Buffalo Courier from Buffalo, New York (2024)

I i i i 1922. 1 I i. 1 BUFFALO COURIER. THURSDAY APRIL i 1 I McEvoy Gwan-to-Bed Story government by party advocate has djcii that Repnbi 1 1 -t- i.lls jh tine to fight has finally atjivrd! he More (Truth Than Poetry By "James J. Montague The; Haunted Sink that th hat tin ess has been expressing the hoji at; it is at would fight fot something, JVps'd Once ubon a time, dear chiicuen.i kcarcelv conceivable that he was Expected to.

join tne d- WILLIAM J. CONX EltS. i'roprictor. WILLIAM J. CONNERS, Editor and Publisher.

Published at 250 Main Street. Buffalo. N. every day in the year. Tel.

Seneca 27S5. of i )Mr. Daugherty, the political adviser Sd Law- to mist rat ion, in bringing: apoubj 'erisi'' there: was a'kitchen siiik which was haunted. ''Some years back a ghoftly tragedy had been enacted upon tii a ci-uel murder Ifiud been committed, art innocent victim had been done to death with blunt instrument. (Johnny, get oft the The vidtim's name iwas Clarence.

Of that was hiii given name. His family name was co*ckroach Clarcjace co*ckroach was 'the son hpir Mir. and Mrs. Ebenezer co*ck renee, a cuspaicn tne JIEMBEI; OK THE ASSOCIATED FIlESS. spoils (struggle between civil service and In tl le i i The Associated Press is excluslrely entitled to the ute of all nes credits to it or not otherwise kvf ill There aro So manv trim ara iori ueh the local' news published president 'might better be fighting tha credited in thi3 paper, also the Who'.

Who at the Movie. THE HERO. It isn't his clothes or his features That tell his heroic mold; -j We know he's the noblest of creatures With a heart cast of unalloyed gold. When the sub-title flashes thjs een-: tence Which gladdens the marveling eye: I I'll give ye jest time for repentance, an, then, you or me, Jake, must die. THE VILLAIN.

We guess that the man) is a dastard When we nee him prance round with a knift, Come home far too frequently plastered 'i 'nJdication lie must be disappointed by this latest. aIi' rights of republication of special dispatches herein roach, who lived in and around thisi 'sink ever since the apartment had in the mo; arc also reserveU. Ithat the administration is more Kneeij been built. Clarence was their pmyt triictiou ,1 1 2. 'I yeriug of politics than in the recous maney child and they were very proud or him.

Every night when the fatnily YEAELy SUBSCRIPTION PATES. countrv and the restoration) of interinational the dl(she to bed, leavi had gone Daily only Sunday only jef the trade. in the Mr. and Mrs. co*ckroach by mail would co*ckroach Ebenezer Clarence lout for a little walk arcfund 1st.

2d and "3d; zones. htm 11 I feiWA 1 1 guarding the dinner; plates, nto the coffee by mail 7.00 7.50 8.C0 8.50 3.0U The St. Lawrence Mess carefully from which cups, thf bottoms of $3.00 .00 7.00 u.oo postffice at 4th zone t.th zone Cth rone 7th zone 9th zone if Michi- Several weeks ago Sen at And beat un his children and wife. I sticky with sugar find therefore tvrilahlnl Hpath trau for a tiJTiaU hc first ot. said that in iiu puunuic, i co*ckroach child.

gan, in a statement in Dot thiiig-jthat was to.be done second-class matter at the in oonneoJon Kvith the Hut one. nicht. as they were dinvn tain. His scoundrelly natur Kntered as Buffalo. N.

Y. reveals: act of March 3. delicately and promeiiading arOundt une nt; cAiii- recommendations of the 10 the dishds in the sink, a thundc(rou tread was heard, a I blinding light issioh in the matter of the St. jLawrende ocean 'm That guy is a cheap skate for certain He never will cheat when he deals. Vol.

