Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)

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88 4 Deaths in city area 4 1 1 sCjlUIIIXICT 5Arctnts 'y jsi R( av UNERAL NOTICES JL in failing health six years 4Jw for legal fees Main Chapel Lodge 641 Compiled by Eva Goodman ROY RARDON guilt from Wednesday I Tradition? It's important But after all it isn't sacred ort Hams' practice 2nd jh 9th and Salem 5f 1 Dial 742 7302 4 a Ar rail nr in nit 742 6254 TH C01MM ftUlt fort Service there at 11 a tn Thursday Interment Green Lawn OR INORMATION phone 742 7302 4' MRS RAYMOND STEPHENS 2 privates I assigned Testing I subject of seminar Si WEST Phone any tradition that continues to be mean ingfu I to families we serve' ORA PULLEN LORA Ora Pull at mimic TH CICI Big Spring Tex Robert of Virginia Beach Va Ray of Boston Mass and Otis call from 5 9 pm Wednesday at Soller Baker uneral Home Ser vice In Soller Baker Main Chapel at 10:30 am Thursday the Rev Lasrence Martin officiating In terment Spring Vale Cemetery Also surviving are 14 grand children and 21 great grand children MRS LESTER WHALEY BEAVERVILLE Ill Mrs Elizabeth: STEPP Mrs Lucy riends may can at Konzatman uneral Home owler after 4 pm Wednesday service there at 2 pm Thursday the Rev Ralph Bowman offici ating Interment in owler Ceme tery Also surviving are 46 grand children and 33 great grand children A son Donald preced ed in death MAURICE COHEE CAMDEN Maurice Cohee 71? of Rt 2 died 1:45 pm Monday in the Mary L' Boes daughter of Mr and Mrs Jack Boes 1413 Willowwood East made the list in the spring semester at the University of Cincin nati Shp is majoring in music VIRGIL JOHNSON Virgil Vernon Johnson 77? of 1502 Washington St died in his home at 12:45 LEWIS (BUCK) CHAPPELL Arrangements By Hippensteel or entlyof a heart attack while working at his farm Bom in Carrollton Town ship 1 1 had farmed inthis area most of his life In 1945 he was married to rances Brown who survives He was a member of the irst Breth ren Church of lora and 'an Army veteran of World War II Surviving with the wife are two daughters Beverly UNERAL HOME 822 NORTH STH STREET VIRGIL JOHNSON A new format in achievement testing devel oped at Purdue University will be described this week or Information Phone CHARLES HUTCHISON RANKORT! Charles Hutchison 75 of 258 St died at 10:45 pm Monday in White County Memorial HSfepital Monticello He had been in failing health several years Bom in Clinton County Mr Hutchison was a re tired employe at Alcoa In 1930 he was married to Ruth Hendryx who died in 1974 He was a member of Scotland Christian Church Surviving is one sister Mrs Marie Brittain of Peru ORA GRAY RANKORT Ora Gail Gray 77 of Wesley Manor died in the Health Center there at 3 am today after a lingering ill ness? Mr Gray formerly lived Manning four radio transmitters around the clock this weekend the Tippecanoe Amateur Radio Association participated in a nationwide emergency communications exercise to prepare for future disasters Thirty ham operators took turns manning shifts at the transmitters set up at the Tippecanoe 4 fairgrounds association secretary Robert Miller said The exercise COHEE Maurice riends may call after 4 pm today at Sullivan uneral Home Camden A I a a a a 1 Wednesday the Rev Richard Church of Christ wth Bill Irwin Recher officiating Interment officiating Interment Beaver Rock Creek Cemetery Rt 3 Lo Cemetery rural Donovan riends gansport One niece and several desiring may contribute in memo nephews survive rlam to Donovan Church of Christ Lincoln Christian College A WHALEY Mrs? Lester There will be no visitation at the funeral home Memorial services will be at 2 pm Wednesday' at Donovan Citv Mrs Betty Musser of Ada Oklaj and Shirley Steoo of owler and a sis ter Josie Shirley Of Cru call from 5 to 9 pm Wednesday A a uitnaral MnniD thersville I By KEN RAINS! Staff Writer I a Tippecanoe Area iPlan Commission Director An drew Schilling wants $2186Trom the County Council to pay his legal fees for a $500000 suit he filed against the