mrs Don Hammett nfoved Overton A pound son was born to Mr a juts Kate wamsiey returnea tana mrs score oeues or Kemp onChtefiPA WArfnAfiftai? wham cTia hart eb 15 Thfi hnv was narnad fnr ifci 2 Hi I Ji Tuesday been purchasing goods for her dry grandfather Louis O'Neal Belles ith nig goods stora Mr and Mrs Riner are home Mr and Mrs Cashford of from California where they had Bloomington were week end guests I spent the winter visiting relati ves of Mr and Mrs Ray Cashford and ah enjoy ing the balmy climes of the Mrs Charles Cashford (Pacific coast Clarence Turner of the Illinois Mrs Jennie Ellars went to Cin Gentrnl Sprint fnrre Rnnnt thp week cinnati 0 this morning to be W'ith of the Hinds at bis home in Macon where two her daughter Mrs Boyd Heaton of i i i x' ni' i recovering irom tne enects or a ser X'osimaster enus layiur apen vpcuuuu Sunday in Decatur with his wife who' One of our public spirited citizens ff Baldwin riday on plumbing business Jess Cummins spent Tuesday even ing with friends in Camargo K' A afternoon Ru I) Nowman i Ld Hall of Arcola was here on business Monday and Tuesday Tom McKee was the guest Mon day of his son rank in Danville Arthur Dimond of Arcola the guest Wednesday of Tuscola the 'atives 1 Austin Richman of Camargo on the guest Wednesday of Tuscola atives: iT car 4 zv TzzzJ Ttr uv irixiiui HCU was shopping Ue clty Tuesday nesday to attend the state Mrs Paul Root of Newman was Hannes Lyon Healy ilMzlTlfl'J 1 £1 i i M4 rtTcon i xr i nnuppcj nionuuy i pcut Ralph Dye of Tolono spent Sun lav with rnscnln frinnR was in Newman i Au a na Vias in SS "(fiVM THAt rln TT 1 I I jk i ini 1 1 1 tr iLnmic1 iav PV MrvvVz 1 a 1 i muvi nicnu UIU VOHLraeiOr I rr i ITV II11TVT xueywy on auiumobile busanns ji nuiuc lUPSi iv (in riuGinftfij Of Hindsboro was I Mrs Goldman returned i uh ity rriaayday from a short visit in Mmronn i graduate opticians If von at I Mr and Mrs Alec Hunt spent insitute ou skiilel optical service Sturwll ni rwu Sunday with relatives in Humboldt Sheriff Dzz 11 A ncv lenL i i Aitst nines uen uaiowin ana cnas wwinouiav speiu rniiay ana ohl hi quest oi a Champaign Saturday urlay in Humboldt with his mother ipatrlck Wednesday in Decatur prisoner Henry Jones visited old friends I ivewpoit oi vum urove Jimmy Green of Hindsboro was spent our iay with luscoia inenas the guest of Tuscola friends the first Jiiss rtnei vvyetn oi Garrett wasithree days of the week itho tfliacl STrirlaitP fwAnrlo I Af AL wt ww vk muiuoi uwurmacK rewrnod tn I Mr and Mrs Myron Bigelow (Mattoon Wednesday after a visit Qi nrl Is nlitroo At At It 1 TZ 1 1 wan Iman vanaway Mr and Mrs Nathan Moore spent the week end visiting relatives in Arcola City Clerk James Todd of New man was a county seat business visi nr Sffiiytav (Tuesday Culver Bert Converse and i Trc HnlL Warron unri TV Al tama fp! IT T4 VULAVUI 1 UfiVVi Mr and Mrs Dick Simonton of I ljrannam 'vere visitors luesday Tuesday was Urbana spent Sunday with Tuscola I Dccatur i A business having no competition Tus relatives i Henk Eversole was over from in the city and located on the South i Mr and Mrs James Bush TuesdaX on automobile Side is about to change hand here a portion of Sunday with relatives Mm Gharles Lindsey of Newman Per in Paxton Hackett went to De returned home Saturday after a vi John Johnson was the guest of Tuesda for a short visit with sit with her father A Greeman In 1 Rl wra TV ft 4 TT 1 ciaUvCB jiua xiiuH i luciivaine leiu wea Mr and Mrs Jones snent nesday for a visit with her daucdi relatives in Danville Or on courr Jeweler I anmer has bron on I Mr up from Arcola dors Munday picture show1 Mrs 1 nun i muniay Norri Qf Newrnm SPCnt spcnt Mecuiui iDertitur rank Wilson was a visitor Tu Mr io i juuui epenv aiuurday day in Chjnpaign jn Dccatru from