LXXXVII April 6, 1922 No. 96. suddenlyj flooded the dtchen aid a tremendoius; face loomed up oveif the sink. Dorothv. ask tho baby toistop a treaty negotiation jof iship canal project was the THE HEROINE ovisions Canada, the through Great Britain with of which would be the baslis of regula-libli on m.

throwing! the records out the window. Somebody fnay be passing." Mother; co*ckroach ished to peize than suspect grand, noble Of goodness, you more her, Her life seems one one. ion 'part cif the American Congress and the l)omin her chijd! apd carry hlrh off to safety. but it was too late, a gigantic, uium parliament instrumentsit was thd potato mash Her enemies fait to detect her j. 1 i': 5 1 I-'.

iii St. cci, As Townsend is the father of thp In doing a thing that is wrong. But this sulk-title cinches the matter Lawrence plan, so far as C'ongwss is tdncerr er, childfen came dovrn swlttly un-n poor jClarence's back andhe dicd unanimously. By the time the blunt instrument; had been raised again Mr and Mrs. Kbene ser co*ckroach btory is fleetingiy toia.

When its talking it was assumed that he knew what he wa Mr. and go, Take your car had scuttled off to a ace of about But a few days later it was ahnojimccd at Baffled Statesmen. From day tojday the senate finance committee continues to have a "heap of trouble." Something is constantly occurring to chlay the reporting of the tarjff bill tri the senate. And in the penate itself, a dispatch; to a Harding paper says, there is "a growing in faor of enacting no tar. iff at all at this session." "Senators, especially those who are candidates for re-election, ai'e said to fear the inevitable disturbance which must follow any kind of tariff legislation.

Among member of the puzzled body one of the most discussed is whether it will be bill or not to Dass a bill. Splatter The following: night most; for love, not for gold. I'll marry Washington that the! idea of President lardj ing hostof afock- iVL i I '1! 1. JTAU C.l r' 1 thins happened. The (dor.yright.-1922.) roach wis I seen walk in kupatd iownr 1 nm -n- was that Congress should enact a law embody in over til very spot be macU had been killed.

And every higpit at, -th I Kf. 1 iXrt I VI plan for the scheme, and that 'this hd in tie isamr. trv VJViv ifcf l. -l'ry I i about the Fame time But he the basis for the subsequent negotiation. place this same co*ckroach gl I THE CONNING TOWER seen.

The pantry had not been informed! wasn't Clarence. Til watfr bugs -JaT WCXCJT 0 J) OV5fce0 I Mrs. iCbcncze. i fc. -ZT ij l'mif A i I said it was.

Mr. and n-et, Congress, however, has oeen Keopmg men looker mti unsTfs sa co*ckroach said somet has been otherwise engaged. Accord ne to a specia like him 'and sometimes ncit THE VERMILLION BLUfcs. whoever it was. 'everybody One of the Republican members of the inanee dispatch to The Courier from Washidgtefi, yes deprived of my beat gai; er I aiiVt been hally tlheMfear I I' SV jtZZT.

"I St afraid off if. And fi to go to Mich, or committee is reported to be saying to his friends I doh't wan uldcondnea, -i' M' 'ZZ I I spread until nobody day, Secretary Hughes has been directed byjPrfcJti- to eat and this sink bftcr the. light Mi fa" T- i dent ilarding "to proceed I got all I Want But' 'it maMes me to negotiate a treaty kitchen. It became kndiwp mournful when I Wh rhl was and, wide! as the with Great Britain which will author the joii ze think nt of Mur- 1 Haunted by the Ghq hp sad enough to I say it makes nited States and! 'anoda of construction bv the I i iL! I 'I -U I m- i 1 a uiiecurWTe I dered co*kroao. inn riiMint! 1 ti 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ivi lj l.

iti 1 k.a Anri lihilrlren. if tru uvvwi rpuriiir fiiini ipp n-f. 1 1 1 hi 11 1 1 i 1 a. 1 k-ti 1 1 1 na 1 rii 1 1 1 1 lit si 1 1 the proposed St. Lawrence rivfri; ship you need to do Mi4 saying goes.