planning body The suit was settled out of court May 1 with Schill ing rehired as the: executive director He had been fired as the director of the APC and County Council of Governments on March 31 Schilling filed the suit on his complaint that the action Violated his constitutional rights and that he was not fired for specific reasons In a letter to the County Council Monday Schilling asked the councilmen to set up a special account so the legal fees can be paid for him His attorney is Robert Justice Logans port The council is scheduled to act on request during its regular librarian degree Jan Piekos Owens of before the second Inter 143 15 Halsey Drive WL national Symposium on recently received a master Education Testing! of science degree in li Outlining the blew ap brary science from the proach will be Prof University of Rhode Island Thomas A Boyle Depart ment ot bresnman Engi neering at Purdue who? will present his paper Text and Thursday at the University of Leyden Mon treaux Switzerland The format developed by Boyle combines with com puter scoring to provide broader diagnostic capabil ities from the responses' given by the student And1 we'll change any tradition "that? needs changing in order to do what families expectot us ROY RARDON Rov Rardotn 81 of 4707 Morton St Apt' 1 en 60 of Rt 1 died about died in Home Hospital at 5:15 pm Monday appar pm Monday He had been 4:30 pm Monday He nad in failing health six years been in failing health one Born near Monon and year and hospitalized since i tn Thiircrinv' rudiVU lIlvIv llvt illUVVM UKz Lafayette in 1929 Mr Johnson had been employed as a caretaker at Happy Hollow Park in West Lafayette Surviving are a son Robert of Lafayette two daughters Mrs Audrey Morgan of Lafayette with whom he made his home and Mrs rank Tweedie of Westfield one broth er Thepdore of Monticello and two sisters Mrs Dos sie Mrs Veda Wright of Medaryville CHAPPELL Lewis riends may call from 5 9 pm Tuesday at Soller Baker uneral Home Services In Soller Baker Main Chapel at 10:30 am Wednesday the Rev Joseph Wick offici ating Interment North Union Cemetery Tippecanbe County? Also surviving is the maternal grandmother Mrs Mary Hogsett of Mill Point Va CHAPEL 463 2111 BoUpf ffiakrruir Happening The names of Mark Eikenberry Richard Murray and Joseph Trpmbello all of Lafayette? were omitted from a list of local Purdue University students who achieved distinguished student honors In the spring semester The? story was 'published June 27 Born' at Watseka Mrs Whaley had lived most of her life in the Martinton and Beaverville area She graduated from Donovan High School and attended a county employe with the Kankakee Community Col lege anu tne past iwu years served as an aide at Donovan Elementary School Mrs Whaley was active in church work and tion of his yearly salary on charitable activities She securing his reinstatement Schilling also adds that his suit was triggered the irresponsibility of a 1 county agency the APC which has admitted by rehiring me" Entertaining? wnai couianiaKt? the occasion more festive than McKinneys lowers 1700 17th St Phone 742 1189 i 4 and for which the county had retained his public ser vice i Hesaid all of the rec ommendations he ever made could have been ap pealed and that he was moved from his job with out specific charges being made to4 which he could defend himself firmly Schil long said I was a victim of my consious and honest adherence to all state statutes state build ing codes county zoning subdivision thoroughfare and public health ordi Brethren Home at lora nances He had been ill one year He said that some of the Born in Carroll County APC members were angry Mr Cohee was a retired with him because of his farmer In 1927 he was 1 Vtnnflcf OV a Kf ft Ml uicooivnai aim iiviiuou a niai 1 icu nci ecution of the laws and his McCain who survives He defense of the public inter was a member of St Pe est Lutheran Church at Camden The wife is the only im mediate survivor ant Court Metro Report lonnral and Conrier Taes Jnly 1197S