The Topeka Daily Capital from Topeka, Kansas (2024)

THE TOPEK A DAILY CAPITAL Tuesday, September 14, 1920. HELP WANTED FEMAI 10 UNDERTAKERS. COLO REP Grata Live Stock Finance HAY IS ALSO HAY OIUl.S WA-ted for Salne addon. Tul V.rl'irlan,: BIRTHS REPORTED lT'Jf CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AND PENWELU t-l Qumer Fhon 111. L.


EXPORT DEMAND SERVES TO BOOST WHEAT PRICES PARTY shipping furniture to Loui would phar rr with tomeoB. 2 i-in- coin. Phone roe. TT1 YrOPKRTV at 1126 Monro istrfet la tMkpn cut of ail gcnt9 hands on XHi date and after. WANTKIr To care "for two hU cbUdren unner n'htM)! a f.

good country home. T-J4. rare Ho i IS 1 AfHF.H A P. Knw City, Sept. IS.

Today's tseceipta of! rattle, 34.000. were the largest thus far thts year, and urice ruled steady to 2 5 cents i rm PISH WASH ER Colored woman nnlv rred Hirvcy, TELEPHONE 3515 IJirths reported to the city clerk for the week ending September 11. Mr. and Mrs. Kermin Arreguin, 215 Han- co*ck.

Sept. 7. girl. Margarita. i Mr.

and Mrs. Kverett Rav Belt, 1256 To-', peka Sept. 3. boy. Wliiiam Arthur.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Erich Bamberg. 104 Hawthorne. Sept.

6, girl. Rhea Ioliesca. Mr. and Mrs. Koacoc.

Conklin Born. 13'3 Garfield. Sept. 4. boy, Roscoe Conk: In.

Jr. I Mr. and Mr. Howard Cook. 634 Mon- roe.

Sept. 6. boy. Howard Jr. Mr.

and Mrs. Orlie Frisbie, 202 N. Van i Bure-i. Sept. 6, girl.

Bulah Fav, i Mr. and Mrs. John Falta. 551 E. Gordon Sept.

2, girl, Boaise. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Ju tafson.

503 Topeka Sept. 5. boy. Chas. Milton.

Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Diego Garcia, 519 K. Third, i Aug.

31. girl. Maria Rsln. Mr. and Mrs.

Floyd K. Irish, 619 Chand- ler. Sept. 1, boy. Flovd Everett, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Blackwell. 1213 Cana- ower.

Killer took ail tb good to eholce fat eteers at steady prices. Others showed the decline. Hog prices were up another 15 to 25 cents, and in the hiKheat position since last September. The top wia flt.75. Fat wpsicrn iambs were aironz to 25 cents hUher.

tup $14.35. and the highest this seiitun. Today's Rceipta. Receipts Small Along dian Boundary. ELEVATOR tilRI.

Colored Apriy Mnn- 1 roorninr Thwp Hotel KKMALE IIELI' 'VANTKI at Y. C. A OIRU-Whtt. for ajrr.eral Ivusework. Ap-n to Dean Kave.

Phone- 3 Giassrnca'iicn: Key Practically all business houses on Kansas avenue, excepting restaurants, dreg -stores and soda fountains were closed yesterday, while proprietors and employes went to tee the Kansas Iorly and other races. Those who are not fond of the ponies took advantage of the first day to see the exhibits which were never more inspiring than this year. Many favorable comments were heard concerning the exhibits of prain and livestocks. These two industries are the base on which the state's prosperity is founded, and they were never more prosperous than in 1 020. NXH D'SE 6R'P (Ct.) HuuR i i.t ml WA osju Lai in b4 person.

-T- work Arr'y in 1. The U1KI.S-. mfnL Trunk With Seaboard Connections Heavily Domestic Mill cattle. 5.500 with 19.000 Houses Buy Receipts today were 34,000 hogs, 15. GOO toheep, compared Co 1 Lk detail work in Ming ar.d 45IB1.

for att experience 5anta Kf Good land. Sept. 13. i Special) Several years ago W. II.

Melstrum, a young man. homesteaded an eighty in the Bearer valley in northeast Sherman county. It was not enough for general farming, so the young man planted it to alfalfa. Then he traded it for JO acres of upland. John Phillips, a wealthy farmer, looked over into the alfalfa field and bought it.

pitying $100 an acre for the eighty. Phillips, being a farmer, thought it would be a good thing to own a ready-made alfalfa field. But it proved to be a "white elephant" on his hands. The alfalfa produced five crops the year he and it kept Phillips busy caring for the crops.

He said it required too much of his time from his big cattle farm. So Thillips sold the land to a neighbor for $VSt an acre. It again produced five crop and the new owner sold more than of alfalfa hay to Phi'lips last year off the eighty acres. This year the eighty is still producing. It will be necessary for the No Co Mayo's Taxi Te3.

6-7-3 During Hij; Frtf TAIGK CARS 7 Iay and Night Service. II. T. MAYO, 4'-J'- ljit 4th St. l.i e.

girl. Mildre.l Jesne. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bibion Jones St or- oir'i, WAXTKI) In rough-dry dei-artmrnt.

i mont hospital. Sept. 2, boy, Theodore Albert. n. 4 cuy fnd l.uniry.

GIRI, tor general housework. S24 I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Barrow Jordan Phone lie 1 ing Demand Good. Chicago, Sept.