T' tj- .777. I ing his 'mind." as this EO will si ni? anjl shout. "I haven't jgot thing to have the blucs! about." I i There is not a -i- Dosr-goaeil thing; I ain't got a intrt thi kitchen and Trjrahnn i iTT J.I WU I Probably he will have! enough fun In iced The mode of procedure, as Originally announ find the sink out there, ju 1 the reading to forget all about IS'wl II I as 1 the reading to forget all about privately that in his judgment the bill as amendea by the committee isrworse than the Fordney bill cs passed by the house, and "will produce both politically and economically." In both senate and house there is increasing activity among members who are forming a combination of the'last-ditch-tariff and the last-ditch soldiers' bonus men, a combination determined to keep Congress in session until both bills are passed. But the heat of a long summer has been known to dissipate high resolvts of this sort. 'II i 1 1 liav toidivou.

by Senator Townsend, was probably duggeitcd by ohlen times noc.try was used in And chat's the end of'thk (story Blue to sung, In ac' bod JULIET THE IMHOF.COBEENE CO. LEON 4. CO. Secretary Hughes, or based; on teaching medicine' and there wag acaj- Qwan td And cannot weep, I saw it IS OWil out whet We wouid not suggest Clare Sheridan's "My American Dairy" for any educational purposes, but it Is chatty and agreeable and in fche case of the observations on Chaplin seems to us to posseis true critical insight. --j 'h (Copyright, 922.

loconition of its utility. Dr. AND OTHERS derm II 13.) bawl. her sense Obviously a negotiation to find SUNDAY I to II P. Aerriilius Macer sang about the vir- I Because I got no blues at all.

sition of Canada is willing to entertain a propo snv 6 HOSTS." With Al Q. NIIWS nr.n A tamlliH Comttf t.he Pltrl Rvew. Conert Ftaturat Avril ID tODIE LEONARD. kind wa.s the tirst thing to do It Seems to Me tues Of herbs, Dr. Aegidius sang about the pulse and heart, and urine; Drt Carojus; Spon described the muscle) of the body in lyrical meabiires.

aivdj Fracjistorio sang of syphilis in class. icnl Iitin verse. This use ot poetry Financially astute is one of the things we are not, but if anybody wants to sell a few shnres in the company that soils yellow and orange varnish to taxicab ompaniesi Negotiation will tie the hands bf Congress in Aier- li I By Hey wood Broun initely. and we shall all have to bp patient. The Voice of the Press.

i -4' Tropical Trade. had mnemonic rather than esthetic Y-aiiiJ- thouirh sometimes til write rs present Congress will not be nble to Ho anyth company that first; painted its YoiPfLstory of the troubled oj jf Jeso touched the higher notes. The drama, i has not been used for pur- Go, oil with that barge esrlat carnpaign hhd (George Willard'sl autobiographer cabs that Ray hue gave-anu gives Excellent service. So a lot. of others used a similar color, and now' there Queer Predictions.

rThe Washington representative of the New Vjjrk Journal of Copftneroe, a strong anti-bonus paper, says: 'UndicaVions are that in the event that busitJ poses of technical medicui instruc ess nth it a Th visit of the delegation of the Canadian Manufacturers' association to the British West Indies may sej-ve to call attention notj only to those Creel) brought a smile and company I Sin the eighteenth and early tiller do- of recollection of an' to the cab- is confusion. The first justifiable complaint, as user, is tliat dog story as reflated by stirring tail of Creel." islands, but to all tne islands and shores of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean pea two bodies of water Premier King's Position. thi bonus bill comesX before the senate at tho A taxijiy. a sidewalk's brim writes Fred H. lUftTS IS25' I I rl of 1 GOLD seiNA OVEN lea'rn i 'After giving up the effort A yellow taxi is to him And it is qoJhing moire i uniuiuon -auocaies recenny caueq on done.

If session of Congress it will be adopted by: aff overwhelming votet The bill is now before the; what, the dog might have 1: rentier King apparently expected him to redlizc aiivthln)g Creel had the iJ -ar that hPrhan this Imiv. destined iit tie tho finance committee. Chairman IcCurober. is rc) niiieieenin ccmuiirs a im- tin-ion sometimes to describe diseases and treatment in the form of 'conversa-tions." Thus in i "Dialogues About Diselases.i' Dr. Ixibstein.

in 1S30. presented the doctor and liis jpatieit with much theatrical realism. The. di'a-matic form of writing true to experience miy sometimes be made at; agreeable substitute for the clinical lecture and especially for realistic, instruction in the art and methods of practicing niecicinej The drama is a dyhamic. the clinical lecture a stptie affair; and the world is craving fn tiK1 that ih is political welfare depended on hk tahin world heavvwciKht champioh.

