The Evening Post from New York, New York (2024)

LiverpC Londou. i i 111 A nt rk. BV or jl.i ri 1 IT Ks iro pact igu ar.l Mitt le of ere! 'li tl.e iW'. lno; ner. ill full lv kale I ll! Kt JUl.

A made i I nt dls 1r, tn rt. earn en north at red del. 1e1f.rH 1 i a Mf arrival COJ1MEUC1AL. sale at tbe stock Eaxbauice, Mar. at.

114 20 ahares United States 3 days 114 3 davs 1141 114 dva 114 IK! days 1134 15 nay a Hi MM lno 100 umi ioti lttij loui 10 74 (SO do do do. 50 10 tu U) 40 CO fO CO 50 10 15 50 27 85 2) to 150 100 DO 50 10r) Tr, as 25 50 20 10 ro 60 25 59 25 ltd) 50 21 75 26 no 100 50 fiO 25 25 50 2.i 1)0 CO 25 JO 23 la do du lo do do do do no do do i lo do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do beth Jas do do rcvnth Ward Bank. Dry lork Bank do do do do do do do do Delaware ami Iludnon. to do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do de do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do III! do do do do do do do do do tin do do do do do do do do do ilo. do do do do do.

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do do. do do. do do do. do do do do do do do do. do 72 this week 6v 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 fiOdaya 10 1 lay nrxt week a next week next week 72 72 72 72 10 ya lOdaya lOrtays lOiHys 30 day week ih.a week.

72 72 714 73 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 74 a 60 61 GO CO 61 61 62 611 61 621 61 ml 30 31 40 40 40 40 3)1 a next week dnv s3l)ds do do do do do do Illinois do do Vicksbuig ilo do do do do do do do do Mohawk Rail Road do do do do do do do do Boston Si Providence R. K. Hioiiiugton K. 11 do do do Canton Co, Bnlt do d.i do do do do do do do Sk40dav 30 days .1 30 day 30 days at 7. 2.

50 10 25 25 10 25 10 ro 10 li 2S 50 60 50 60 20) 25 62 PO 50 50 25 f.o 60 r) 50 60 days 10 days 30 days lfldaVs ..8 30 dais 3' days 30 'lay do Svncuse RR. H' 0 PS 61 CI 6tiJ di M. rrluiVH Fire do do do do do do do do do do i'o do do do lo do do do do ilo do do I I Pateron Rail Koad do do dt New Jsrsey ul Road. do do do do do da Harlem Railroad JU davs ....31 diys 30 days 30 diva bW ays 30 days 99 do do. do do lo do do do do do do do do do do 52f 59 i 53 53 53 ilo.

do do. do. week sSOdiys ') ds this week this week MAltlNE LIST. PORT OF NKW YORK, MARCH 27. ARRIVED THIS DAY.

hip Harbinger. Print, 19 dt fni Apalachlcnla, with cotton to fost, rinuips hay. llris C.itbci wo hI. rhtire, 11 dsfrotn Matanzas, with sugar and inoiaiaes to 1)11 Kohrnstui ltrii; Ruhen Adams. Maraludl, 15 ds fin Apalachicola with Uoat Uoyd 4 11 ink in.

Miuith. Allen, 4 ds from Waahiniton, with naval siarei to Mitchell Tdoniaj Winns, Johnson, 4 ds fui Washington, wuti cotton, to in is't r. 8c hr Ainpnltrite, Hirkioan, tils fm Norfolk, with shingles 1 1 master. Hchr Mary Ann, Hickman, 3 ds fsom Folly Lan.ling, with corn to master. hr Revenue, Willis, 6 days from Snowhill.uith corn to lUaa'Cr.

Kctir Ger(e Washington, ds fm PhUa, with Hclir American Eiglc, 6 ds fui Georgetown, with flour to Scbr Maria, ds (rum Baltimore, with couon to jonnton iiwnen. rkhr Weymouth, CoucI ,5 ds fm RicliinonJ, with flour to Hchr Clilct, van Hint, i. Butxe. Si hr Masonic, Roe, 3 days from Virginia, with oysters masrer Achr Oregan, fm Tobasco, with logwood to JK.Snew. Hchr Ovoca, Calhoun, 7 ds fm Gcortown, with flour to Mr Harris.

rrlir Lenn'iiie, Dearbourn, 6 ds fia Richmond, with flour lo Allen Pal soil BELOW 2 ships, one has Hcoll Mnrrell signal flying fin MUrleans ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Packet ship Auburn, liuri'ey. New Orleans City 9th. anil Bilize 1 Ith instant, with citlon, to J.iluison U)W ln. Ilarque J.

lin Odlin. Hanover, of Piiui. Me. 'ii from final, wnb i ') iii iiial lngw I 4 1 bales zras.4. Y) boxes, A Leu.

2d March, barque Aurea. BHint, NV.olf. nex; tav. Left at 1lh Feb, barque L'leuieiu, York, fui Europe, 2 ds Ltig, Gootlric.i, for NYork. Ur barque Hiirr, fin Hull, en 57 ds fin Cork, with Didie, Ate, to II Moorewt oil.

Barque ljfranic, l)iaiie, 19 ds fin Mobile. Sailed in Co. irque Z'. liobia, for Boston Hciciliau brix Onavia. Siatile, 55 ds fin Palermo, with fruit, au'onc.

to iMwin dc 'o. Brix Topar. CldforiL Im Havana, 1 tth inst. with sugar and friui to Ritchie. Brij Neptune.

Prince, 19 ds fa St Croix, with sugar, la it li Leeds. Ilri Henry Wise, Sds fm Ponce, PR, with sugar, to Lil'mli If Co. M. ij asvit, ds from New Orleans, with cot in, lo.Nesmilh 4 Leeds. Br brig Harry km, Woodward, 21 d' fm 30 bris salt lo RamLilpli.

Ur B'ue Hill, fm nuayauia, PR, 19 j. wrh rum and sutar. lo Nesmith Ieds. ig l'a keU Gould, ol ds fm St Josephs, With coltan.loC Lew. a.

Brig Coriiuh, Newport, 19 ds from St Josephs, with culioo. iti order. sk hr Ga.elle, Eldritlge, of Burkaport, fin Guayama. I'R, Bin mat, with liJbbliils sugar, casks An drews. New York, Winan, ol Belfast.

M. fin Guayama, I "ids, with 231 caiks and tcs molasses, tu Howiand it Aiumwall. pit hr Vo'ant, Alien. 7 Aa fm Wilmington, NC. naval stores to Brown at Poller Hchr lno.

Howes, 7 ds fin Wiliiiiiigton, NC, naval stores Drown dc Potter. Xclir ds fm Boston, tntlze to Atkins A Co. Hi hr Illinois, Touilin.30 hours fin Philadelphia, mdze to A Ul'ICLM Sclii illiiian. Bacon, 30 hours fin PhiUdelpliia, indze to at Hri' Schr Columbia, Norb try, fin Philadelphia, indze to A Ctwiev. rkhr Crouch, Tomlin, fin Pliiladclphia, tnilze to A Loole r.

IkhV Cariieiiti t'tt Son, Dewy. 8 ds fm Wilminelon, NC naval stores to Bi'Vaut Ac Mitchell. Hchr Mi. i oi Giilutt, 6 da tiu Georgetown, flour to St C. Iliichro k.

fechr HCra'it, fin Philadelphia, indze to St Briitit*. Rochester. Wise, 3 ds fui Philadelphia, indze to Brings. MEMORANDA. Brig Pusan E'izabrtli, (of New York) Gorham, from Mon luvi.leo for Boston, th a full crii.i oi nides, wool, etc nt ashore un the breaker st Wt lls, Me.

on Thursday last, in a li.ic i lot. Th crew I themselves in the i.ii. and on the next tv sot ashore, much hru sed and ex luu'd. The cargo will be neaily ull isavpit. in a iti.asrd lat.v The nuli last up on riuay, aim win at itnlloss.

Saline of ihe uls riciiii'; beta saved The above p.iriit iilarn lire obiauicl irmua letter tiouilapl WilUtin whonsles tnat he had been in ihe several days, unibli to obuin his pouiou on accouni ol tlic tt thai tiie tusse; id hrok in two o.i Tliiirnday.uu the people of the flace were working tiard to save Hie cargo. The sal a. rizmiix. anchors, hail been saved, andwoul be autlicui.t pay ihe of i tie crew. The iiisuiance on the cargo iu uVsiou is in or Ba Cavalier, Fraois, I'roiii Sou.h Atlantic Ocean, for fljiiein, passed do jrai I Svuno, mst.

PHILADELPHIA, Mar20 Ar bark Hercules, Marks, 11 da Im iilu Org Washiugioii. Bishop. da Iro in Triniilad tie Cuba Sclu a R'tsro Ul I'm rtl I Joseph hkll ardt. Sniit'i, ami nary tv ueu rali. Kuss, II Ll 1 M' iRK, Mar'Ti Ar sel.i News, Crotber, St Tho ims.