13. Fresh upturns in the price of wheat today accompanied buying on the part of houses with seaboard connections. The close was unsettled, IVic to 2 Vie net higher, with December $2.40 to and March I aun- HANP-iHONEK. Christ iioapttal cattle, "i.uuu rjog. ana u.uyj a w-e aso.

and 34.40U cattle. 9.800 hog, and 25,000 siiec-p a. year ago. Hvef Cattle. In proportion to total re ttpts of c.att'.e the per cent of good to choice bef steers was unusually jfma.ll.

and prices for them were fully steady. Common, plain and medium steers were plentiful and fcold jLtft 15 to 25 cents. Packers made iioeral purchases and there waa a ftr.od shipping nd arder trade. The few loads of fed steers here sold at (15.50 to $16.50. Nothing prime was offered, tlraas fat ster nold at to $15.25.

few above $13.50, or beiow $9.00. Cows and heifers were generally steady at last weeK'a decline. eal calves were weak to 60 centa lower. I Lincoln, Sept. 5.

Joan. I Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lindsay Mason. 1274 Mulvane, Aug.

25, boy, Tb.eodbre Bir.d-t say. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wil! Vaus.

R. Klmont. July 22. gtrl. Harriett Christlna.

Mr. and Mrs Raich Neal 51 11. First. dry. HCt.i' in laun.lrr department, wcrH.

More than 1.500 persons were assigned to rooms yesterday by the convention bureau of the Chamber of Commerce. Until late last night, G. C. renditions, experience ua- i '-od workii'K i tw.iua LIVESTOCK il AUTOMOBILE GR0UP tine for Jli-A-J'a 4jpir. Krur el V44iihJ aictc I5uj clcm RENTAL CROUP Aartmnt for Ayr.iU-.uia urn i Kck unified necesssry Mutual l7PY ST EN OG RAriH'R.

Mu-t have po oats $2.44. Corn gained to 2ViC Sickle 4 4 7. undress was buiy calling home owners finished unchanged to 'ic up and pro Address Pox -Firpt 1 for pri- experience. I.Al'M'Il ESS-ate fainii. PU BLIO NOTICES.

1 A Note 1 Am 2D 1 2 l-oot Nu.icca J-IIIUS Of "1 4 I itUer ujifrs 7 I i EMPLOYMENT CROUP 10 Heip Ktm-e I H. V. 12 Salru xsatiUU 14 1 rii li.jwrurua 15 S-toatiCi Ma.t 15 uuAt iv t.rr.aie BUSINESS SERVICES 17 unices tWfe-eo 18 bids rrnuidirj 1 liui -huinsiui Ll uai "2 Moving -fiiti-i age -4 '2b ITof r-Miona! Sfr-ncei IflBiiTft.lCf OAR0ING-LODGING "5 flooms-Krnt-W rst 9 30 Rot -ms-l nfumifcierl hi -f-iing -its 3J Hotria KtsuiarnU 53 Ktrouis or iKjirl ic. MERCHANDISE GROUP" MiiCl'cou K'T t-ai iA- ttarrrr 4t 3 Wult1 Mivei is 36 MiiAU-aJ ir.uairifnj; b- 1' 'prw'teri. Survlies MA cOautt Too is Phune 1 7 Mi.

tent colored gli for general NEAT, coinret-" housework. Phone ana sending i-Tee Jrair visitors ou lor a week's lodging. The Chamber of Commerce and Kan-ws Free Fair management will le tl.shwashli'.g NEAT COLOnEU GIRL for Phone 3214. Aug. 19.

boy. Jarne- Svlvester. Mr. and Mrs. Albert B.

Richardson. 201 Davfes. Sept. 7, girl. (Jeraldine Annabelle.

Mr. and Mrs. Alva Lawrence Sowers. 1620 Bosweil. Sept.

5. girl. Klizabeth. Louise. Mr.

and Mrs. W. Tillman. 2635 Minnesota. Aug.

2S. boy. John Waldo. Mr. and Mrs.

Andres Toledo, 120 N. Jefferson, Sept. 5. boy. Lorenzo.

and Mrs. Serapio Vas'juez. 12S N'. Madison, Sept. 8.

twin bovs. Adrian and Nat vidad. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Huch Williams.

1272 Tyler 6. boy. Milton Hugh. Jr. Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Woodard. R. El-mont, Aug. 25, girl.

Helen lona. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buerman, 517 Lake. Sept.

3, boy. i new owner to take care or nve crops i-. i U- I "4it LOST. FOUND. STRAYED 8- BLACK AM' BAG.

containing a pair of; tortoise shell glasses at Gage park. Re- ward. 635 Llndenwood. ill. A CK HAN PllVti.

imitation walrus skin, contains men's clothes Can be Identified- bv students' entrance card to Kansas Agrl- cultural college, made to Geo. Finder return bag to E. H. Meker. county agent at the Jackson coutity exhibit at Agrtcul- tural hail.

Topeka Fair grounds. Reward, i BLACK CMBRKLI.A LOST, either on Ixw- man street car, Friday at 1 o'clock, or on I K- B. "iulM dy. PIANIST Young Company. SF.CON'P CtoKS hosts to all the livestock exhibitors at 1-- vtrt.iCUK.

iitlil -Karms, uot impelenl. Riai W. A. Cafeteria again this year. "It takes all my time to 'tend' that darned eighty." the farmer said.

"I'm going to sell it." So the farm is to be sold at auction this month at a cattle sale on the Phillips farm. visions varying from lc decline to uc advance. It was generally assumed from the character of the imying in the wheat pit that liberal export business wns under way. In this connection, a special incentive to purchase was pointed out the comparative smallness of receipts" here and on both sides of the Canadian boundary. IJesides, milling demand was reported good at all domestic centers.