Mi Clara Hawkins spent Monday i loyd Elmore spent Sunday with evening in Areola Ijgirl friends in Atwood a vi 1 Mrs Alex Steven wus a visitl)I (J1 Charles Shonle went to Indian Tuesday in Decatur pn)i Tuesday tn lient Mon Aneiiw 1 i Mr ws wl With I Visited relatives Danville i relatives Tuesday in Garrett nave your eyes tented nt Stnrn i Wrn Th viriiru hom*o in Windsor riday Barker pent riday at old home in Bondville where he had been staying for sev Sunday with her uncle eral month and family in Murdock A "short in agriculture Misses Margaret Wood and domestic science under the cx 'anna Cummings spnt tension school of the University of wj th friends in Decatur Illinois will be held at Newman March 10 Mrs Alva Scott of near Gallon is the guest of Tuscola relatives this week Mr and Mrs Scott intend to remove to their farm near Oak land in the immediate future Mrs Ora Goff Smith left riday for Delaware to attend a gath ering of alumnae of Ohio Wesleyan nnd visit old university friends She is a graduate of that institution Mrs and Mrs Ray Rico and daughter Haney Betty came down from Kossviue oun fTTzreif Si 1TI I (H ili' I Hammond Mr Mrs cv SundAV in A Luk Pot sonal nr ror 7SIOnal vi tor Monday Aro'll KU SKIIICU optical service ut LUEI1RIG COMP AM via i 'in Monday on thoir Sargent townshin farm 1 Robert Dorman tho Hindsboro nnnliM A vuHnvi was nerc sr i uonaay John (jtiirk was Monday evening business the TUSCOLA JOURNAL Mrs Loiiiv 1 in Dent "pnt Mrs William Huston went iHonaay Gharles (ymiu I'vn Newman Monday i I I varoiyn MtCaily wasdor Saturday in Danville 1 Arthur Mesdnmeo Shelf M'U'III iwnij nurveyi Bennett were Saturday visitors with in Garrett Monel Mr and Mrs Martin Stock of rt annul were the guests Sunday of cola State hank Tuscola friends Saturday rYlltffr Il TTf dav in MnZ whh ir Wm ulerto" aad HUle son 'spent Monday with an Thursday of fiends tives nt loiono Mrs Thos A Mcllvaine returned Roller Ivesdale 1UI1U 17HVIS 01 visitors Tuesday Saturday afternoon with fXS' White of Atwood was a Vi or cUfnr Mrs iest Tuesauy Chase Lester Smith ninmi VlfttfAS 1 inurbUHy I and Mrs Bert Carpenter of i revere guests Sunday of Mr Carpenter fr Ewing Wilson of the high faculty will the wcek Lrthhis mother Decatur I itty Edward 0 Craig of Mattoon i the city Saturday to attend a before tho master in ehan Liirioner of Highways Geo Indianapolis Harvey Averitt of Delator his the guest Saturday of former cola friprwlR Mrs Claude Hoel was the guest of Wm Ogg of Newman was her mother Mrs Cora Hodge in Ar Monday looking after some cola riday morning sonal business 1 iaW nm an'' Mr'' ande Cavanaugh in Champaign Sun la resmont was a nufiineKq vnsdn vuiiuivn rpviiL vvlLIi rC'JU (jQy 10 1 i uvuta epciiw XUJ victu wjiu XJV1 UdUgfl Monday in the county seat tives in Arcola i jr anj jJmes Linton spent I relatives fritter Mrs Harry Dobbyns at Jack Mr and Mrs red Goodman re Mrs Vonno nf Kimmnn 01 I Champaign sonville oujiuuy in rtreua wiui lur ana aitsi I fl Short visit Rnnnt 'TOiiirGlat Oro Moon nf Dnrvillo qg hern Mrs ThpcpIzi CahrelniT auuieMftj KP nun nvi niotti innoe LiintOn I re' muvuuuj Ai rI'VtrR tn vicit hre nnv hnnm 1 Tl Jiiun Jiuirv JWjcc (llivp Cavins finA of Iha lorfmi i uvn ahu Mr and Mrs James Morris (Rachael Moon a visit with her sister Mrs Qiir rU week end guest last of Arthur were here Monday attend in Mattoon nbut mra ueorge mi? county court I Sam Blackwell a prominent 'wag a week end guest of Mr andiwilh Katiyes in Newman AT Av I iowi'i lln A 1 1 WL ARCOia CIUECD WUS a couniv Xfrc Innnfl WTV 4 a I Gold visitors Mrs Adeline Houk came over from Mr and Mrs Alex Steven return 1 ft A MT 4 TTTAIl her daughter Mrs Jas Moore 'they had been called to attend a appendicitis at the new Maconcounty books for enudren has given