Mar 17. NORFOLK, Mrs 23 Ar schrs Provuh uce 3d; ami, Wheeler, York, 3 di; Maiy. Jjivib, Newport rt. hr W.ilnsh,uun, Boston. Spoke last offtlio Capes, sdir Tiiouns ul Itiujc ir, frooi New Yor, to hail an ant l.or t.irClui.g VANAII, Mir 21 Citl bi.ip Newark, Vkaicher, New York brig Tantivy, Johnson, do schr Wellington, His Mollll.B, ir 19 Arbrig Calvin, Gardner.

fin NYork. Br bark t'aivoa. Gih on, NEW ORLEANS, Mar 19 Ar shipTarohnta, Smith from Helen Mar, E'tenhead, Malta an'l Gibraltar, in. BOSTON, March 23 Ar, bug Sublime, Smith, Portlaud, from Matanras.

arrived, bark Lexington, TiUL n. Pcrnainbuco, Harbinger, Brown, 24lh ulL Left ship Cumberland, i K. 1 1 John Crane, Matanz is Henry Tallinao,, Savannah; Oak, Pl.ilad; Italliuiore, lay PORT LAND, March Ar brig Washington, Robin. ED Lk'tO Mirch 22 Ar schr Louisa, Tilson, from Jert iine hr Boston. Vn TiinMisTiiv Mnrnh2L Arr.

bug Elcy, Wall, New PORTSMOUTH. March Russinn fhlf, (fr.un I.iverpo tl. having repniit il) lor r. GLOLCKSTLR. March 2tli Arr.

hrs George Pros pee for lUlUiuore 21st, Grolon, Yates, Camden lor a TkvV BEDFORD. Msrch 22 Arr ship Java, Taber, New Zealand, via Per.uu.buco, Feb 7th, wit.i2fW hbls sp. Ship Minerva, B.rkcr, 8 A Ocean with 1600 bbls330 sp. Sieiihania. Boume.

South Atlantic Ocean, a M. rt I 1 I nil 'Sli' nT" New York: sloop Helen, Sherman, OO .1 rtella. Walker, uirat irrsT V. Franklin La 21. tor Boston: schs rallas.Nickersoti.

OUCKB ovlnce. Norfolk for Portsmouth; Seafowl, Ilord, doloi i iyiiiouurr iSd No arr, I P.M. Sid the above. Passed by to the E. March 23 Gardner, New Islands, via Perna.nhuco, with bSU wh do and sn oil.

si 1 fm Pernainh.ico, Feb j'n" for NBe lf rd, H50 hbls, si. 1 2.1 pr yioustothe s54ictSr. for 8U to down 9d8 fin ds Im FALL iKO Rhodes. urn, NEW MayagiU's. 1)AKK Arbaces, A Pas T.afitte Velasquez Church Coun' Lrfiite.

Heo Private lames Mr their ard: Do An I tarT mv dian inems Mr. Iho emg Si. terms with i den, lion now bt ZOO sens, dren half ,4 1 viil. erly lv anv Aa in to a il of the C. Heard from Oct 2Sth, ship Lucy At Ann, Wilmington.

2000. 8oke Nov 1st. bark Wtuto Dak, ol Island, S.V) wh, 60 so had lost 1st officer, carnrd by a line lat 27 20, Ion C3 40, brif Pluribus L'num, York, for rtt Croix. WARltEN. March 24 Arbrii Win Ifenrv.

Cole, 24 Maauzie. Leu brif Lauiel, Wakefield, for Providence, 4 ds. RIVER. March 21 Arr F.dwardSmall, Eliza Cily. for Tauniou.

lllENCK. Marck 24 Ar achrs Charleston racket. Savannah: Maria. Under. Elizabeth Citv; sloops Lainoliier, Keuney, NYork; Mediterranean, Young, HAVEN, March 20 Ar brig Geo Loyal, Woosler, inis ton, rilriATIiK.

This ltvening, Marh' 27, will he performed the Omnia of riday the delay I rlK LAST UAYS UK Mr HatubUn Glaucus, Mr Richings Ndia Mts Richardson fitgi. Mis Cujhman lone, Mrs Cb'ppin iale After which de Deux, by Miss and Master Wella To conclude wrh the Drama of LAFITTE. The Pirate of the Gulf. Mr Rirhines Alphonzo Mr Hield Wells Cudjo.

Johnson Theodore Miss Cushman Constai.ra Mrs Richardson Ooorsopen aiC performance commences at 7. Boxes I Pit, 50 cents allery 15 crnta. A 1 lUiN Alt ltiWA 1 Ktt. LiA 1 is, I I A I LIAN OPERA HOUSE, corner of Leonard and I Ureets. ten doors from Broadway.

ThitEve will he Tifori ed ih. I er I THfc. MAKKlAUtt OK FIUAKU. Aimav va, Mr Wilson Figuro, Mi Seguin Bus.itina, iMissShirren Counters Almaviva, Mrs Seguin Chcrubino Mrs Bar ey To conclude with the Faice of LA FIT IK. Thi Pit ate of the Gulf.

Mr Connor I Alphonso, Ilorncastle rto, Mr Wallackjr I Gen. Jackson Mr. Rojtr i neaaore Mrs Helton Cons'anza. Miss Monier Ad.nusiofi Soxes SI: Pit 50 cents 25cents boxes J10. Doois open at 6i clock Performances commence IIOWEBY AMP1IITHBATKE.

Late Zoological Institute, So. 37 B'nefrv. BKNKFIT OF MR. MASTER HOWES. I HlS EVhMNG.

March tl. First music will commence at 7 o'clock, the evening pen'ormance will commence at 71 o'clock, with a (rand anz and Uallopade: Mquestrtan exercises Dv M.srei Howes; Slack Rope, by Matter Fianklin; Howes and Master Howes will go through astonishing perlormanc? in imitation of the Polish Brothers Graceful Act ot Horsemanship by Mrs rlm Song by Master James Howes: The Sagaciuu Damon, will perform many surprising tricks; Horse munahip on 1,2 3 and 4 Horses, by Ll Tu ner. oiia.ninuteaiorvromenaae snare freshments. ho perlormance to re commence with the Lillipuf ar ca'led Jack the Giaht Killer; or the Castle of Pig H.niht; Mi I Turner will appear inateeneon Horseback, entitled the I. fe of a Sailoi; Song, by Mr Smi.h; Cupid and by Mr and Master Jas Howes: Mr Needham, will introduce the oeau'ilui in Pony Osceola; The Indian Hunter, by Mr Howard.

To conclude with the laughable pi ce of Colonel Tiiton. Friday Mr. and Mrs. Benefit. ixcs' 50 cents Pit 25 cents Doors open at 6J performanci commence at 7 clock AMERICAN MISKIM, Corner of ttrond tr mid Ann street.

Astoiiisliin: uiysteries, brilliant and popumr entertain Coombs, the wonderful American Magician, and Celebrated Vocalist Mr Rrouwer, will (o through their picasiuj enterrainmeiit every evening cuiniuen at 8 clock. Programme or particulars see sinall bill. Also the treat pit lure of Christ Ilcalinc the k. frmntlie relebrateii picture of West. The lirand Losinorauia is ol itsell worth the price of Admission.

Principals of Schools ami their pupils admitted on liberal B. Day visitors are admitted in the evening without charge. Admittance to the whole 2 cents, children under 10 when guardians. hali price. inr." AlUSKLM, AND POK TltAlF GALLLRY, OF PAIX1INGS.

Broadway, opKsite the City Hall. Del.neaiimi of Eccentric Character ard Vocal Performance by Mr D. Jenkins. Extraordinary Feats of Legerdemain, by Mr. the celrbrated Manician, and an amusing exhibi.

of the Italian Faniociua. Pcrformnnce 10 begin at 8 o'clock. For Piftgmmme. see bills Splendid Esy lian GirafTo, or Ca neleopard, exhibiting is the onlv full Male Gualie. ever tusht to this country.

It wan imported from Alexandria by Geo. QlidJon, V. S. 'Jonsnl at Grand Cairo, The P01 tra (Sallei oflbis Musei contains portraits of the moat diatingulshed American cm besides a large number of other Hic ures, all the IT" Artists. nanv.rin,i tm mm iMt.N aparisncm, and la upplied with a aei of views of much excellence and in erest.

Admittance to Museum and Saloon, 25 cents Chil under 10, when attended by parents 01 guardians. price. mrb IN ITIANCEUY. STATE OF NEW YORK, ss Pursuant to an order ol thi. II moiable Court wiil be sold hy or under the di veclion of lite subscriber, one of ih isters of thi t'otirt, at public Auction, at the sales r.toiu of Wi liaiu H.

franklin. No 13 Broad street, in the city of New York, on the eighteenth day of April next, at 12 o' chick at noon LL that crnam dwelling and l.t, t)ice or parcel fm of gfoiiud aini4te 111 the Fourth Ward of ihe City of New York, on the southerlv side of Cherry street, and which, in a certain deed for the said prttnises from Julm t'ititaiid Hile. to iiitain L. Mmcs, naica aoms' Miu.aiedfscriliedas follows, fovtit. houndtul north in front by Cherrv street, aforeva'd.

easterly by a house ami lot 01 ground now or late hrr.ntgiBg to ephen Ktdwell, southerl bv a lot of Simeon Kkillu.g.aotl wtsier by a house ant! lot of 21 uiinil belonging 10 Tlieophitu Beekiitananil.ilhers, niaining in bicadth in frint and rear seventeen feet two int lies. and in leuclh on each side sixty feel be the same or less, togeiher with the btre aiiK atiptirt. nances ihcieuiito belonging, or in wise appertaining Dated March 27th, IS39. COWDRF.Y, 'iawfs Master in Chanrerv. Court ot Choicr hr ltl the Siare tf Now York, ul the cily of New York, on the iwrpih day of March, one thousand eiibt hundred and ihinv iiine Present: WILLIAM T.