Corn rose with wheat notwithstanding increased country offerings. September delivery was in special demand 'het er A ITRES-i Kxperienced. wanted field fe. 1 WAITRESS For dif.inr room I Stockers and Feeders. Tho there was a fairly large country demand stockers and feeders were in liberal and while a few of the beist were quoted steady, must of the offerings were to cents lower.

Kaxtern buyer.i continue tj take a many flesKy sieers for i-hort feeding. Stock, calves were weak to 25 cents lower and stocK cows and he.fers about steady. Hog. Another 15 to 25 cente advance in hoes today broufcht prices to the highest portion siiK-i lat September, and more than above a week aso. Demand for pork both from export anfl domestic source is iarper now than for a number of months past.

The top price today wa $16.75 and bulk of tales $16.00 to $16.70. 1'iRs sold up to $16.50. and all stock and feeding grades were in active demand. Sheep and jAmba. red liarv unnecessary.

An Stormont 4 -Vauia iw Kroi REAL CSTATE GROUP rt oft for tv. Uu for Mia 71 jr.tUart lor Sa. rm unm for s' U-. i.Te UcAi atate Wan ttq FIM'CIAL, LEGAL CR' 7" loans. fc.

liond 76 -Wajii to iiorrow TOPEKA HOG MARKET i I-oriffren, 210 Fair- FestMtin. WAN'TEP Two young U-iies education to accept posit: ors sic depertmert 4'ali pt raol Roehr Music Co, tt' II in Shrel all) dinner this evening. Henry J. Waters, of the Kansas City Weekly Star and W. M.

Jar-dine, president of the Kansas State Agricultural college, the star of the evening. 'ha lies will act as tonst-master. liepresentatives of the various breeders' associations will make hort speeches, regarding their respective breeds of cattle, swine and sheep. Henry W. McAfee has had charge of the arrangements for this annual event.

There will be no livestock parade in rront of the grandstand this evening, so all the exhibitors can attend the dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Hubbard, hospital.

Serf. 1, girl. Mr. and Mr. Henry William Topeka.

R. 27. Sept. 3. girl.

Mr. and Mrs. Vern J. Putner, child. Auk.

21. boy. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper McKinley 222 West Eighth, Aug.

29. boy. Mr. and Mrs. Otto M.

George. Topeka Sept. 5. boy. Mr.

and Mrs. Rev A. Butterfield, Topeka. Sept. 10.

girl. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Johnson, Sept.

9, girl. WANTED At ee 1 hous 4 charge on farm St 14.00(5:16.00 1 1.00 'i 15.75 10.00 0 15.00 Mixed batcher Heavy I.lsht Tics under 150 lbs.) Rough Thomas n. n. 30 4 CUy l.ecompton. Kn WANTKP doled glri to close spreads.

Oats were dull and held within nar-J row limits. Provisions averaged higher. The Cboco- laic Shop. ll Ksnsss ave WANTKP Woman to do at house, i rat of week 1714 th" ft i CHICAGO GRAIN AM) 1'ORK MARKET. lOnnUilnns furnished by the Umpire Corn- Close- Co.

1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WAN'TEP Women and grls for u-room work. Apply employment Chas. Wolff I'a klt I'oiiU'any. Tr.p. Kansas.

WoMAN. white, to In k.t. hen. bt Sat. i Wheat- Kat I.imt3 were quoted 25 cents higher ami heep and feeding lambs were bteady.

The good western, L'tah. and Idaho iambs here told at $13.75 to $14.35, the last named price bt-in the hicnest this season 2o tents. Native lambs fold up to $1.1. 25. Most I of tho feeding limbs sold at $12.50 to il3.50.

llornee and Malen. A liberal supply of range horses is on sale this week, and the jnuil kinds are bringing steady prices. 'Natives are in limited sup- piy. I'iain coiiinion and out of condition kinds are -llinif lower. Mon.

249 244 Low 247 243 .7 247 Hign 249 245 corner nu please phone Blue .027. FoCNT' One small Shetlsnd pony. Fraok 1 A. Sttles.R. 1 Phone 421jN-2; LOST Black aud tan coon dog.

Reward. 1 430 Chandler. Phone 4211. l.oST Gold brari-let. between 17th and Buchanan and 17tU and Western Initials A.

I'. Reward Phone 4il W. LOST A child's tan pongee coat. Finder please call Blue 3060. LOST Sunday evening on Topeka avenue, between 13th and 17th streeta.

a new John llarlln Companv cap, size 7. Phone 3145 or 5349 J. Reward; LOST Hub-cap off of truck, threaded in one end Phone HIack2411. LOST Between Hoyt and Mette Indian fair, one 37x5 tire chain. C.

S. Magason. 301 Black 2994 LOST Two lare mud cbjtms, tictween Hol-ton and TopeKa. Reward. Motor Service Co.

I.oST Monday, from a taxicab on way from Worthani shows train to the Fair grounds, a reed suit case, containing shoes, underwear and other personal effects. Reward if rnurned to Pat lnce. The Free War xhjbit. Wortham Shows. Fair grounds I.oST itetwecn Lawrence and Topeka on the Golden Pelt route.

2 cord tires for Win-ton car. Reward. Pr. J. C.

Wilhoit. Manhattan, Kan. LOST On Golden Belt. Kunston-luilvue, worn coat with bank booka. $75 check and cash.