might The Advertiser' Standing with rcL.uxUnt teet. Vlifre the Brooks and Tripler meet. VIOLA BROTllERd have clven his doc a striking name injjuitwrniui ine.urv iorces. nev naa gooci rea together far larger (lian the Mediterranean, Besides t)he British possessions and the Uniied States there are Cuba, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela) and Guiana, countries of vast extent and rich resources, which are likely to have extensive development and to offer markets of great value. They are tropical countries whose products differ so radically fromours thatjwe are not competitors, but well fitted to render each jother service by He had Visions of pages that imight Ivo n-rttim aroimd the doe's name and son for such expectation bccaiiJJiey hail been rmshed off boldly with: to the Fe Addition R.

U. witnessing for sonie time thcv" jumping, through 'Anil I what was; this doe's riodical Bartlett: "My heart's In. the Highlands, my heart is) not here: mv heart's in the Highland, a-chas- by merican politicians in and state "WillHrd was wrapped in thought kiynamic Just i. Medical ltccorct lesrislatures when he Prohibition leaders held t- for a moment, and the rnmdi'We ap ident. ng the Dearborn Indepenj rwarrd ito hp unfolding.

Tin Li re What could be super, than that hooj exchange, Proximiii" is an to the United States, but we It was. we believe, th' plied, 'ItiHh' 0 scpara tist motto was colony at Keno whose "pa-ted as saying that, after the tariff bill 'is rcj ported to the senate the house bonus bill will re-i quire "only a couple of days of before being presented to the and that then' thf tariff bill. may be temporarily lafd aside wlulej -tlft senate discusses the bonus, probably pasir.gj a couple of days more, as he. sees no groat op-j position- to it fliat is strange talk to come from the chairman; othe finajice committee. In he old days4 it would bff1, unusual.

But MrT McCumber is a candidate for re-election. He has to fight at a primary eveij for renomination. If lie is successful, he can only the I we stand "United, we Ftnnd. divide Canadian j-vremief would act likewise? nlagine their surprise, tliep, when the. Premier i 7-; iUUNS POINT THAT WAY.

"Fob1 is? in lovelwith Miss'Young-blond. i "Did he tell you?" "No; but he's got her photo hung alongside tha picture of his best Detroit News. -erommend (Cer. T. S.

Stribling. T's is for a merry havej, on the other Hand, the benefit of political 'relations with the British West. Indies, and frohi this trade we may'gairi experience that will be val tury). hy to call that back novel alxiut a negro who coi it better." but it remains contrib signing Ileylan town the Ilegrretna Cireen THE PLACE TO CO toldjthem, so the news dispatches hfeve reported. of America.

to a fimall town in afte bei ie graduated from Harvard. Mr, fhathe was and always had been in' fiver of temp describes his efforts Htart raris. April 2. The presence of an ajnd the eranpe, but never had supported aiid could not a schobli in his native town uable rn foaling wiitn ncignooring countries. Toronto (jtlobe.

Picture Teaching. The motion picture may soon be overwhelming number of Americans AMUsem*nTS. efforts. conditions which block his; at the LonTchamps opening is shown support a policy which was based ort morality bv OflLMATINEES IQfl Jlft-EVES. ZUCex.

Sat. SundU-4UCsat. Sun. LlDEWS'STATE- HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS ACCLAIM THIS WEEK'S SHOWf It seems to us an unusually well written hnd interesting book! entirely crier 'inn in the betting. "It sounds like Belmon Jlrn.

Hermann Oetrlclis. 4 Tark;" vaid who enter- i aside from the fact' that it id One of the very few attempts to giwe se tained a large party at the Ritz after IC truth and courage are 'ossentiaL to the full nessjof political wisdom. Premier Ki ig is evidei THEATRE rious i fictional treatment t)o the the races. New York American Americjan negro Simple is how our wants might be The Banner Show of the Continuous CCY7 If: ly starting off as a sound, jwell-bn fenced leader described. but the taik to sparkle more than that before it'd lie Will be criticized by the prohibition but A SPECIAL FILM PRODUCTION entertain tie.