M. COLN, Vice Chancellor of the 1st Circuit. Hannah Daggett. Adininisira 1 trix. tc.

oi Jcthro Dagijett, deceased, vs Daniel McAnally, and wife, et al. IT appearing by aflitlav it to the satisfaction of this Court that the d' f. ndan1, try desout of this Slate, but is a resident of one of Ihe wit of New Orleans, in the Stale of Louisiana, on umlinn of 'A ill Sears, Stifcitor fr tie complainant, it Is ordered that the saitl Maiy Ihirccll cause her appearance to be entered and notice thereof to be served on the complainant's oiici tor. within fcur months from Ihe of this order, and ras hi appearance th. she cause hr answer the Ci.iriplainant's bill to be filed, and a copy thereof serveii on tn oinpauiaurs iitcitor, within tony ttavs after service of a copy of tid bill, and in 'tault thereof.

sat. 1 bill ol complaint may tie taK as con. hy her tut I it is uii ifier onli red, that will, In twenty nays, the said Coiifilunen' rails this order to be published iu the slat paper, and in the jwper call, Ihe Post, printed iu Ihe city of New York. and that the gidd loiblit a tiou he coniiniied' in each of Ihe sititl papers at loast once in each we'k for eight weekain surrpssioii, or that he cane cm of Ibis order to be personalty servt on the Mary rurccll, at least live r.iy days before the time above prescribed for ht appearance. A Cony JOHN WALWORTH, nir26 lawSw a) Cirk.

AT a Conn of Chancel held for the Slate of New York, at the City ol" New York, on the Twelfth day of Marci, one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine. Present WILLI AM McCOrN, Vice Chancellor of die First Circui' Frederirk Robert Y. "I Coleman and Charles A. Citet I son. I vs.

AlltUStlls C. nrje F. I Ihiirh. livid A Cmstock, .1 1I111 Auzustns II. Converse, Ma' Ann Can vtrs Mirta Comstork.

C.itiiarinf K. I.iitch. Di liel Kelloi ami David II. Kel It.eif. IT appearini; hy affidavit to the satisfaction of this Court thai the ilefendi Amihsmi II Converse and Mary Vnn Converse, out o) ibis Statp, but arc residents of one ot the Lotted Slates, to wit of ihe state Sou Carolina; on iiioiinn of Throikiip Sclfiwck.

Jinn r. of Counsel for the Coinplaiiisnt, it isorde el thf said Autinstus Con vcrsi and Mary Ann Converse, cause their appearance to he entered a'ld not thereof 10 he served 011 the Coin So'icitor. wilhiii four moiii'is from the dale of li its order, and iu cae fftiieii appearance tliatthey cause their answer to the Complainants Bill be filed and a ropy there of to be served on the (solicitor, wiihin lorty tvs lifter i ervice of a copy ol said Bill, and in default theie of sii Bii: of i nmplaint may he taken as coitf ssetl by tbetn. aim it is lurttii oniereu tnat wiiiuii is'titt iih buii Conip'ainant cans Ihisordt rto be tiiiblishml in the rt ite paper, and in the New York Evenint 1st, anil that the said publication com nun ill eacll tne sain papei ai leadi our em cue I. week tor eiulit w.

eksin succession, ortua: ne cs'te a copy of ibis ortler 10 he personally served on the s.iid il Converse and Mary Ann Con least tw. nty da before the tune above prescribed for their ap pearance. A Copy. juil.i n.L"uiuti, laww A Clerk. AT al'onri of Chanrerv held for the of New Turk, at New Y.

rk, on the Thirteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine, Present WILLIAM McCOLN, Vice Chancellor of the First Circuit. rrertenck Boydi n. Robert Coleman, and Charles A ftct. on, vs. Auzu KolloEg flcorze F.

I Leitch. David A Comsfwk, J. tin Augustus II Converse, Mary Ann Con verse, Maria S. Comsiock, Catharine F. I.i iirh.

David K. mid Davi.l 11. Kel I loss. VI iippcannT by aflidavit to the satisfaction of Ihe Court, that the defendants, David A. Cmnstock and ia Corn stock, are resident oi the Mlateof New York, that process their appearance has been duly issu.

iht the eanie could not be served upon either of them by reason of their absence from the motion of ThettdoieSetUtwii junior, solicitor for complainants, ordered that Ihe said de. fciidmts cense their appearance lobe entered, and notice hermit to be served on the complainants' solicitor within three uinnl hs from the date of tlusnrilrr.and in case of their appearance, that they cause their answer to ihe complainants' lull to be hied and a copy thereof to be served on the complainants' solicitor, within forty davs after service of a copy ofsai.l In. and in dc'ault thereof said hilt mat hi taken as confessed hy them; and il is further order, that this onh be puhlitthed in the state paper and in the New York Kveniin Post, and that the said publication be continued for cishl wes ks in succession once in each week, or lhal the coiiipliinaniscause a copy nt tins order to he personally served on the said lavid A Comstork and Maria S. Cooisiock at least twenty days before the time above pre. sciibed for 1 heir appearance.


The MASSACHUSETTS on Mondays ar.d Thursdays, di reel lo Providence. rare, either wav to Provl deuce. Til EE DOLLARS. The Steamer PROVIDENCE. Cant.

Woolsey, will leave Aiiernoon.t vvednesilay, 27ih)attoo clock, loretoning anil the MASSACHUSETTS, Capt. Cooisiock, at naxt, from Pier No. 1, North River, for Providence, direct. Passengers via Stoniiigton will take the rail rpad cars on arrival of the boat at Sioniugton, and proceed without to Providence and Boston, and freight for Botti and Provi ence will be delivered to the Psonmnton rail road, and foraarded lo Providence at the same rates as it direct, by the strainers ol this line viz. six centd uer foot.

The public may rest assured there will be no racing with me uouisoi immune For in toruiaiion apply at the office 22 Broadway. nir9 Cm NEW YORK, ALBANY, AND TROY STEAM BOAT LINE. FOR ALBANY. Or as tar as the ice will per i mit withsaft tr. Pmtn Ilia nf frti The WAI.I.OW,tlns afternoon at 5 o'clock.

llielKMTT CLINTON, tomorrow atternoon at 5 o'c ock. All oods, freight, baggage, Lank biUs, specie. orany other kind of property, taken, shinieil. or nut on uoard the boatsof tWs line, lutiat be at I lie nskof the own oi sucn g.w.18, treiifiit, uir2o The Steam Boat North America wiih her furniture, tackle ThffHlMin nrllt ItnAriiv iih interests will be lil at public auction, at the House in the city of Albany. at 12 o'clock M.

on thoiidday April nex'. PliOI'LU'S LINE FOR ALBAS Landing at all the usual landinrs. The new and usPteam 1 a)t l. boat ROCHESTER.

Cam. A. P. St. John, will leave the steam boat pirr between the foot of Coiirtland and l.iltMltv at mi Wl'llVVSlhlV A CDIItlV t.

1 si 00 ciiick. 'i i.e L'TH Capi. M. II. Trues.lell,will leave TUESDAY, THl RSDAYami SATURDAY alteruoons, atfio'clork.

r.iww1l Frt to the Captain on Board to CROOKE A FOVVKS, corner of West and Liberty streets; lo Siuiltz, a tbe Office on the Wharf. All Goods, Freight. Baggage, Bank Bills, Specie, or any kintlt.f propr ny. taken or shipped, on board this boat trust ocaiuit; nss.01 me owners 01 such property. mr26 FOR HUDSON.

The steam lioat WF.tTCnrt. Capt. F. TAYLOR, will leave fieioot 01 Libei iv street everv Monday. Wednesday St uiit.iiuuun MOIICIIICK.

I For freight or passage, aprly to the Capt iinon board, or I rvvjuic ot run rtfcs, mr23 cor. Weslaitd I.ihertv. Fr ALBANY fMFT SI ltK LINK OF I REltJHT RaRGKS The Barge KEN TLCiv wiil receive freight rfSSi at the fool of Broad s'reri. nnd leave for Albany, as soon as the ice will mm Apoly on board, or to A. VAN SANTVOORD, ni22 82 Courtlandt tUeet, FOR ALBANY.

RAIL ROAD UNEOF FREIGHT BARGES. The baree NIAGARA is now rerelvins fruoht nt ihm foot of Courtlandt strtet for the Mohawk and Hudson Kail Koad.andwill leave as soon as the ire will permit Apply on board, or to A II VAN SANTVfMJRI) mr23 I Broad street. PASSAGE f*ck LONDON. Packet of the I0ih April. A sp'ietidH, well known fist sailing nacket ship will be despatched as above her rt polar day.

She has very handsome acromm id a tons for cabin and steerage passeneers, who will be taken on moderate ttrms, 11 caily application be made to W. 61 J. T. TAFSOOTT, mr27 4: Peck slip, next door to 151 South sf. PASSAGE FOR 1,1 EKPOUL.

Packet of the 5 Ji April. The soU rilid well knowu fant aailinv nick. ship TKOY, C.ipt. D. Wood, wiil positively sail as above, ami has han lsomo aecominoda tioin fur cabin and stci iage passengers, who will le taken at less tales than any other packet For pasitage appiy to W.

T. TASCOTT. mrS7 4 Perk slip, wr door to 151 South PASSAGE FOR LIVliUPOOLl The superior, fast saiiins na.Wft Shin HROUKLTN, Cant Kiel ard.on. will sail foi Liveipoolon orabtut the 8ih of April. A fev camn and su ae passengers can he nif itably accommocated cn m.M);rate terms.

Atipiv to KOCHE. BKOTHtlltS CO, tni27 Iw 67 South st. PASSAGE t'OR LIVEKPDOL. Packet of the Marc i. vfC Theupeiior, fast sailing packet ship SU ffiPYi PERB, Cant.

Hamiiton. will positively Mil 3Baam as ahove, A tew cabin and S' cerate nawi J. T. TAPStiOTT, nu27 41 Peck Sim. ih xt door to 151 souths.

VOil LIVEltl'UUL. (New Line Reguiar Packet of the April. The eievant pacltet shin 'IDDONS Cant. N. Palm'.

900 tons, will ml as above Fm fright or passage, having co.oinm id itinns tineoua ltd for lor or comfort, apply on board, at Orleans wharf, fool of Wall street, or to E. K. COLLINS mr26 56 S'Hith st. I'ASSAG FOlt I.1YUKPOOL.. Packet of he 1st April.