Finder may heve cash for return of coat and other contents to 1 407 Lane at. 247 242 Rigdon to A. E. Dillon. 3.0f0.

quarter, section 55. township 10, How to Answer Blind Classified Ads In answering blind ads In these columns, pleaae be careful to uh tha precis address given in the adT. Write, the aduresa plainly. Letters brought In The Capital otfice do not require stamps. Always incioats your answers in sealed envelope.

In replying to advertisem*nts where references are asked for, do not aend the original references. scud copies them only. R. W. louthn est range 14.

The first sale reported at Motor hall was made by Fred Raemer. of the Haemer Motor who sold a Stephen sport model coupe before 10 o'clock. i LAPY some office eiper. and a good tvpist to take a in order dep a rt men! of a leading u'. TOPEKA rOtl.TRY AND EGG MARKET.

(Corrected daily by "The Copes." 220 Kansas avenue. U. S. Food Administration License U-1S119.) Egg market continues strong with higher tendencr. Current receipts, rota out.

per dojL. 4Sc New cases Included, per case, $15.00. Poultry market very much depressed by reason of the heavy movement from the country our market is congested, packers refusing to buy on account of being over-stocked, their feeding batteries loaded to the door It is estimated there are between "5,000 and 100,000 chickens on milk feed in Topeka with labor difficult to obtain and live poultry ears unobtainable. Buyers have therefore reduced tKeir prlcea in an effort to divert shipments elsewhere. Some Inquiry for turkeys, ducks and geese.

The following prices will probably prevail on our 1 Dec i Mar Corn Sept dm May 1 Oat Sept 1 1 tee May Barley A. M. Greenwood to 160-S2, Twiss avenue, W. I.adner. $1.

lots Norton's second ad- i Ad ing concern in Topeka l-p'v your hand writ in ir and slate w.ipes expe. of value for the based mainly on The approximate range various grades of cattle. Tlusiness methods iu Topeka are far riiffniwir frvm thfKp of eastern cities, dition. 1 c. Schnacke to P.

Noah, 86, College avenue. Klmhurst. E. S. l.loyd to H.

Lane. $600, A. Willard. X. Sacht to J.

Gerlin. $1. $1. lot3 4S4-lot in block 25. Madison actual sales, if as follows: Kat native steers, choice 527 140 1J7 140V 127t 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 11S 117 116 ll.W 3Ti 63'i 3Vj 65S -fi7 tS 69', 68 69 6Svi 104 105 104i 104 104 104 239-1 J400 237" 23SO 2400 2410 238i 2S0 2275 1 975 1975 1-fiS 15 172 1 977 1885 1570 1975 195 140 14n 1S2 130 16S0 ISS" street north.

E. E. Newell to W. H. Maus.

$9,600. north nait 01 southwest quarter, section 26 town- Sept Por1- Sept Lard Sept Oct Kir.s Sept Oct fchip 10, range 1 o. M. A. Sayre to W.

O. Hamilton. $1. lo! market today. Eggs, fresh, per 48c.

Broilers, per 30c. Hens, per lb 25c. Springs, over 2 lbs. each, per 24c. Hens, heavy, per 2c.

Hens. fat. under 4 lbs. each, per 24c. Old cox.

pea loc. Turkeys, voung. weighing 7 lbs. or more each, per I ad- part Js, lluchanan street. Home prime $16.7517 35 Kat native tteers, medium to Kood 10 00W15.75 Orass fat steers 1 'f 1 5.

25 Common to fair 7.50frtl0.oO Fed yearlingb 11.0't 16.50 Cows, choice to prime 1 0. 00 1 2. 00 Cows, fair to good 5.75H 9.75 Canners and cutlers 5.25 Heifers, including 7.50 16.00 Hulls 4.75itf 8.75 Veal calves 7.25ul5.50 Feeders 7.7 5 ic 1 3.5') Stockers 2.50-1 11.00 Stock iows and heifers 5.25 8.75 StocK calves 6. uo iff 11.00 dress V-5, care of The Capital NT ED H'lCSEK PFPER Con.peteet woman who wants pernii-nenf home witii small family; take full charge of tnodern home. Good wa-s.

Itefet.n.en required. K-923, rare laiillsi, WAITItKSSKS Experienced. nl appearing good wages. Ideal cltv. pleasant ing-.

exeeiirnt woraing conditions. iciorv l.unc 'o. WHITE WOMAN to rt i whir-r ar.d -or-ing. 2 afternoons ea( week Kev1 4 WANT El Good eeconl cook, woman permanent work and rood b.o to 'he vl-' party. lianner Loner 2 5 Kareaa ave Kxperienee not ne-essary.

Appl.T Kn1 Harvey, Santa Ke depot. YGcn Lidice; the Fair rim. and on 3rd tire mounted night rlin to 311 Jefferson. Lt 'ST Blackstotie lost Sat. Madison: reward.

KANSAS CITY GRAIN MARKET. (Quotations f-ji-ni-hed by the Empire Com 35c Old toma, per 25c Old hen turkeys, per 30c. Ducks, young, t. f. per lic.

Old ducks, per 15c. tloslings. per 13c. geeie. per 11c.

IMceons. $1.20. Above prices paid for good conditioned fowls delivered with empty craws. I.KGAL. (First published in The Topeka Paily Capital, September 10.