Season 2 Big Film Favorites DUOOLPH VALENTINO ROROTHY ALTON IN tney cannot very well avoid him. And that is more than can be said of some of our state "EFFICIENCY." SHAME SIX VAUDEVILLE ACTS INCLUDING and national legislators who Vote 'not as they think MORAN of the LADY LETTY right, but as the dry leaders klictate i bgelccted by a majority vote. lie doubtless think! that such talk as the foregoing will help him" cany thje North. Dakota primary election "As chairman of the finance committee Mr. ilcf Climber can not seriously think that 'two days iii the committee and two days in the senate will dispose of the bonus bill! Senator Sr.ioot of his own committee has said that hc'shail demand a re-writ' ing of the house bill.

Some of the leading senators of both parties have announced their intention of opposing the bonus bill on principle such men as Borah of Idaho, Wadsworth of New York, Pepper of Pennsylvania, andia score or more of others, not a few of whom have thoroughly tested facilities of speech and notorious lung-power. It may be that the coming tariff debate will bp PEARLS OF PEKIN' SHARPE MINOR AT THE ORGAN POPULAR PRICES "Barclay 'Mr. Mann, please," 'Who's calling?" "Is Mr. Mann in?" Who is "Miss 'Miss B-r-a-n-d." "Grand?" Jpsie Flynn come one of the most valuable ad-junctsiof laboratory equipment. In' medical school and in schooLi of technology it, has always been recognized that the best.wjay to teach is to "show" the student by pravtice.

After he has been shown fie has a chance to do the thing hlmsfrlf and can then consider himself an apprentice. How best to show the pupil is a basic problenii The motion picture carries the answer. Skilled surgeons Work witti a rapidity which makes many of their movement unintelligible and incalculable for the normal eye. This is due to skillfulners a'nd the swift reflex character of mucli of their action. All th(s may now be! recorded by the ultra-fapid camera apd the films Aater displayed at greatly) reduced speed.

The result shows irt slow, complete' and absorbing detail every actual movement. It is easy to recognize at once the enormous Value of this process in a clinic. Obviously air sorts of trades can be approached in trie same manner. One visual lesson may be worth more than hours at the tjextbook. Toledo Blade.

A FASHION Display of Girla and Talant. MATS; 20c-25c NIGHTS 30c-35c Buffalo's Debaters Mmslrcls We ato suggest "The Road to the World? (Century), by Wenhji Wal-dron. jhis is an honest and under-standing story concerning th? adventures, inental and physical. Of a middle weifern boy who becomes writer. It is aj novel which may be doscribed as belonging to the "Moon Calf" scbooli but it seems tous ah even better piece of work.

has nOti quite as much graie of expression ot Floyd Dell, but pi has a winning port of dogpedness irl stick-ins: at! characterization until he has completely rounded out thje, figure. The noiei appealed to us particularly becijiv'se so many of the eXjp'Iriences of youhg Stan paralleled vir own. We "think that most readers ae likely to find a good deal of thoplselves in thfl jbook. You are not Iiikely to find ntiny books more true than this one. "Maria Chapdelaine" (Macin'Uan) Canisius high school is sending a team into the "Xo, Brand.

B. for Bobton. "Mr. Mann is out," smith to engage in contests with ives of "Why, then, did you have to know Marston Manley DO YOU FOLLOW AtiD ST ion would he who was calling?" I have to know who I'm giving all leacling schools in Dixie. Moreudtei paid to the expedition if Cue" learn of football or baseball players, but was composecl this information to." E.

H. B. AUJESTIC-'-s'at81- THE WORLD'S RECORD HOLDER SAME CAST OF FAVORITES Nights, Sat. Mat. it is none he BIG VAUDEVILLE BILL JGET IN EAfRLY interrupted by the inject ion of the bonus bill.