Line. Cabin and steerage passengers can be hand ffFv) snmelv accommoda cd on bard the regulai 34ntw packet s'U'i to bt: despatched .1 Lucrnool as ab ve Those wi hing to secure ber'hs will riq 11c to 111 ike immediate application to HERDMANT KF.RNAN, 61 South st. near Will street. N. B.

Persons sending for their trends residing in Great Brila'ii and In land, can make arrangements iih the subscribers as usual lor 'hen passage from Livi pool on very moderate terms. nu26 PaoSAGc KtK 1.1 Packet of the IO1I1 April. An elegant well known iia.tket shin will 'ispiiched as above her regular da v. She has vc handsome accommodiions tr cabin and i) Et noeis.wlio will be taken at moderate ratt 'eiajit; if early aiiplication be made to W. J.

T. TAPSCO fT, 43 Peck slip. mt26 nex' door to 151 Souih st. KOlt LIVERMOtiL. Packet of the I3 Apiil.

Th pcketship VIRGINIAN, Isaac Har jWl'A ris. Master, will ail as abtvc her reu at tv Tikfai For lreiht or passage, apply on board, at too' d.Vlaid. Lane, or to ROBERT KERVIT, mrl9 74 South st. I AfeSACiE FROM ENGLAND. IRELAND, SCOTLAND AN.i WALES, via.

LIVERPOOL. i.rC? The siuWiibcrj continue to cabin. second cab an i stecrae ptssengeis to come iro.ii tn; United Kingdom, via Liverpool Tnoso persons sending for their friends, mav tely tha such alicli'ion ili be given lo the pissengcrs, as wil. larantee ihefutuie pitionage of those favonnj us wnh ilitir orders. Drafts tan be given for the accommoda lion of pas engcrs Apply by letter, post paiJ, or at the office of the subscribers.

HKRDMAN KEENAN.61 South st. m.6 near Wall st. F.iK tiAfli. i. T.

superior, fast sailing. Coppered pact ba.ijue LOUISA Champion, luastor, wii SCKwtm i quicK dcspai. For Ir' ight or passage exc lleni acciitnm idatinns. upiy on hoard, piei ll.E.R.orto W.V). WYI.LiS PRATT.

mrIG I'nerO an.) Sou'h s. Kt)R II WAN The teauiar Packet Kiraie RAPID Ward, mast r. will sail posi'ive port on HI nuay, tne 1st of All ll jT Iremh or passage, bavin siijienor accummndatioris, apnly on board, pier to MOS S3 TAYLOR. mtS6 44 nth t. PASSAGE FOR TiKW ORLIJAXS.

Packet t.f the Ut ol April. Tne sii'terioi woli known parket ship AR ftOSilb. Cat.t. I 'cms, will posittvelv sail on A 1 out a Apm 1st, In above pert. A tew cabin and steerage passengers can bo very comfortably acooiuuiodaud on mudrate terms, if early application be made on board, font of all street, or to J.

T. TAPSOOTT, mi 27 43 Peck slip. nx dtv 151 Snn t. PASSAGR FOR NEW ORLEANS. Packet ol ihe 3ilth Mar.

h. The splendid, last s.mi.ig packet ship HUNTS'. ILLK, Eldridae, will Mtuelvsati on Saturdiii, March SOt't. L.r Ihe above irt. H.

accomm jib fur cabin steer atto psssenaers Hie. veiy superior, ai the price of nas ssce moderate, for which apply on board foot Wall at or J. T. TAPSCMTT, 26 43 Pe. slip, n.

xi 151 Soma st FOR NEW ORLEANS. Firs. Keeulai Packet. Louisiana St New Yoik Lin To fail Saturday, 80th March. The superior, ta sailing packer ship HUNTS VILLE, Captain El lti.lge, will sail ai ahitvtt.

or fre ght or pissase, having Handsome "i'rtineii ac commntlauons, aoply on board, at Orleans vharf fool of Wall tueel 01 to E. K. COLLINS CO. 56 South street. Hereafter, the ships oftliU Line will sail every 'inday.

and frtnghtfree, if teamed beyond the day, except hy weather gj F'R NEW OKl.tANM Ho Line To every Monday. The ist sailing ship ARKANSAS. K.h. Dennis, master, is now loading and wi 1 fct. uvelv sail on Monday Ihe 1st of April.

For freight or passage apoly on bonrd ai urieans pier, or to WILLIAM r. .0. 25 st. FOR ST. 51AKK, via UEY The.

nor last sailing senr ivi run f. k.Diro ll.r oreaf. i iiv vir iviavo, er part of her cargo engaged and going on bo tve iick dispatch. For frcih' or psesage harm well furnished accent mo lalions, apply on bosrd, pier 4 nr tn WM. WYLLY8 PRATT, Uktt corner of Uld slip aodaouUtit, Mm 2d AU(JTI0N SALFS.

BY THOMAS S. SIMMS. (Store 85 Wall stieet.) T. S. SIMMS will rive bia particular attention to talcs of urn i tuc.

PltlDAY, At 10 o'clock, at the auction room. Drusa Paints Sec 20 eases liquorici paste, 7 casks crut ibies, 300 kree painia of various colors, 2 care ..1 mtt i i i 4. i tiiuBti.tru oo nainjieis jHiricr nonius, cases iuuuuh iu rasas Dour su pl.ur. Oificos and Lytts i Let 65 Wall street. AT PRIVATli SALK.

A superior EnlUh ti buiy, nearly new, to be teen a Vnmni wood ti tJo Broadn av. JOHN KUUUKHOW, Auotmneei BY JOSEPH SAMPSON CO Store 163 I'earl street. TUESDAY. At 9 o'c! irk, the auction room. vua CLOTHS, Ate A icnetal at sortmenl of Cloths, Carsimera, Vestings, ftc Slc.

for approveq em org, no months. SAA1L. DELAPLAINR, Aoettoneei K. SCIIOVER CO. Hatb Removed theib Stor No.

123 Bboadwai KBARLT CPrOFITK ClT HOTCL. WEDNKS1MT, AprUS. At 9 at ihe Miction room. FIFTH Git EAT CREDIT SALE TO THE TRADE Gold patent leer independent seectidr, duplex, uaefior and dctaihrd rscapemrnls, lepine, verliaal repeatins and other cold, from ihe celebrated manufactuieis in Lnhbon. Lminool and GentTa A I wo I case ervhtca watches.

1 do silver watrhraj assorted. Soa a bor.y 4 colusjis clot lis, 1 de ormoladn lu barrelled guns with ai without ma uugnnv vasea, single aaa doaoie carreura awtuts, as tral lamus, nc. Also An invoiced eold and filt jewelry, Goods will be ready lor eianonalM tvtodays previ. usioiaie. invoi intended forme urrt calalogu.

musi dr nanaea in orbeioretneain S. si success ia tbeu sales to flip trsdi ha induced them to make arrani merits to cash all sale made en a credit on the mostadvantaeeoustermatoth owners of goods. Catalogues ready cntheSaU urday nrevicus to the sale, andgoodsreadyforexam. natian. BY THOMAS WELL.

STOBE 32 ANN. AND 1 15 FTLTONSTBIETS TO A 10 o'clock in the sales room. By catalogue, an entire stock of valuable gilt and ma. hogang framed looking glasses, choice ancient and modern oil paintings handsomely framed, various engravings, caves stuff" biros, books, Sc. Catalogues ready on Wednesday.

FRIDAY, At 10J o'clock at the sales room. Stock of dry goods, elegant wearing apparel, fancy articles, jewelry, valuable guns, cutlery, 3 trunks supi hand clothing. SATURDAY, At 10 o'clock in the sales rooms. La ge and exen iv sale of sp end id pew aid second nana lurui'ure in all its varieties, piano fortes, looking glasses, A by ataiogue. Consisting of handaoms carpets, chairs, tab'es, bureaus, tookiug Uses, solas, bedsteads, brds, betiding, kitchen utt nsils, Ac The new stock will compiise e'e gant French and Grecian new style inahoginy chairs, sofas, rouches, leunes, ottomans, plain column and marble top bureaus sideboards, wardrobes, tea, dining and card tables, marble ton pier and centre do: eo endid French and high post bedsteads, best hair mattrassea, counting house dakg and writing tables, marble clocks, vases, china aod glass ware, toilet stands, Sic At Hi o'clock, tha owner leaing lot Europe on the 1st Apm.

Also, without tescrve, one grand piano forte by ocnie cner son, icnna. One superior Ho, cay made do, warranted. A splendid harp by Challtot, Paris; st $1000. A grand actii piano forte. 5 pedals, band accompa.

Ac, original cost S1 000. Wine A 2 doz old paie aniontilla do. Sht rry 2 demij hns do 2 baskeie cbampi gn, a private stork. BY AAttOIN LF.VV Store 151 Hiotown IpStarbs. if AAituis LhVl will give nis persona at tonaanct ther at private houses, or at his stork fn tns sate 01 urniturr.