ARTHUR KRILL BOSWELL Arthur Krill 81 the father of Dr Galen Krill Boswell veter inarian died at 9 pm Monday in Hicksville Com munity Hospital at Hick sville Ohio Mr Krill a resident of Edgerton Ohio had been ill three days! A native bf Defiance County Ohio Mr Krill was a retired farmer In 1918 he was married to Mattie Johnson who sur vives iHe wasa member of the Immanuel 'United Methodist Church at Edge rton i Surviving with the wife and son are two daughters Mrs Joseph Koerner and Mrs Robert Koerner both of Edgerton sister Mrs Hulda Grandey of Edgerton and four broth ers Paul Krill of Edge rton John Krill of Long mont? Dr Walter Krill of Columbus Ohio and Irvin Krill of Bristol Tenn Journal and Courier' The Journal ounded 1829' The Courier ounded 1831 Merged January 2 J920 Published Daily Except Sundays? by ederated Publications Inc a subsidiary of the Gannett Co Inc from the office ot the Journal and Courier! 217 Sixth St La fayette Indiana 47901 317 742 4011 All Departments Member of the Associated Press Member of Audit Bureau of Circu lations Represented by Branham Moloney Inc i Home delivery $100 per week Circulation Dept telephone 317 742 7363 Second class postage paid at La fdyette Indiana Mail Subscrip tion rates Indiana and Iroquois County Illinois: One year 54200: 6 months 32300 3 months 51250 1 week $110 Rates by mail in aU other states ars avail abls on request Mail subscription rates are payable in advance No mail subscription accepted where carrier delivery is maintained monthly session next Tuesday at 1:30 pm The council meets in the Coun ty Council room Court house In his letter Schilling wrote that he realized his request is a rare one unique but the circ*mstances leading to it are also unique in the his tory of the APC The director gave four reasons why he believes the county should pay the fees: He said he was serving as executive direc uphold the public laws and ordinances in the public interest for which Tippecanoe County stands for emergency tV 'VJ'vjV A' Tuesday 5:30 West Lafayette Village Merchants Assort ation will met at Purdue National Bank WL 1 7:30 Welfare Rights Organization meeting at 941 17th St 7:30 OES West Lafayette Masonic Temple called meeting for initiation 7:308:30 English and German Conversation ait the International Center 124 Marstellar St WL 8 The Tippecanotes local chapter of barbershop harmony singing will meetjn the fellowship hall of irst Christian Church 6th ami North Streets Public in vited i 8 YWCA Solo Club will play Crazy Bridge at the plub 4 8 Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at Home With Hope 1001 erry St Men only' Wine purpose urine anuuuiv RAn YOU Pzirfiftn Session for ham radio operators so they will be dl I i rQt and nnprate under anv conditions I lora and Vern Pullen in California and one sister Mrs Truman (Dorothy) Meyer of Bringhurst mrs Lucy stepp OWLER Mrs Lucy Thomas Stepp 82 of ow ler died at St Elizabeth ije rM i uniiYour'il urianua rrroriua Hospital Lafayette at 145 may call after 4 pm Wednesday am today A resident df at Goodwin uneral Home rank owler since 1920 Mrs Thursday interment Green Lawn? Stepp in recent years had Cemetery Several nieces and lived at the Edgewood nephews survive View i Hom JOHNSON Virgil riends may uxtra Born in Clark County she was married to Gedrge Stepp who died in 1963 She was employed for many years at the 'owler Laundry? She wae a mem at Rt 1 Geetingsville and ber or the zoan Christian krill Arthur riends may Church and tne American call after pm weonesoay at AvtAw Krill uneral Home Edgerton uxgiuu nwuuaij Ohjo Servce at 2 pm Thursday are eight sons at Edgerton Immanuel United Metnoaist unuren interment at Edgerton Alo surviving are 12 grandchildren and one great grandchild OBERMILLER 'William riends may call from 5 to 9 pm Wednesday at Dickerson uneral Home Stockwell Service there at 10 am Thursday the Rev Earl Roustlc officiating? Interment jwn Cemetery ranKfon a eiirvivinn aret id uraviu i I Htwf wll 1 jg Surviving are three sons Maxine Dodd of