1920.) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. The Hoard of Pistrb-t No. ion. Jef-feisor and Leavenworth Count will re--eie bids at the office of the 'ierk until Sept. 20th, 1920.

for the- erection and completion of a foundation for a school building at McLouth, Kansas. All as shown on plans and specif by William H. Sayler architects. Ssid plans may be secured from the Clerk of the Board. The owners reserve the right to reject any or ail bids submitted for the work.

E. C. STEEPER, Clerk, McLouth. Kan. according to Mrs.

Fred W. Finlay. who helps her husband in managing his wholesale drygoode house. 411 Kansas avenue. She is learning western methods in a remarkably short time, however, and when the salesmen fail to turn in orders, she goes out and tackle the obstreperous buyers, with i excellent results.

I Prior to her marriage, Mrs. Finlay was traveling saleswoman for a big New York dry goods house. Her record was the envy'of many of her male mm- -j-etitors. When Mr. Finlay decided upon Topeka as the location of his big jobbing house, ehe naturally entered into the spirit of the new undertaking, In addition to her housework she does) Hie lookkeepins and mii-ii of the sell-j ing for the firm.

iCKKTBook left In Warren M. Orosb toilet Friday. Sept. containing 2 $5 bills and some small change. Reward Black 4514.

RING, with ruby and six pearls, lost at transfer station rest room. Finder please return to Pally Capital office. dition. A. V.

T.indell to V. B. I.angsdorf. $1. lots S5K-60.

Fillmore street. Eckert's addition. W. Forbes to J. W.

Phillips. $725. lot 160, Lawrence street. Parkdsle addition. L.

Kniiel to E. J. Knis-i. $1 southeast quarter, section 7, township 12. range F.

S. Villia to M. E. Willis, $1. lot 622.

part 20, Bollcs avenue, block 7. M. L. subdivision. W.

E. tiny to P. Poelfsz. $2,300. lots 139 to 47, Winfield avenue.

P. A R. addition. C. C.

Greene to V. K. Cuv. lots 143 to 47. Winifred avenue, H.

A- R. addition. G. W. Pitch to P.

F. Redman. $1.00. lot 205. part 03, Lake street, F'arkdale addition.

J. STraub to T. Link. $2,100. part lots 15 to IS.

block 2. Auhurndale addition. W. T. to F.

Keliey. $1. lot part TOPEKA mi'IT AND FKODl'CK. by The V. O.

Ander mission Co. Close Wheat Open TTi-fh Low Mon. Sit. Iec 142h 2441, 242 2 44', 21' Mr 2G3 240 234 240 237i Corn Sept 12 130, 124 129U 1 27 -i 1-- 11 2, 112-, 112 11UW 11 May lll'i 1104 111 113- Oh tB MS, May 6S 68 6 7 68 67 v-, (Quotations furnished son Comnnsalon ijnileo states rooa Administration O-15610.) Peaches Per bu. basket $5.00.

Apples HELP WANTED aiALE Jonathans, per Jonathans, per Average cost of hogs at Kansas City Saturday was $16.07. at Chicago $15.60 and at $15.39. Tin- ranse of prices for hogs follows: H. avy hogs 5. 50 1 6.

50 (iuo'l to i iioiee medium 16.23 ft 16.75 tlood to choice light 16. 16.75 t'ommon 4. 50 fl 6.00 Plain medium weight 1 S.6' a 1 6. 1 6 Cacking sows 1 3. 7 5 1 5.25 Figs 1 3.

25 1 6.25 Uuik of sales 16.004; 16.75 AMMITIOUS YOt'NG MAN that wants to! learii the banking business. Apply at i bbl. basket. J3.75: Grimes tiolden. per Orimea Oolden.

per basket. notices putchess, per basket. Maiden per Maiden Plush, per basket. S3. 75 Michiaan Grapes Per basket.

5Gc. Morris avenu. AVost Park addi'Ion. Nlcol to R. Waldy.

$3,100. lot 167, 52, Western avenue. E. McDonald to H. Patrick.

$1.00. lot no you mi rnplvmfnt In Toj- hV4 an nrntniir In our of f-r Irii prm rm nvfr I pm r-Ti r. r- Fry. rail in htm'i mai.k or. 301.

s. part J. 400. Kocky Ford 'antaloupea Standards, perl part 402. beventeenth street.

Keith third A. O. U. W. Attention Members of I'pchurr Lodge No.

24 4 are requested to attend the funersl of Pro. J. P. Hebcrer, Tuesday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Services from Penweli'n chapel.

.1. GOOPKLL. M. W. II.

G. THOMPSON, Recorder. addition. lots 16- C. A.

Vancle to E. R. Hayes. $1 Farmers National bank. 7th andKan.

ave BA RBKR WAXTEIl; steady $25 guaranlee Call or write at once. Telephone. 724. or Room 4. Simpson BIdg.

E. lioweil. Atchison. Kan. A KR WANTKI) by SO.

Colonial Barber Shop, 214 E. 5th st RARBER WANl'Eft Caliban L. Brown, Kansas ave. IiiiY to work in shipping room and do messenger service. Must have bicycle.

Crane 110-112 E.Jit.h t. BOY. 16 or over, for messenger. Must have bicycle. Hall Lit bogr aphiDg 23 Kan-s-is ave.

KXPKf*ckNi'tl I woman, good wmb KANSAS CITY GRAIN IN rAKLOTS. Kansas City, 1 Railroads today reported th following earlot arrivals of ffrain In Kann Cltv: Wheat, 342; corn. 26, oats. 21: kafir. rye.

barley. 11; feed. 22; flour. 7. Shipments Saturday were 165 cars of wKeat, 10 car? of corn and 10 cars of oats.