ten doi hca(i funeral of a relative hospital in Decatur She is recover lars to that department of the Morrison cashier of the At I Among those who attended the nicely lie library A list of these books wood National bank was a county 'state institute at Decatur I The $2000 which is levied wi appear next week seat business visitor Saturday af ltodav were Highway Commissioners annually to pay the I Co for 0 Kent cashier of the Bragg ternoon George Seip and Barracks city water will take care of the Helm Co bank at Garrett was on Mesdamcs I Urquhart and I Mr and Mrs Ward of Ar bonds the city will issue as they be Monday appointed consevator of John Hamilton attended an Eastern coia celebrated their golden wedding come due should the municipal Mosbarger Mr Kents bond was piAtu uv uy vutigu 1 1 Al to ZL MAr 1 a 1 a 1 I A i rne oaoy uauirnrer mt anu airs wvn muc tuiu uicu William ryar of Arthur was bad In a sparring match at Taylorville Iv scalded Saturday when she sat night a local would bc ring Charles ry in' rnwl' Saturday from Champaign down in a pan of boiling water which general was ba lly whipped and thiswhere they had both been success 'was being used to scran the floor A may be the last of his appearance in Mrs Marv Peck returned to herjfuuy operated on for appendicitis physician was called and the child ine ring aitnougn it must be admit home in Decatur Monday after a Their excellent physirel eomlitien painful burns dressed tl that he was outclassed visit of several days with her son flowed them to leave the hospital I Rev Lively went to Chris Among those who attended the fu vieiit in 1 npra of the late Jprro Calling at in record time CutTaH fftia! THnim iTire Wo Hr riAaA Mohnroui Cut nufli ana laymen ruinvi avxraie meet unlav from Chicago where he had' once of the Bloomfield Baptist church Mcadden Messrs and Mesdamw 1 hlT I'aDiHo Ml L'aIai A show mat mgnt no oeincn nm Celt 1 SUM A actor bra ted lecture on Maris and Mesdames red Goodman were and Wednesday afternoon discussed I Urquhart and red Beat 1 tiuiuvu Jun's 01 umilouHt luc 1 re IkAM Am cniftfif XVswlnAfiflnv rif TSiaml rnrintr is iiirnoM uriv aiiu m'v Kl WWV HI fts 1 tr mi a 'it A Wallace went to Chicago harbingers have already put ther inenas no sun ronneciea wan Ka Art Uift family hfll niut'uini? writ in 1 lUefeUay fllUllUUK Uivvv null VT Eckhart who was to arrive that day the south ward Sunday and Monday poor neat nuns woes non in the Windy City after a and the first robins put their appear only recently his httla 3 year old stay in Detroit Mich The local bank Tuesday It is hoped that the daughter was operated on for ap president found the former Tuscola birds are not untimely in their ar statesman In fair physical condition 'rival and that the groundhog is al The Arthur high school Hackett went to Danville onlor prognosticator as usual traw Asfeateil tlie Sparks Bu Tuesday to consult with the heads of) In the contest the Chicago Herald mess Calk team at Arthur ridjiy a company of promoters who expert is conducting for drawngs of the nightby the score of 33 to 25 The sifts Al Aiiiact half was re tu Knt IrthH YiWkVJtfl Ver mosv uomic lown UIC Jianiva uij ivy JMr UIwkch nii 7 A that section nreviouslv pear While they did not land a the game Local experts would not in imrnriwl to Arthur earrv off and was solicited to manage a bore moneuuy pi nut 4ln WnnaTa rentrrt Tllinoia fn again on account of his previous suc cessful work Atty Beckman of Chica go was the guest Saturday night of his sister Mrs Myron Bigelow Mr Beckman is one of the few rinnrtaT rniintv hnwa who went to i til 1 iv Si i Lb i i 1 1 ri.

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The Tuscola Journal from Tuscola, Illinois (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.