Michigan and five stepgrandchildren Two Leon Gray of Rt 1 rankfort Gilbert Gray of Rf 1 Cutler and Rob ert Gray of Rt 2 rankfort and two daugh ters Mrs Doris Skiles of Rossville and Mrs Bonnie Carman of Rt 1 Cutler Daily Humane Association Animal Shelter 1705 Open 9 am to 6 pm Monday through Saturday with adoption of animals between 1 and 6 pm Closed Sundays Tippecanoe County Historical Association Museum 909 South St Open 1 to 5 pm daily except Monday Columbian Park Animal Open noon to1 8 pm cldily West Lafayette Public Library Open 10 ajn to 9 pm Monday through riday 10 am to 6 pm Satur Wells Memorial Open 9 am to 9 pm Mon fan continuously from 1 pm Saturday to 2 pm Sunday 2 1 ft Cri lirlav te A rtrt I i 1 1 on an PrtlP day tnrougn rnuay am pm i ort Ouiatenon Museum and Gift Open 1 to 5 pm daily except Monday Volunteer Bureau and Retired Senior Citizens Pro gram Community Services Building 1114 State i St 8:30 am to 5 pm Monday through riday The' Senior Center 533 Main St Open 9 am to 5 daily except Sunday Quilting bee held every Mon afavptfp Art Center 101 9th St Open 4 to 5 i Tnpcdav through Sunday i i I was a retired farmer and railroader Legion Auxiliary Bom in Clinton County Surviving he lived in this area most Curtis of West Lafayette of his life and had worked Gene of Earl Park Roy of for the Nickel Plate Rail Star City Wayne of Pi road years In 1917 he nellas Park la Jack of was married to Tola Retna Sheets who died Jan 27 Ho was? a member of Gee tingsville Presbyterian of Holland Mich four MENLO and RICHARD PRIDEMORE DIRECTORS Church and Beard Masonic daughters Mrs Margaret? Green Lawn Cemetery rankfort aiia eiirwiuinn srp in orano Pruitt of (owler Mrs children 18 great grandchildren i sisters and 10 brothers preceoea him In riaath PULLEN Ora riends may at Carter Baker i unerai Home lora Service there at 1:30 pm Thursday the Rev Edward West officiating Interment Maple Lawn Cemetery lora One son Robert preceded him in death in 1972 RARDON Roy riends may call from 5 9 pm Wednesday at Hippensteel uneral Home Ser? vice In Hippensteel Chapel at 10 a Thursday the Rev William Goode officiating Interment Rest Haven Memorial Park Also sur viving are 23 grandchildren and several great grandchildren STEPHENS Mrs Raymond riends may call from 5 9 pm Tuesday at Hippensteel uneral Home Services In Hippensteel Chapel at 10 am Wednesday the Ref Rolland Seybold offici ating Interment Riverside Ceme tery Attica Also surviving are Schilling his attor ney repeatedly warned the APC of the seriousness of 'violating his civil rights and that two attorneys on the APC misinformed their at the expense of the taxpayers 11 IO OVCA1IV4U1 JI UVVIVV in similar cases that the Harms Whaley 38 of Bea? ritv nr connfv nrovide an verville died Monday attorney for its employe if morning after an illness of Jie is suing or being sued one year in the line of duty is inconceivable that a county agency such as the APC has a free ticket to violate the constitutional rights or legal intetests of rlam to Donovan Church of GRAY Ora Gail riends may llnl Christian Home calf from 7 to 9 pm State Christian Service at Eller uneral Home rankfort Camp American Cancer Society Service at 10 a Thursday In or Iroquois County airgrounds DUa UUnMna vi ill" vwv raHvii Cole officiating Interment Gee ungsviiie uemeierynAiso surviv ing are 12 grandchildren and six great grandchildren riends de siring may contribute in memo rlam to the Clinton County Can cer und or Geetingsville Presby terian Church Memorial und HUTCHINSON Charles riends WILLIAM I OBERMILLER RANKORT William Obermiller 80 of 709 Clay St was foundtdead at his home at 10 pm Monday A native of Missouri Mr Obermiller was a retired employe of" Nickel Plate Railroad In 1921 he was first married to Grace uller who died in 1962 His second marriage wasto Mary Coffman and she died in 1973 He was a member of the Brot several nieces and nephews erhood of Railroad irain mn and a veteran of World War I I' Surviving are three sons Thomas Obermiller of Lafayette Alvin