MONDAY MORNING. Anril 1. At II o'ciock. at ihe auction room 151 Rraadtvav. ToGu'dmrs and The cntiie stock oi Mr James Hogg, jai lner and seedman, cuosistiiii; or agrtcultuial, gartien and flower roots and seeds, a supe rior assor.meiil of gardenir.g tools and mplements.n rt needs, sc.

dec. 1 he seed are warranted to be all fresh and genuine. Catalogues previous to the sale st tne store as above MONDAY EVKNING, April 1. Engraving Artielcs of Virtue, fcc The la'e Mi 1" 1 of ne irlv two iut.ifj tare engravings, eicnirgs, pen aaetrtit* atu drawings, all of the most celebrated artists, together wiui curious assemblage ot artu les ol virtue. Abu, a small tut iluable collection of books euibra cing woiks in the rrraphic nrt.

and a few pain'ings. iht whole torming the mot valuable property ever ufTercit to mr public, who will iw have an opportunity ot pns tht'iuselves of r. i'e engra inns. antiquities and curiosities lo.m evety quatlcr r.l ine globe B. Also.

few heavv pieces of furniture; one grand piano; one square and ok case top a Fren. secietatv, a splendid 39 divs time niece in good order one large splendid pal of can le'hias hronxe anj gill and painted shades, we I wottliy the attention. Together with a great variety of articles, particulars noticed in the Caisloi'ii? WEDNESDAY EVENING. Apr! 10th, iluible Ur.wuiijs, Patnnngs, An exleniv and cosilv collection of water co(r and sum Oil Pamtiags, bv the principal living artists of Gr Biitsin, hn rght to this country by Mr Cathrrwood. ne coliecii.n comprises the works ot ihe following nint et artists, vn Turner, RA Starniild.

KA Prom; Halinr; Aiiusi; Birileti; Austin; Cateruiole ricki.rin Ilarivod; 'out fyne, and manv oth eis. Connoisseurs ar.d amateurs find this a tare oppor tunity to pwsess th mselv; of some ot the choicest Drawings evei brought to this countrv. AT PRIVATE SALE. A superior Billiard Table, made by ssford with In dia Ruhhei cushion compete, mnae in the veiy bts manner for private use, wi'l be sold a hera'n u. S.

MARSHAL'S SALE. Ily virtue of a Writ it vedttioiii r.xponas. issuett troni Hie thsin. ouri of the L'niied States for the St.uibern Dietiicti.f New I will sell at public auction at the store ot Becker and McCuriy, No. 11 Tonhn Buil.liriy s.

Wall reei, on Tnuisdiy the 2Sih inst. at 11 o'clock. A. Ihe cargo of the schooner Alono wrecked near Mainly Hook Light Hou.e consisttnr 01 5 6 Hhtls. 7 Tierces Molasses.

3 do 1 'i hbls. sup ar. 131 Hides. 3d Empty Hhds. 1 Coinpuss.

1 Lot of Rigging. Pieces of chain cab' and sundry ether articles. 47 III Ilk tiooKS. 9 Biles India Muslin. 7rt Baskets Champagne.

02 Bortles Pres. rves. llof ap and Perfumery. 10 Cases Pistols, Platetl Ac. 36 Deuiijnhus Cor.lials.

Old Copper. 15 Trunks Clot Boots and Shoes. Hales, Arc. 8 Blocks, double Slid sinele. 2 Gair Topsails an yards.

Pairs coils Riaiinj. 1 F.nstsn. Binnscle and Compass. 1 Medicine Chest. Together with ihe wreck of said schooner as she lies at Prince Bay Staten Lsland.

W. C. ADDLT.I II. S. Marshal.

Ac. r. March 26 lW. iw 21'. a rpitK AMKHICAN IN PARIS By John m.

aaliflersou wvols. Ifiuo; lor sale ly II t.S, RAY NOR, mr27 7 nverv. rnilEUO.MANCK OP THK HAHKM By I. Miss Panloe, autoor ol Ihe City ot ttie Sultan, Stc. 2 vols 12ino.

Just received and for sale by II. Jc S. RAY NOR, mr27 76 Bowery, TVTF.W BOOKS. Forsale by GEO. W.

LIGHT. 126 1 Fulton st Life's Lessons, a Narrative by the author of Tales thai might be True first Aiucricau, Irom the Erst London edi tion Shanty. the Blacksmith, ATaleof other Times, by Mrs neritiiuu. Tiles in Vers', by Mary Howitt. The Btok of the Miiuhs A Gift for ihe Young.

etocial Amusem*nts, or Holidays at Aunt Adda's Collage. Translated from the French, with eoiue alterations jeudis DansLe Chaieau De MaTantc. TO RENT. The modern built house No. 117 Crosby street under Ci llers, Russia grates, Slc Also a siable if wanted.

Also, house 5vJ Greenwich street. II. inr27 App'yto LUDLOW 11 Broad street ALP PRICE MUSIC ATAII.LS The ro mietor oi'ttns estab ishtneni invites the ntteniKtn Musical World to ihe extensive Catalogue nlnewand fash ionable Music, constantly publishing. On hi tables can he found all 1 he standard Musical Compositions of the go a' uiasiersof Europe anil America; ore ry tleacription T.eaties tin Thorough Be, Harmony, Singing and igering, Musical Grammars and Lleinen ary Works musicia o' any desciiptinn. Every ''ay adds to the a'rendy collection ofnew and Matches, Walives, Dmces, Rondos.

Varia linns. Quadrilles many of which cannot be found at Ihe oiher stores about town. The style of pnl Lsh ng Musical this estuhlishment. is well known tothe Musira! itimty to be superior lo any ether s'ore iu the country, the music being primed from elegantly engraved alic pi lies; the title pages embellish ed "ilh beautiful Lnhncraphie. vL'ne'tcs, many of which aretastefuliy colored.

The price nf music is al oue half the old rates, and as low as can be obtained elsewhere Catalogues given gratis, and music nt to auv part of the city. Sign of the Gulden Lyre, 'ill Brea lwav, inr27 near St Pruls Church. MISS SINCLAIR'S SEW Holidav House, a series ot Tab l.y Catharine aiitiinr es of modern Accou.plil.uiei.:s, Iiiil ami Yailev A c. lvoll Jn.o. H.

RAY'NOR, mr27 7o llowcry. IVASTED A person qualified to act in the capacity ll ofWaiden or Superintendent of the Itl ioming.lale Asylum. He vt ill he required, besides a Eencralsnper i iun'of the establishment ami Farm attached to it, to keep the books and accounts of tic Institution. None need app'y except those who can furnish Ihe clear, est evidences of unimtieac.he.1 morHi ciinracter. andtufT.

cient ecurity fora taithful discharge ihe duiies. Applications addressed to ALLEN. Esq he handwriting ot the applicant, may be left mire New York Hospital inr26 3t COAL 50 cbal. first quasi Cannol Coal, on lrd the Ship C. Augusta, from l.iv.rp...

f.r sale Vr bAMLEL THOMPSON, 2T3 Pearl St. Also, best oiiallt Peach Orchard and Liverpool Orrcll ioai stways un nana. Yard 15S Water av ion T1X SO tuv blood 84 At Al aide of of on vus. brig At AUCTION SALES. BY L.

M. HOFFMAN 8t CO. Stobccobnes or Wall ao With stbect. L. Mi H.ihrTn mil I'm ir Itrnlion to FurmtiBS TO MokKOW.

At 10 o'c'ock at ihe Pheou Sales Room. FRESH TEAS Carso ot luc snip Mary Chilton, VI yaaf byeon, S055 hall do do Ii7 hf chests gunpowder 600 boxei d.300 bcxes dodo It7 hfcaesls IS bo es do boxes do. 3000 mats caaaia. Catalogues and samples will be ready the day previ At II o'cloc in fnnl of lh Mrun. 161 hhds Porto Rico sutar.

nail ol which is ornntne quality; 20 qr caks Madeira wine; 40 do Marseilles do cases ao; a ht pipe brandy. Alii o'clotk infrtHtofthe store. Oranges, Linions. AiC koias eraores; 70 do and bitter do; 400 Ix xrs bmons; P0 bags walnuts bags pantellaha raisins: 90 baskt 6 cum of the shipGialhsn, just arrived in a short passage Irom Pa. ivriuu.

SATURDAY. Mar SO. 10 o'clock, at Ka 98 West street, by order o( the as signee. A stock of groc rie consisting of teas, FUjais, coffee, ttiuura, wmes, C. 8 o'clock, on Duryea's Wha f.

adjo'uiing the To nscco rvarenonse. MAHOGANY The caigoof the schooner Tower, conMMii of 14 5 crotches and 57 cnnon logs, south St Domingo inahosany This caro has been lecied with care, and a part of it isieptesenud as being a very superior quality. Catalogues will be ready on the morning of sale. WEDNESDAY, April S. At 10 o'clock at the Pb nix Sales Room.

TEAS Toe balance of llieraiguol teas per ship and the cargo of the hip Laronis, consisting of hvson, ourg hy on. hson skin, eunpowder, souchong and orangs pecco, in the usual variety packages. The Iras aro all Dacked and a larve nrt m. ol line quality. catalogues aud samples will be ready the day previ WEDNESDAY, April 10, At 10 o'clock, at ike Phrnix Sales Ronm.

Teas The eargo of the Ptiiiip 1st, consisting of on, young hyson hvsto skin, imperial; gunpowder and ptiuchotig in the usual variety of packages. catalogues and samples will be'ieady the day pre. VltJUS. THURSDAY, At II o'clock in front of the atom. S90 qr casks sunerior nort wuia A Sandermavi's hd: 00 snerry anil San l.uoar.

AVAL.DEN Auctioneer. BV D. C. W. FELL.


PELL. wiH ive nartieular at. tenuon to sales of Houaohold Furniture. THIS AFTERNOON. Al o'clock, on Durvee a wh trf.

B. HONDURAS MAHOGANY Th ur.n of the Orion, from Honduras, consmmg of 70,000 leet part 01 Tery large sue. 1" a timis mon ns anproveo endorsed notes, THURSDAY. 10 o'clock at the mahogany yard Not 69 and 71 Cen tre street. MAHOGANY VENEERS 75 000 feet of ma hngany veneeis among which will be found some beau utui crotch and nioi'ed wod.