If less deserving of attention because 1 1 is com posed SUND1Y GARETH HUGHES In of'debaters. Interscholastic engagements oi" miiul pmnT A I enf A a translation from the Frff'ich of are a good thing and deserve (d he rr cou raged, The Louis I i lemon. This is a taH of the it should be, it would lie regarded by many as plausible excuse for delaying action of the senate on most of the tariff schedules till after the November election. for themselves Canadian woods with a simp story told with restrained eloqupiite. We watch) the of the piprieers to Canisius debaters made good, year when the canal project in the middle west $'t.

iwYeiice Current uTalk. wreM I tlieir few acres from the fop and doubt 'Asmisht have been expected, California's! poetical erasers! are busy on the escutcheon ot what somebody with a sift for descriptioh has termed that fair state. I.eadiijifc the minnesingers is Mr. Hoscoe Denny of Hollywood, who contributes to the Daily Citizen poem aptjy called "My It ends: Fair thou wert when first I knew thee; Spotlesn as the Angel's fobe; And you claimed me as ypur brother. Made thy home my sweet abode.

Faith in thee shall ne'er be shaken. Of thy innocence at home; I shall stand for thy uprightness, Tho I stand for thee alone. Biit it is in Mr. Kingsley A. Pence of Hollywood that the inspiration of esr.

It is lianii (lie nh nnuun pictures, and vet after reading "Maria, Chapdelaine'" the average rjsajtter will me average i SESSUE HAYAKAWa apd a notable Oriental cast In "FIVE DAYS TO LIVE" "A Boy, A A Dog" Othr Sun, "THEi OTHER WOMA4" id buy1- nrobabb'i feel lNce going out lke going out I AX EASTER' PROCESSIONAL. It a'catnp meeting and hats liad jjust' passied around round to receive' thVcpllection. The preacher riose and "Let us sing whilj the hats are coming In." they will give as good acouni of themselves this spring in their encounters inUhe south tiver the question whether political solidarity of the south is justified. The' subject is inc. Tl-e politicians have labored over it' many vcars.

Perhns ing ajifarm "Van 7.anten's Happy pays." by Ijaurids Brunn, is a tran.ila ACADEMY now playing The after some fumbling tibo from about the The' President and Mr. Daugherty. Keeping in mind the recent statement hjt Attorney General Daugherty that civil service makes for inefficiency and the recent dismissal by the President of; 31 division chiefs of the bureau of engraving, the public likely found interesting He Washington dispatch yesterday which said reorganization of government departments along the lines of effecting a niaxiumum jf the Danish. This is a book A It is fully as humorous the, school boys, seeking: the truth, My be able to i. 1 i i with I the pages.

turnM to him and "I can find It." "Eh?" said the preacher, not! un derstandinr. as "The cruise or tne is.aw WEBER AND FIELDS 'ALL ahd 'THE NEW DISCIPLE" land the (Perhaps although KEITH'S 10c DOROTHY PHIUL1M i In Allen Holubar'a Spectacla Man AL. ST. JOHN In "Straight from the Farm" satire (is much more subtle, the iritent is not satirical. settle it U' i "Tpat song.

'While the Hats Are we bdlieve it is. Doubt mil enter Com(ng In' it' isn't in my book," your mind because the bookj the true edist reaches its exhortatory tenith. Sings Mr. Pence in part: And wljen you come, the "kiddies" bring. For we are sure they would fcjho'ut their joy in COMMUNITY SING.

1 In murical HOLLYWOOD. With Its great capKal and labor story. Today Afternoon and Eva. 1 fling Special Railroad Day said is full of i F. II.

the Boston Transcript Those who are again talking of thirlFpoHtical extraordinary eloquencf, duality as describes this peculiar party will find that a platform doesn't make a efficiency was said today (Tuesday) in official NOT SO DIFFERENT. "Stlmmune" and exblains there is M(se. an inhabitant of the back party any more than a bluebird ma MpLiMENTARY PRESENTATION es a pnng. cor woods, had, upon making a trio to the tity, decided to take dinner at a "Pennsylvania Hills to the cafeJ Upon inspecting the menu. It is in order for Maryland tll explain and Mose's eye fell upon, the Item; who has been apologize tor fter Senator France making himscljLso notorious.