and Richard Obermiller boh of rankfort and two daughters Mrs Eileen A Johnson and Mrs Elmer (Evelyn) Wilson both of rankfort county to pay Two Armv privates Lafayette are assigned to the 1st cavalry division at( Hood Tex in radio work Steven Nelson a 1972 8 Lafayette Breakfast Optimist Club will meet graduate of Jefferson High at Cafeteria School is a field radio me Lafayette Exchange Club will meet at Morris chanic Bryant Inn Karelton Crain will show pictures of desert Mark A Dexter son of wildlife Ronald Dexter 1032 Senior Citizens carry in dinner at Shadeland Linden Drive is a radio ire Station repairman 1 Clinic to prepare for the dog show at Battle Ground will be held neac the Retreat Center All kids WL resident gets entering snow SIIUUIU plan IM auciiu vuuiy nimvui 1:30 Come to the Senior Center 533 Main St to enjoy craft making 1 6:15 Lafayette Club will meet at Campus Inn 6:30 The Elevenettes will meet at the American Legion Home Post 11 South Ninth Street for marching practice 7 ree movie of will be shown at the Romney Community Center at Kingston 7:30 Lafayette Duplicate Bridge Club Blessed Sacrament Church Education Building Public welcome 'JV11SS DOGS 7:30 8:30 pmt lnformal Spanish Conversation at the 'a lie Intnmatinnal fnnfpr 194 Mnrcfpllpir St WI 01100011 11SI 8 Alcoholics Anonymous will meet in the Confer ence Room of Home Hospital Open meeting 8 Purdue Summer Theatre production of Imaginary at the Experimental Theatre Stew art Center Reserved seat tickets available at Loeb box office Stewart Center Public $3 students $250 ree film George at Ouiatenon T' vr Thursday Bom near Brookston he moved to St John in 1905 and lived there un til moving to Lafayette in 1940 In 1917 he was mar ried in Bisbee Dak to Nellie Warmer who died in 1936 A farmer most of his life he had also been em ployed a janitor at the Pullen and Patricia Pullen" Lafayette YMCA until hisboth of ort Wayne two retirement in 1959 Mr brothers Elver Pullen of Rardon was a veteran of World 'War I serving in the Army Surviving are three sons Vernon of Hillsboro Ore Ralph of Cando LeRoy of Lafayette two daughters Mrs Leo (Mary Alice) Guedesse of Tampa la Mrs Leslie (Donha) Spencer of Lafayette and one brother Ernest of lora In an effort to simulate disaster conaiuons an emei gency generator was brought from Red Cross headquar ters to the fairgrounds and served as the only source ot power for the exercise During the exercise the operators contacted other amateurs over the United States and Canada using short wave radio transmitters with both voice and Morse code contacts Another feature of this exercise was an zx kiLak ttim urnir rnmmiinirations thrOUfih OSCAR I IU CoLdLIIOl an orbiting satellite carring radio equipment The £roup was able to make two contacts through the gse ot the satellite Miner saiu a Tho nnmnse of the annual exercise is to serve asa I Ji rt tkiav IVIll hP IHrtLUVV au prepared to set up and operate under any conaiuons MEED CUSTOM WELDING? The exercise is coordinated nationally by the Amen ai i can Radio Relay League r1 nueerai I local association meets every second Tuesday and! RUSSELLs fourth Wednesday of the month at the Red Cross Annex ENTERPRISES: Seventh and Alabama ii 447 2517 T447 M91 the association and John Dyrek in vice president assistance Of the county taxpayer On the other hand a county employe' with modest means nas to spend a considerable por was a member of Donovan Church of Christ and a Sunday School teacher In 1954 she was married to Lester Whaley who sur vives Also surviving are a daughter Kim two sons Scott and Mark all at home the mother and stepfather Mr and Mrs? Arnold ocken of Martin ton one sister Mrs George (Harlean) Ster renberg of Beaverville and a brother Gary ock en of Piper Kan I 1 i 1 's ivy i XX VA i vii i SUid A'A X'Xi Kt A i fl i i I li' 1 4 I fl 1 si i i A or Information Phone 7 42 6254 WEST CHAPEL Phone 463 2111 BnUvr Uakrruu.

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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.