Teims favoribte. and I 1 do so.u Uy mm otover measurement. A so, Koe woti 1 an I Satin woo 4 Vaneera A'so, seasoned Si DummL'O mahocai.v hoards nnrl iaun9. At 1 1 deck, in Iron! of the auction store Santa Mai tha 2670 dry Santa Martha hides. Terms, 90 davs, approved endorsed notes.

FRIDAY, 29ih. At 1 of 1 1 in tn nt of the stme. WINES 163 ca ks Madeira, and ahem winea im pipes, hhds and qr casks, in bond. 1 as SO packages damaged teas. Wine 10 qr casks.

Ai 5 on Durvri's wharf, MANS AN ILL A MAHOGANY St CEnAtt The carg of the bug Hondmas Irom Mansamlla con. sislingnt 157 mihogjny Terms, 4 mos, aporov ed endorsed notes. ine rpormnp ofaaJe. SATUKDAY. At a JM o'clock in Irc n' of then store LONDON sIZK TO PAPER MAKERS 44 casks English sung of the dtscrnt'ion used for and wnunf pipers.

The above waa tth.t.. ss.l as a s.inple to this co intrv and will bo said to the highest bidder to rinse a concern. 1 LiHLlAi April I. SALE OF WINES Tne most extensive, neiit ol choice wines, in wood and glass, ever offjred at auction in this countrv. WEDNESDAY, Aptil At 1 11 o'.

lock. in froot ttf thf.r BoU'ed Wine CJ6 aheny and port wines. nereairer. Ai 5 o'clock on Judd's Wharf ITALIAN MARULE. The r.l,.

1..: Lycoming, from Leghi eoi sisimg o. black and go trwl It .1... ui. Tenns, fi is. for sums over 100 dollar.

approved endorsed cotes. THURSDAY. An.114 At 12 o'ciock, at the st of John 0 Broad st. PURE MOUNTAIN SUERRV An invoice ol 1 o'laaat An invon hoice pale sheiry in woo jusi ncoivcd per bug age. Irom Cadiz, of the celebiated brand of" Gisti Via iston uirioioiis.

Terms, 4 nv.n'hs credit for sums over $100, May be i amine two days previous in sale hv rata. lopue. FRIDAY. S. At 12 o'ciock at the store ot Alessts Fitch Co.

2 New street. Bells 72 Spaiish iu, Heku. for approved enlorsed n.i. s. At 3 o'clock on td Wharf.

R. Irish Marble IU4 blocks Irish Marble, ll.i.ln..... he niorn'nj of saie. I TALI AN MARBLE The rsrjoof the ba.k No irom L.egtiorn, Consisting of 75 blocks black and Sold and white veined Italian Marble. Terms 6 mos for sums over WW.

approved endorsed nous. 1 lTr ji 1 linti 1 April At 10 o'clock, on ln as wl.arf.E R. tit. Umniuci ivlahoeanv The car, nf the n. 1 0 or, consisuiig oio ios bi womiuo mahogany of veiy oiperi it quality, an.i suitable f.r exnortan.

n. T. m. I in in ns credit lor sums ever 100 ilUrs atoroved en. aersed notes.

WEDNESDAY. April 10. Al 12 o'clock, ai the store No 20 Beaver st SALE OF SPANISH BELLS fin. Spanish Bells, taken fr the churches and convents in Spain The above bells weigh Goal 50 to S000 are beautifully ornamented wnh various inscri.Hinos' some ol which are ancient dales. Catalogues are ready, and the bells mav ho riimin.

ed any tune previous to the sale. 1 HO I approved endorsed notes. THURSDAY, AorillSth. At 10 o'c vk at No 4 06 Bros.lwav. HANDSOME FURNITURE The valuable lur ii'ure contatnad in the above house, all to the best con luton, and nearly all made to order in tbe very best manner.

FRIDAY, April 19. At 10 o'clock, at No iii. wcker st. FURNITURE Ihe household lumiture, conaist in; of a general asrortmeitt. Particulars heteafer.

MONDAY. April 22. At 10 o'clock, at44J 3ioadwjy. VALUABLE FURNITURE Tho hold lurmture contain. in ihe alave house, co npriains a ar if assortment III to si order.

Caalnpurs will he icady 3 days previous lo salo. 1 UbSDAl April 23. At 10 o'ciock at No 30 Mercer St. FURNITUK The furniture mtained in the a. bove of card, pier, dining and centre tables; mahogany chairs, carpets, glasses, kuchcn fur nilurc.iic.

iVr.DNEsUAl, April 24. At 10 'clock ar No I nd st. ELEGANT f*ckNIIUK Comni isinp a lar.r I coll lion of valuable Furnitute, ail made to order, part in Parts. FRIDAY, April At 10 o'. lock at No 479 Broa twav.

SPLKNDIO FURNITURE. SIATitAHV The ent re rich ond costly lurmture contained in the auove Douse. conMStms in uan of mval hmi scU and other carp ts, nch drawn." room furniture of Hue D.uestiK ianii, damask and sa in cuitana tn match, intel and er mirrors of very large ae, sp en .01. ri.H aim maniet ntnamenls, solas, divans, Otto mans piei.caru centre. oiiim ana other tables, o.ano.

scc.rctmy, raaible wash wand, French bedsteads and bed ju, coffea and tea setts of modern natteina cut glass, Sic. 'tis (onw neaii'tiui pieces ot Statuary. The ab ve was all made to order for the present nw ncr. the best nner, and will be found in eiceUW ord. r.

Catalogues wi'l be readv ih before the sale. TO LET. A sin ill two utory house, from the first of May neat, bciow Fulton eue t. biumire at Ib9 Itroa i i'. uirab lOt TO LET.

Two foi Piil Makers Apply on the premises, 79 South street, corner of Old slip, mr. WM. WYLLYH PR ATT TO LET REV1' r25. The ha'fof a three ftory House, to a small en teel finiily Secoud rloor, ousiwuigof Irom and nark rtsjiii. with two bedrooms, ami a iare pan trvaltaebed sooin and beili.niui in Ihird storv front ba't inent with I ir nantrv.

ird.wiih a full cts tern nf soft water bnildi a. rai I'll for two families. Enquii al24 Hammersley streei.orailheolBce.u this paper" mrl li TO I.liT. Three 3 story houses, at Brooklyn, pleasantly sitiitte.l, wilbiti live mi titea waiK til lite rent. liftuwtar.

ne nnish bed ill ihe best luan 11 be let al a v. rv aie reni. EI) WD. LUll.w in. tnr20 Iw II ureet.

LEf. The fire proof store No. 6 Fletcher street from 1st May ist) to 1st May 111. For particulars enquire on the prsinis s. mrlfi "wis TO A1I.M.K13R.

TO LET TWO LOFTS, in a situation that has Keen oerutvetl for rail af l. atc ltrj.n..T.vti JJsjiive's. To a person about ciiiinencms business thest.indw ni bc invi.hi,ib!e. Inumre on the pre mises 39 tiouth Street corner of I ltd Slip. mltf) WM WY1I.YSPRATT.

OYEREKJN Ilauk of LogUod Ntrtes, and I). ells on Enpland, Ireland. aadScotho.1 to He had l'ie office ol ths New Reporter. of SYI.VETFR St CO, aartt 1S6 Broadway, below MaKleo Laos tore, on nd by and Ui in as by ed AUCTION SALEb Bk E. H.

LUDLOW CO. CHlkiKoom.N.!!, BaoartT kcv, scab Wall 1CL Outdoor Saka.aud sales uf Household fuia attended to as usual TllttdAV, Ail2d. At IZ o'clock, at th sa'es room. It Broad St. 1 POSITIVE SALE 2 story frame house and kM the st side of Christopher st.

I IS ft from West si, opposite the Grrtnwicb marka. Lot SI ft ont, GO ft dep. Terms easv at sale. 2 POMUVE SALE Valuable Property in ihe Bowery, beiwt cu Delaicy and Kiviagstoa Ms hai valuable 4 sl.v brick buiidin. now omnimd Lewis Coutant.

No Ie9 Bowery, 0.1 the east side, 'between Delancv and Kivingtnn sts, and the lot, 2fi It 4 is in front, 24J ft in the rear, by ftt deep on one ido, 133 feet on the other aide, more or it Tbe building cons st of a 4 notv bnek house, 2j ft 4 ins by SO ft wi.h iiiider cellar, and in ihe rear a tture story dwel S7 A in Irng'h and 17 it wide, and in the e'xtrrme rear is a three story woi kshrai ihere aie two large loms ih pomps the jard. The teiics will be liberal and 1 lie sale posi'ive. 3 'I be leige and well built 3 smry btick boose with attics, knots as No 90 Amos St. near Fourth, bonked nittlin sivle, with mshoranv ds, ma ble mantels, c. The house is 25 ft 3 ins by 48 ft, 11 1 Terms, which 111 vr eaty, i aaie, 4 The large well built three story brick liuute known 92 Amos adjoining ihe above, and of similar description.

Terms as above. MONDAY, April 8. At 12 o'clock at the ars loom II Broad at. CHANCERY SADE James Camubi'L vs. Ed ward MdltHtl and others La ter ihe directum of Chas M.xire, Era.

muster chaiwrrv All thte 3 ronttguous lois ol ground, known as lots I nn i and on a Man of nrnuertv in the llih Wstd brlonsing lo the estate ol Thomas Burlm mr Edward Doughty. Cily Survevm, dated Jany. 1S33. and filed in ihe Krgi trr's rffice of NYnik bound suuih in front by 15th 75 feet in the tear by grouna ionging lo ihe estate ol Johfi owinan, lie. ceaaed, 77 feet and 1 8th ol an inch, east by lot No 36 unsaid map 81 feet 11 inches.