No. 1 dark hard wheat, nominally $2.65 2.75; No. 2 dark hard, nominally 2.75. fale $2. 70 ft 2.

75 No. 3 dark hard, nominally wales f2. 732. 74; -N'o. 4 dark hard, nominally No.

1 hard wheat, nomirally $2.532.65, sales $2 No. 2 hard. nominally 2.C3 0i 2.65. sales $2. 552.60.

smutty 2.f iiry I i Quotations for pheep and lambs were: 'Spring lamba 1 1 5U it 1 4.50 6.50(4 7. in Yea rimes SO" Wethers, grasa fat 7.75 9.00 Ewi 6.25 7.00 Feeding lambs 9 Uuata 4.50 ii 6.00 crate. Ponies, per crate. $2. iats, per crate, $1.50: Hurrel Gem Flats, per crate.

51. Co. Pears Fancy, per bu. basket. Choice, per bu.

basket. Kieffer pears, per bu. basket, Oranpes 100 size, per box. 126. 150.

176. 200. 21. 250. 2KS.

324, $6 50. Pemns Sunklst 300 snxe, 360, $5.50: Red Hall: 300. 360. $5.00. Bananas Per 11c.

Italian Prdnes Suitcase. 15 12 SALESMEN WANTED CARD OF 1 1IANKS 3 TO THANK the friends ind also the ti. A. Ft. and the 1 I 1 1 he.i fir-o ed l.lf- i I WE WISH lief corps, floral off WANTED Five li r'i as handle territory for Ing gh-eiass bnaineas amount of rapl'al a -i furiii erencea.

Saleemen mak fr $1,000 a wee Write today f. Addre.aa: Thomas Moore Ml Robinson street, okiahoca and pastor for the beautiful ring and sympathy shown us LIVESTOCK AT ST. JOSEPH. S't. Joseph, Sept.

13. Hoks oeipt. 2.9"j; market 15 '3' 25c higher; B')Y WANTED for kitchen work. Fred Harvey. Santa Fe station.

In the $2.47 $2.47 ii our our -it bereavement band and father, through ea I of Wall. bu Geore 1 lbs. net, $1.35. Watermelons Home, grown, per 2'-c. Elmes Florida.

100 size. Pomlnican, per carton, $1.50. Celery Micaigan. per 90c; YbJte Plume, per $1.25: Mammoth. per $1.50.

onions Walla-Walla Spanish onions, per i 3c; liermuda onions, per 2c. Krsh I Vegetables Tomatoes, per Climax basket, 75c; beans, ftreen. per Sc; egg plant, per maneo peppers, per basket. S5c; employ- HOY, with wheel, over 16. steady 2 54: No 3 hard, sales $2.492 60.

$2. 45 "fir 2. 53 No. 4 hard, nominiilv 2.60, smutty N'o. 5 hard, sales 2.5": mm pie hard, sales 2.44.

No. 1 red wheat, sa's $2 7o; No. ples 52.61 'o 2.70; No. 3 red. sales red.

"Topeka a wonderful place to I've." said Mrs. Finlay. seems be interested in what you jirc doing, rather than determined to kn.K-k you off the sidewalk or out of business entirely. It seems very quiet in comparison with New York, where 1 have lived all my life. Sometimes get homesick for a riot or some noise such as were common occurrences in the metropolis, but I am not yet ready to go back to the old town.

Topeka is really a fine business city and when we become really accustomed to western ways, tilings ought to come our way." Horn Mr. and Mrs. Finlay anticipate a wonderful business in the drygoods jobbing line this fall and winter. They are just getting established with the trHde. The firm has both foreisrn and domestic connections, "fornc of them giving them the agency for nationally advertised goods, much used in the Southwest.

12 l.ulH. JlS.To'irJii.iu. Cattle Receipts, 4.300; market weak to 25c lower; steers. cowa and heifers. 15.25 calves.

$7,00 415.00; stockers and feeders. $6.5011.25. Shep Receipts, market steady to 25c htsrher; ewes. lambs. tr 14.

25. bulkhead J2.60; men 55 Kansas ave. ELKVAToR BOY Throop Hotel. ioP s-teady boy. Opportunity to learn a good trade.

J. Parting Co, TJ4 Kn- sa.s ave. LIVE WIRK salesman for slate of Kansas MRS. GEORGE WALL, MRS. .1.

G. C.1.AP, MRS. G. C. SMITH.

MRS. HKSTANP. MRS. STRICKLER. MRS VIC CALKINS life Inniranee rompanr maJiacer for Topeka ar.d aorna ou! .1 I.

ritory tiff Ice and cahier Iiiiriiahed dreaa W-i. care (Tapilai- 2.fi9; No. 4 rd. pale J2.R5, No 5 red. sales $2 60 Hi 2.

63. No. 1 rnlxd wheat. Kales 2 mlJ'i. sales i2.

55 '3 2. 65 t2.6o&2 6S: No. No. 3 mixed. s.le t2.ZtU 2.19.

line of ladies' shoes and felt for specialty hot per 22c; (treen corn, per 25c; beets, per 4c; summer squash, per 40c; head lettuce, per carrots, per 4c. Potatoes Per S'-iic; Kaw Valley, per 3c. Sweet Potatoes Per hamper or basket. in sacks or per 4c. Cabbage Per 2c.

was dull at ill styles and widths carried In slipper 1 Peniand for crlot of corn I about unchanged prices. FLORISTS. stock; big opportunity for right man; ac-on territory preferred. uair anr IJVESTOCK AT tYJCHITA. Wichita, Sept.