Chain of Steel Industries" A Motion Picture of Modern Industry of Intense Human Interest. los Angeles on fine town, Long Beach ia also good; Each place out here haa some renown, The BEST is HOLLYWOOD. The season of outdoor tennis tournaments hasn't opened, but this column, always eager to economize on white paper in other departments, will campaign again ajtainst the addition by sport writers of "on games" or "on points" to tennis ctrcics iu ue programme oi ine already begun, which is to result in changes wherever the infusion of riew blood, is considerejd 1 necessary. 1 "Operation of the civil serviccrules will not le allowed to hipfler efforts to bring the administration of the government to tha highest peak of service, according to advisers close to President Hard-ing." "highest peak of service," presumably. Hs All Next Week at the MAJESTIC THEATRE After the rains of last neck th oldest inhab- itnlito ore T-irdrlint (V.a ti-J MATINEES (WEb.

AND SAT.) 2:15 EVENINGS 8:15 I FREE TO THU PUBLIC j. mm uangcr Ot a sprint "Frdnch fried potatoes," and, to satisfy his curiosity, ordered some. having of a portion of his order, the dusky backwoodsman! remarked: "Huh! This yore-all (jloesn't taste to me likfe nuthln' but! plain 'Nited States spuds!" Everybody's Magazine. PROFITS COMMENStJRATE. Lidy: "I should think you'd be ashamed to lead such an idle and unprofitable life." Ftayed Phil (as he tackled-a good handout): "Idle it may be.

mum, but! considerin' the capital invested, de iprofits Is purty good." Boston proper equivalent for it in Englfsti. Anyhow, it. is in the book. "Life and Death of Harriiet Frean" (Macrpillan), by May Sinciaip, is one of thd' most profoundly moviiijig books which we know. It is an examination of thl nature and of self-sacrifice througbtlvr consideration of the life of a woman from jbirth to dea'thi This woman is in no; sense a notable person, but Miss Sinclair makes the reader understand the character so well we becomet entirely absorbed in her affairs.

The whole tale is done with a remarkable speed and precision. The novel cannot be more ithan 15,000 words or so but the story fjs magnificent in that it never fails Sto swoop directly to the heart Of things. I 1 i The books which we have just mentioned areby all odds 'the best which have come under our (observation recently. The four riamed are alt fictional. In the non-fiction field The! Story of Mankind' i(Boni Liveright).

by Hendrik Vajn Loon, ought to be the first volumeito claim your attention. It is a Deculiarlv sat Complimantary tickets may be obtained at Steal's Cafeteria, 27 Washington tract; Steel Specialty Shop, Main and Eagle Streets, and at Mary Lincoln Candy Shops at 10 N. Division Street, 697 Main Street, 604 Main Street, 1395 Nor has it ever been patent why tennis Writers employ quotri with mich t'o'Kallty. A baseball writer Main Street and Lafayette Theater Building; also at Majestic on hour nee. before eaen performs ui a.

inn, it SITlgle, Q. Texas leaguer. But the tennisW riter 1100a rnis year on the raging Buffalo river and Cazenovia creek is passed. Hut yon never can tell They may forget the extent of the watershed drained by! those Streams and their tributaries as recorded by the engineer experts, who say that the area covers 413 square and j-xtends beyond Erie, county into Wyoming that under speaks or a "loo," a "kill," ana "love, tie jacKs the streng to be affected by a restoration so far as the President and-Mr. Daugherty can accomplish it, of the party spoils system.

The attorney genersl. in tfie statement previously referred to, rmde quite plejn his belief in that partisan system as, compered' wijh qvil service. Transcript. DEAD LANGAUGE. to pui me Dan sway, says the World.

"This failure to 'put the ball says the Tribune. The reformed crap-shooter had taken up farming. He gazed at faros in his cornfield. he ighed, "weed 'em and reap." Closing INDOOR GAM ES Friday flight AT 106TH F. A.

A. ARMORY Mile Cycle Feature Race also Handicap. 5 Open Running Races Penn State Relay Race. Band Concert. Dancing.

Reserved Seats at Denton. Cottier A Daniels, cor. Pearl and Court Streets. maximum coiiunions, mis watershed brings to iht "For rent. "What's yours?" i "Here's your Vill not the public, therefore, be inclined to woji- Buffalo river below the jjiiiiction )of Cazenvia uef -rbether President' Ilarding, also an avowed creek a flow of 23,000 cubici feet- second Docs my pettiuoat ahow?" Nw F.

P. A. isfying book, since it affords the Tortt Mail. 1 V- I V..

Buffalo Courier from Buffalo, New York (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.