TUESDAY. 9th AditJ. At 12 v'clot at the sales rorm. ASSIGNEES SALE A splendid fairp at Mon I trnae, Heainttstead Harbor, in tha lwn of Nttnk neampstead Uueens Count, formerlv to Thus Pearsali. and known as Peaisall Farm: consisting 01 upwards of ZOO acres with ruitable pur itttmot vaiuacie paMure and wm land, with a beau I liful mansion.

a store and extensive stable fitted on f. I the accomniodatittn of race hoi sea, barn and ice house filled ice, and all 01 her necessary faim buildings, a I noe orcnard. garden, wnh an exiensive view Haihour un mhirJi it hrudvr. iha will be divided and aold in 3 pails. On the premises is a landing aud a fine location for a steam boat dock for lu.tner particulars enqnneof the auctioneer.

01 P. Edwards, Esq 41 Liberty at. THURSDAY 11th At o'c'ock a tbe sa'es r. om II Broad st, I "i'HKt KALK Under the direction of I i.nartes B. Mnora Esq.

George W. Bruen. exreuto I vs. Win. K.

Thorne and others All in, I IK nareeU I of land poitioiM or certain premises, consisting of ISo I lots of land situate at Burnt Mill Pond. 111 thi I lib I worn 01 me cny ci New York, bounded north by 13 I street, southeast hy land ol tbe N. Y. Dtt Dock Com. pan, southwtsi by lOtti street, and northwest avenue A.

with all the tenements hereditaments, Ac. ap TUESDAY. April 16 h. At 12 clock at the Bngh'on House, New Brighton. 1.

CHANCERY Under the diiection ol Thomas AOdis braimtt. Esq Lewis McLean and other vs. r.nenezer Jesstio and other a A 1 those certain lo' ki. wn as No 13 14 15 16 17 19 20, and lots 55 51 55 56 57 58 9 60 in block No 5 as land on ihe nii.p ol th. BrieMon A ciation, on file in the it rn tnnce 01 nicnmopd csjnly 2.

CHANCERY SALE Under ihe direction Th. Addis Emmet Louis McLesn vs. Ben 1 jamin H. Sh IIio, 8 bus known as Nos II. 12.

IS Second street and 63, 54, Si, 66, on First street, on Ul 1. D. 4 SALE Under the direction of I host Addis hmnitt Esq l.oiiu McLam va. George A. Ward, 4 lots o.

Rrhmond Tenaee, aaown as Nos .1 and 22 on ml s'reel and 54 and 55 on tbe Tcnace on r. ck IM04 4 Loins McLain and others vs. J.tshi WVI.h Rici mond Termcc. known as Nos 31. 32: S3, and 44.

65.66 in bock No 4. 5 CHANCERY SALE Under the diction ol Thomsa Addis Emmet Esq Louis McLam s. J. B. Glentwor Ad thai lot, piece or parcel of land in bio No 25.

6 McLain and others s. J. S. Cm lis and others .1 eicci, 1 aim ninmr, iota rvn 13 54 27.28 on Front street 81. 12 Gi 1 I o.i.

uo 0 00, on cnin Hid Terr re. 7 Louis and vs Bei i imin Selie et 1 s. una rant in avenee. tnuwn aa Ima s.t 32. S3 65 (6 111 block No 30.

ror fuitl.r.r Dar'iruiara see arlrerit.rmrr.i. tinuJ Thos A lois Emmet, and Paud Cndwtae, in the Kich moau uuitiy ivjirmr. MONDAY, Arml JS. At ID i dork .1 No IO( Llbeny sL u's'mo lu.ntiure anal pKluree. At F.le ant Fiimdnre Tho e'ejjarit futnitttre at No.

Fifth avenue, mcludmg an cle.anl harp, Fans manufac lute, cost foOfi. WEDNESDAY. April 24. At 10 o'clock Furniture The furniture of the Giobs Hotel, Broad, way. THURSDAY, April 25.

At 10 n'cl'tek, at No 75 Leooanl sirref. Handsome Furniture Tbe handsome furniture ia said house. SATURDAY. April 27. At 10 o'clock, nt No rroome at.

Elegant Fuinuure. Oic The elegant furniture 10 Louse. BV 1ZKA V. SNOW. Stobs 204 Broad wat, (rp staibs) 3 Dooaesaiow Kt'LTOK STREET.

BY CAD) Store 117 and 115 W.tes stccct, ooaaia oi Witt. ihj At 9 o'clock. at their auction roonu CUTLERY. A general as sorimem oi naraware.t.uneiy, sc. msisiipg of knives and furka.

pen, pocket andtw. b'aded knives, razors, sr.zxors. rieari. bntui and sho. kniv.

s.earTets bntsnnis and ir. le and tea sd.hs tei and rout pi ts comitrst s.I'viiik sauarrs hand savts, bra. a back and web saws, axes, sicrp sneai nee mius, orass snunets aodtrays sice snuffers halter chair s. ace chains bra cliairhet can Hesiicke jaitann.d lamps. files puns.

pistols, parrusaioti apv rnisaeis. namn.ers. pincers, punches, awl blades shovels and lor cs, brarrs bins, chaldrons, raw sells shaving boxes ai brushes, shavire vnan. si iff boxes pocket books, wa lets, vntjtns. tra caddies, corlt mills, leao pencils, pot set lines, tlsh hooks.

IhlOiblo ani boxwood and ivory rules, slates and pencils, ran siropa.c. JOIAH RICHARDS. Auciionee. BY DANtiS, RICH RDSti PLATT Store 198 Buoinwir. andfollowins davs.

TWENTY NITH NEW YORK TftADr SALE This sale wi'l commence on MuNDAY AH rKKNOtlN.25ih March, at 2. wiih thf sale nl several invoices of STATIONERY including a laige ass rtmen of articles I roan ibe ank fact Ty of lair Felt A Co such as Sealing Wax Wafers. Wntinr Fluids. Ac a large assottrnent Wntjig Desks, and Dressing Cases for ladies and gen llemen. mad in the best manner aud elegant lv turnih ed a variety ofwritinc.

printine. colored and marble. papei. enameled cs.ds. quills, blank books, Sc.

I he sale of 'he OKS will commence on TUEi DAY MORNING. 26 Match, alt nasi 8 tf loel and will be continued fr. day Is day in the order oi ine aiaiogue. until completed. Th catalogue will br found to embrace all the nu variety of stock ftom the prtncip I puhluhin l.ou...

nrouEnuui uie country, as wu as a or sets of stereotype plates, to ether with standinc piesse. k. i 1 ihnntRiii.irrd uiuns presses, etc. In addition to the stereetvpe platen contained in th.

fict cHtal. one ihere Kill be off. red Franklin 14 vols; Republic of Letiria; Scott's Tactics; Am tronji's Notes on Wai 3 sets Pockel Bibles; Brown'. Lonourdance Crabbi 1 ales obinaoa Crusoe. The catalogue is now ready for drliyc ry at the ato' to those interested.

As usual a second catalogue will be i'siw1 I to the sile, cmbrecin invoices received i 'O' tir.t. Ail2oV M. flnrcntinuatinn ol ihe T.aV ale now in projress.l STEREOTYPF r'LATES A preai aumber of valuah Sterersvt Plates, inctuHin. inaavof the roosl ptnilar ws of the day, standard works, bibles, prayer hnes. tic.

as parucularlj described in Caia Iryties. TYPE Several laige fonts cf Type but little used. RULING MACHINES Standing Presses, and Bo AMtidcrs' Cultine Prews IOKHINDERS' MUSLINS, of various patterns and ou tlines A WASHINGTON PROOF PKESS, ia eacel ent condition. AT PRIVATE SALE. 44 pieces Bonokbinders Cambrics, imported, assorted colors.

A 'sn. Poin'inf pr saes, several fonts or type, a posing stone case. Arc. teV BOOKS Just publtshe.1 and for sale JOHN S. TAVIjOR.

Theoloficai IVi.ks.dler, Brick Church New York Aids to Preaching a id Hearinf hy Thomas ftkinner. 1.. 1 bound to correspond In his fonncrvol'im RetirnMioi the Hittlw. mrjii jq WaTCHE. OI JITsT received au inv.acc of OoM and frvcr Lever Watches For bale by J.

II. JlinUAN MOTT. mr7 N'o Rmad sire t. 4 tk irs below Wall. Dill SllEUSI C.vrt Jf) arrls.

forsale by R. at A. '5 Greenwich. mr21 Oor. L'liiinhers sts.

Several peDtlenieni an be accommodated mth ecntcetboard in a respecta ble private Board ine House, where thete are but few boarders. Also a gentlnma a nd wile can be accommodated. Apply at No. 339 Pearl atreeKFrkliri Square). n2i m.

DRAMATIC BK.VlTIES. llrMnaic auii elected fr.Mn the farly ntl modern Ilriiish FrsintHisis. tormirtf acomuaoion tn Dottd's liem.esof Shakspeare, le, London.jiist receivedann i LINEN A FIX NFL. mr06 Brrottwav Royal llank ol IreUnd. iu son." to Ji suit purchasers.

Orders by mail, ot wit receive the greatest alien. loo. Apply to BYI.vraTER mU3 13C Broadway below Mudea Laao. Stob sales At gam eng. otter ii Sale in Sale pan the ctu ry ler to ue, and der At I I I 1 AUt bALLS.

Lm 9. OKlAli AMLZl 1 BV AIM Eh IM. MIUtTkCO. iSo.SS HiiOAPsrsixi Ys, i ja 14 FctTOB sratsr BaatOMi.ii. ICJAMrlS M.

MILLER CO. witlajvethei peraviaal atientioa to sales of Fuianuie and out Suae gen ralltr. N. 1 btre is registr 1 kept at ihe salts rotas fur private sale propeny Irrr frsrtfctr. Tu MuKkuW, 10 o'clock, at tbe store of sa Kemp, No.