13. Hops Receipts, 900: market 10c higher; top, bulk. $15.50 i IS. SO. Cattle Receipts.

3.500; market steady to weak; native teers. 4. 50 it 1 5.50 cows ano are Capital 17, Huntoon street. College C. Voae to A.

G. Martin. $1, lots 574-JS Harrison street. Orchard place addition. W.

H. Paminann -to J. M. Kverts. $5,000.

lot 241, part 39, Home street, Brigham's addition. J. Ekblad to O. Thomas, $1,200. lots 66-6S Redden avenue.

Kuclid park addition. A. M. Miner to P. M.

Foltn. $3,000. lots 12-13, block Gordon street. Elienwood's addition. J.

L. Park to M. Park. $1. part northwest quarter, section 35, township 11.

range 15. K. G. Smith to H. F.

Keller. $3,000. lot 461. part 63-59, Tyler street, Gould addition. K.

R. Hayes to C. A. Vaneni. $1.

part lots 70-72. Kansas avenue. P. O. Orr.

guardian, to W. F. Carls. $2,000, half Interest in northeast quarter, section 23. township 13.

range, 15. Topeka Mortgage In, est ment To. to A. J. Messersmlth, $1.

lots 710-12, Harrison. Walnut Grove. I. O. Northup to J.

W. Carson, $3,000. lot 527. part 29. Garfield street, Williams addition.

A. H. McDonald to M. Wolfe. $1.

lot 400. north nne-haJf 402 Garfield avenu-. S. B. addition.

E. P.epd to W. E. Snyder, 200. lots 136 to Washington street.

Auburn. Rich to O. Johnson. JV000. east one-half of southeast quarter 30, and east crp.

half of northeast quarter, section 31, township 13, range 17. E. A. Paterson to J. W.

Lewis. $1, lots 92-94. Hanco*ck street. Crane's addition. J.

H. Heagle to M. S. Spencer. $1, lot 449, part 47, Polk street, Gould addition.

H. M. Conner to V. M. Harnett.

lots 35H-60 Forest avenue. Walnut parT addition. A. H. Strawn to A.

P. Jones. lots 265 to 27. Virginia avenue. Highland park.

A. P. to f. Pflrtlett. $(''.

lots 265 to 27. Virginia avenfie. Highland park. Interstate Townsite to K. Pennis.

$1,250. lots 274-75-76. Tunningham Heights. I IT. ANT PEON 1 ES and Iris now; large list, including all colors and types: berry plants, trees and shrubs; fancv danlii blooms, doz.

W. L. Lux. 2732 K-l. It.

Ii. 7. 1 mile west of Washburn. MAN Experienced married man for dairy NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. K-3.

and farm Phone I 1 experienced No. Kansas hone man a ve. i heifers. 4.00 1 0. 2 5 stockers and feeders.

S4.Ou9.50; stock cows and heifers, 7.5i'; bulls, $3.00 Ji T.i 0 ca.vcs, 4. 50 'j 1 4. MAN Want, an pt a 1 1 furnace. 1-11 pr-. I MEN to work on Ic wagon.

City Ice Dellv- No. 2 white, jles $1.35: No. 3 wKite. sales I No. 4 white, nominally No 2 yellow, sales $1.34: No.

ellov. 'nominally No. 4 vellow. nomi-j nally 1 2S 1 30 No. 4 voilow.

nomtnallv 11 :1.30; sales old billing, $1.31: No. 5 I ci low, sales 1.2 1.2 No. 2 mixed. No. 3 mixed, nominally No 4 mixed, jwles $1 25'a 1.27: No.

5 mixed. raies $1.19: sample. mixed, nln $1.15. Vhite oats wore sbout unchanged. Mixed I and red were unchanged to a cent higher.

'f Pmand was fair. 1 No. I white oats, sale fSe; No. white, Jsaies 64c; No. 4 white, nominally S3c.

No. 2 mixed oats, normtialiv 654i65i4c; No. J3 mixed, nominally M.iM'r. trade iN-smrcnoN li Becker's Welding School AMI COMMERCIAL WELLIN'ii. 412 Ji.

fcx.ii. I'hcina ik4i. SITIATIONS WAN 'I l.t), MA IX 15 MAN. eiperleti e. at.i ily and l'(al train oft.

hai. ft etnploMr.ent W.rij,d 'efer roi.tiWw, wlm Inaoran-e. Itej. I.a'efe a nci lma. liar.kir.K.

ai Invn.inrM or lKiO--i cotnpany. ou-l iwrsi.lrr mm rei i luan with Ad dreaa X-H42. rare SITUATIONS ITIMAIJ: IS Text Book oft 4 0 pa jr 1 I er KN ANIi Bijy.i WANTED Railway mall 1 clerks. 13s month. Write Immediately.

Krirnllii lujiUlutr. Liept. 1'3G. Kocheaier. RANf.E OF Oil.

STOCKS. New i nrk. Sept. 13. Prime mercantile pa-I per.

per cent. Exchange, weak; sterling no-day bills. commercial 60. day bills on $2.4114: 60-day bills. demand.

cables. $3.47. Franca, demand, 6.4S; cables. 6.50. Belgian francs, demand.

6.92: cables. 6.94. Marks, demand, 1.74; cables. 1.75. New York exchange on Montreal.