2 Ffr ry street. BOOTS. SHOES, IdO Case of Boot, Bio. aawl s. cow ui 19 me a rrorral ansneM.

At 12 o'ekek at thm sa rs iw No 23 Bit ad s. I. WILLI A MSBUKGH Chancery hale Curtts) Ketuaro L'udrr tbe direct ma of Stepbta CantttrrH master in chancery All those 9 lots of (and snaats in tbe vUage of WiU Uamsbutgn. mad known on a map file sa ihe Clerk's ol Kings county, by the Nns 8lloal42902l 2iS ap. lot I.

2 r'OKTlETH ST Stanley vs Kip Chancery Under ihe drciion of Rotges, snanrrin chancery, 10 luis of land fronting ro On st. betwrea ihe ana za avenues. IOU it iroat ine Zd avrnue and coa taming in Irom on 40th st. 302 ft; also al the right of vt mr mrn in iiooi ui a no iota. Fhilol Haggles, ma.HT chanony.

FRIDAY, March 29. At I2oVlitrJ(. at Ibew sales roi.24 Broad s. 1. CONCERT ST.

BROOKLYN Brooks vs. Albert Under Ike dirrctit of David Codwise, Esq Master to Chairry All that certain el of land senate in the cay of Brot khrn. iha north side of Ceocxed street, fitly fet, wtsxily bona, northwest corner of otic oid sod Bridge tire a ltd Containing 63 feet front and rear, and 100 A depth on ue. O. Codwnw, master in Chancery.

SATURDAY. Much SO. 7 At 12 o'clock ae 14 Fuhon at. RtnoLU. 1.

CLA ON AVENUE. BKCM.KLYN Ch.Jw. Sale Untie. the avectioa of Moiso, Eo. mas.

ra chancery. Ail inte iu certain lots ir ground situate the 7 ward of ihe citv of Bnvklva, an. known on a map of 110 i 1 urlP'e by ttc Nos. lion 254 233 on the wertorly eide of Clam. avenue.

1. lrrr "lasiet in chancery. TUESDAY. And 7 At 12 o'clock, al mew sales It 1 1. TWENTY FOURTH ST Chancery Salo Towns, nd s.

Snlwcll Uudtr ihe direciion ol Philo rvuggies inai certain parcel ol land aituale tho ward, the northwesterly side of 24 street, 2i5 'eei; aouiheHy from the easterly mer ol the 4ili aven. and S4th street, and containing Sa feet in width troct rear, ar.d 98 ft 9 in in depth. 1 Kuggiea. master in chancerv. t.

MANHATTAN VILLEChanrer K.ilTr tbe dirrctioo of Cowdrey, Esq. master cl ues n. lanw.aiiuate in mannat tanville, in ihe Itth mard. andknywnon ike map of 180 A ia i su, mon itiannartan at; an tl lot on said snap, lit, 114. ISS.

134. 136 oc' oclrj stree: psn of lots Si and 34 as kid 'own on said man. Nos 96 58 40 42 aa it 58 Pr lo 148, IfO; Hi 164 jab 78 i SchirflVim street aubirci tr. tbt openu ol tbe 1 opcnii.g ol toe avenees ana streets. NBA map of the nrooart ter'softeo.

THURSDAY l.ii,L 10 1 o'clock, at ihe store olOgdtn Edwatda, No Mm eiry aireot. 2fsje sides Solo ghl weights 1000 do do middle do 500 do do heavy do 1SIa Al "Pd. damaged 100 dor bark lanned shrep skins, finishod for b4 miiucri uae 100 doa bark tanned theep skins, for bnini FRIDAY At 10J o'clock, at the store of Ausun Melbrin ft Co. No 5 Ferry su a ci i.ri'n.r. otc 100 eases Boon and Shoea 10t 0 aid fia shed upper Leather do, ZoO morocco lining and ndir.g skins Also, a quantit ol ao Ua.h..

i .1 i the bne SATURDAY. April (. At 12.. Mock at ihrsa rnnm. 5.

CHANCERY SALE llem, Van 80, I Richard Lvdecker. 1 nit, JL Cambreleoe. Lq. master 10 chancery iu inusroceruia lois nt land situate 10 Ihel2lh ward sou.berly side of 5d .1, 2i0 ro. 5th avenue.

Also. 4 lots of eroand aituaieai 1 1 ..0 a. jo si. lioalins the 9iha. eouo.

Wa. c. Masier in cbanecry. TUk' T1AT A ni 4 At 10 o'ctnen. fhi tr trr.

41 Broad st HARDWARE 400 package, fresh inpories! Biro.inebara and Hardm.r. bracing every artic in ibe lioe. iooihTl aawl nfles. Tav, 6 Catatofues and mmmIs ready two dan Apr.116. At 12 o'clock at Ifcear calra mm.

a 7 TWtLFTH STREET Chancery fcilc VofrT nis vs Lo oer Under the directtoa of PhUo Ku gles Esq master la chanvai AU Uiat censm lot nf land situate sn the 15th ward in the southerly aid. atieet.du.ism 9A wesieily Inm. ihe 6th avenue, and cooistou 25 fco fiont and rear 1' 3 3 in de on nchotnr. BY B. P.

1NGKAHAM. Store No. F. I'oo eel awn to Nassau. FURNIirhl i I.

a give bia ers. oal 1 1 nth he I inni'ure seatoa. and a theaa t.mwm arid tbe puMir. FRIDAY. ITD kAt o'clock, at No.

123 Fa un sL FURM i il A Lire and g.neral arvmtmenl cf new and ttc ud hand houa. hold aan rkii. I fi OHtaiaunt ot sofas, aid. boards, sofa bedsteads, anal any nine, and lea lal les, latlel and wnk do. wa.ii Mai.ds Etaea.

snaitMsny and roiled tr. a pie rliais lamps, ca.deisiirks, china unv. matting aqieu. counting house desks eUk. manopsny chairs.

Iressine snd plain bureaaa, French mahogany bedsteads beds, matli rke. r. WEDNESDAY, April 10. A 10 'KUxk lne auction room. LAMPS Ac A larte anj valuablo sukof nantle and astral lamps, china, g'ass, Ac.

Particulars her. af'e. MONDAY, April 15. A' 10 'clork at N. Roosevelt st.

FURNITURE The household and krtchea furni ture. TUESDAY. April 16, At 10 o'clock at No Peail sr. FURNITURE PLATE A large arsortmrat of houaetioid furnnurr, silver fiUtte. Ac.

WEDNESDAY, A piil 17, Al 10 at No 21 t. CAA'NET FURNITURE Oa ihe It and 21 fl.wra a very la. re and valuable si.srh of new cit made warramed fa.mture, beug the entire stock. a cabinet maker. The mm will be open and ibe lumiture can be examined ary deyprcnous Partw oulars hereafter.

THURSDAY, April 18. ry. 'c oct'. Broadway. ELEGANT UK Ml UK Aa lumiture cot.tau.ed the boos D.prisine a lar(e and hand omr assortment Part a.lar b.

r. after. FRIDAY 19th, Elef Furniture and All tbe furaiture. contained in the house No 14 Mott street. Particulars hert afer MONDAY 22d.

At 10 o'clock. at No Bowery. Fu.niture 1 he htata. fa. Id and knehe.

lurnilo e. N. Cm dm sal. a ol lu.mlute, g.rc nts. dry lurruM in nut.

tn.ctua ity ro O'Spaich. LET 2 new atotes No 71 an .3 Lih. n. TO trty i Apply at the auction ro. in.

AT PRIVATF AI Bsroueh Vton A ir wf.on, anttt al lite nnmn eon, nearly new HIl.l I ARD TAPt A econd hand billiard at the sue ion room ta in G. SNOW Aucitvn.Tr. J. G. SOW Ai CO.

Store 120 Fulion street. Co. would respectfully bee leave to sicfbr out doorssl. a ol furniture, rrocettes ttc. Allretutnapromptiv made TUhSHAV.

Aprii 14. At 10 o'clock, at 45 Walker st. FURNITURE The furniture ol a famil up housekeeping, cona stmc of sofas, manors ar chairs, sideboard, bureaus, bre kfaM, dmmg lea and centre tables. dreini bureaus wash stands, nahogan bed st. ads, beds snd bedding, mat'rarses, Ac.

wnh a lareo assortment o. kitchen furnuurr, with which the sale wJJ commence. Also, a splendid assortnaent of crockery, china and glass wair. Sale poei'ive. WEDNESDAY, AtlO o'clock at the audio roocn.

FURNITURE Aa a nre to be aofd I lo pay adv.nceVo. ZnU solas, chair, bureaus, rockmg rbarrs, weU worthy tbe atttna.41 of bousekeep, Also, a lot ofgolt and ailver watches, beb ne.h, a watrl maker aivins! as Kimim k.i Cmth. THURSDAY. April 25. FURNITURE Aa ss orment of cent el fuiaitrro kelongma to a fam ly break, nf up boos.

he. dibv. Ptr iH ar h. leafier. jo m.n smkkkinT Sroat No.

47 Fcltoii STactr. THUltiAY April 4. FURNiTimF 7TrT KM TURK Tbe funutor of a faonlr de I nmg boos keeping, ccnprisiag a general aaoru n.e tt. AT PRIVATE SALEA large and ncrml av i.eii Ma furni tore. WT MrHNEP CANI.V Clrfullv packed in ioib L.

4t A. tfTTART, 25 n.c3l at a. rVUI lO I'IIjOTS VrW', aiil :rmn.hrni daTSf Ap.S C.oundaTr William roncwm, Ileir.r" Wk "nd Atasrican Fcls oJ Glares rf the for 7 'Q ood hvn" i s. 11 n. 1 If.

IS) Pearl street..

The Evening Post from New York, New York (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.