10 per cent discount. Government bonds, easy; railroad bonds. firm. Time loans, strong; 60 days, 90 days and 6 months, St)ti per cent. Call money, steady; high, 7 per rent; low, 7 per cent; ruling rate, 7 per closing hid, per cent; offered at 7 per cent; last loan.

7 per cent; bank acceptances, 6V-. per cmt. A'xed Pd fTAM'ARl' 'IPS Askel'5t o' NY N. Y. Wall Street I Biro Ildition crammed full of in or ma -tlrin for the; investor and slock trader.

KANSAS CITY rRODlTE MARKET. Kansas City, Sep. 1 I-'KoS P'irsts. 53c a dozen; 4'lc; selected, case lots. 57c.

Putter Creamery, extra, in cartons, 53c, bulk. less: packing butter, 59c. Putter Fat 57c. Putter Substitutes Jobbincr prices in cartons: Oleomargarine, 33c, nut butter. 30c.

Live Poultry Hens, 4 lbs and over. 2c; under 4 2fic; brolirrs, 33c: sprinus. (Leghorns and blacks dipcounted 2c); roosters I7c; turkey hens and young tonis. -42c; ducks, younc. 24c; old.

geese, lCc. Pigeon. live. $1.50 a dozen. Potatoes Hoinegrown.

1 .70 1 90 a bu. Northern and Western, a rvtt. Sw eet Potatoes $1.50 gr 1.7a a bu. tpie orii-rtion. 3IcCalI Ril Co.

Inc. AprI-A Atl Ref 1 Po Tlorne TUick Cheseb Po pfd. Con Oil rest- I 1 Cum Eureka Oa lena c. Io rfd sales No. sales sales sales No 2 red oats, sales No.

3 red. N'o. 4 red. nominal'. 641-.

dfic. I Kafir No. 2. nominally $2.27 2.30 3. nominally $2 20; No.

4. sales $2 22 Mlio Maize No. 2. sales S2.26; No 2 I SE3.27; N'o. 4.

wales $2 22 Rve No. 2. nominally No 3. $1.95. I Parley No.

3, nominally 97c; No. 4. animals prove that a lazy life to decay and premature "old" IC4 lilTIKM. Zoo loads a jzo. MEMSEN'iER HOT.

oer 14. with wheel Stea.i) employ merit with oj.portuult for j.rom.tion Aiiitt.t lirothera Company. 34 knn PKESSKli' ANTED at 1 1 W. h. bap.

4ieaniti-r Co. l'liKTHK IVANTKIi Caliban Browa Har- Shop. 35 Kans-aa. RAILWAY MAIL t'LERKS n4d: prepare for O'-t. exam particu.ara frea write Itn-mdiately.

Modern Iailitute, 403 Cbarlee Ptdc Iienver. Colo. SEVERAlJ MEN' WANTEI at the Moachen orcharj. north of t.ractyil'.e. ig Meri-in-firantviile road: Rood wacee.

l'hone 542, 'IraritviUe WAN'TEIj Younr nr. an aa urnnUot ahUplrc cerV A-laree Pn. t'n. Irt It mud t. ew orW 1 420 Walnot t.

Philadelphia To new pf ssr. Bran Nominally, sacked. $1.95. Shorts Nominallv. sacked.

Corn Chop Nominally, sacked, 2.5 5. 21 St of 435 150 Sr 75 10S 112 iPn Tnk II" 410 415 iVne Oil ..355 5fi0 9t t6 Vash Oil. 2" '-2 115 22i 1NPE PENITENTS 100 105 Atl 3, JS 1 1 1 21 i Barrett .1 3 29 31 'Cosrien 14 IfO I Po rfd 4'. 105 115 9 47 60 (Federal 2 90 95 ilnt 12 3:1 its 92 'Merritt 14 HS If. 15 IMidw Rfjr.HS 144 f8 91 IMidw oil.

1 2 2Vi 27 Po pfd. 1 17 ISO 'i '-j 100 103 iSapulpa hn 315 320 Savoy 5 7 ,40 555 iPo-Wvo 1 1-16 1 193 19T IGlenrock .2 2 370 390 IPennnck .7 127 IP Mex 4 1 47 27 2T2 IT.lvinfr'n It, 42 7 IMatnt 3 3 312 315 IPr A S5 T5 ISkeliv 9 1 520 tJilliUcd c. 2t'n 29', 357 365 I Po pfd. 85 95 A-l with tuut )f' prtir fir-t 'm' hn ia UW)' cbri-? or fj v.n-Ex-fca AJ-I- hetTi-fli--. i 1 1 orh, i t.ri work hf ptrwibf i AdfM Hf i ai.

Vf AA'S fi A I'L'ATK w'tMbr Kivn fri t)t 'H'hig in Ka.iti ri'o a i'v 't of c. A Grim fr "i-tti -hjr of rtionrr rj-rn. it rir i Ii 'if pi I WASTKIi I'utiiW-n Lf ii.tIw! RANtiE OF STOCKS, Closed High Low Mon. Open Eruptions of the Skin Cause Torturous Itching SO 3 0 1. LIBERTY I.N PRICES.

New York. Sept. 13 L'hertv bonds close: 31-s. $X99S; first 4- $5 4 4 second 4s. $4 first 4.s.

$45.72: second 4 1. 444 90- WANTEI' Meaa-nrer hoy with wtiee, to Adv A Am Am Am A- p. Int Corp. 1 111 Ind Natl Tra. Tra No P.

Pr Ac C. Pra I. Folar Rfp Foil I. SVV PPP. Ft of ClI Pt of Ind ft of Kn St of Ky run trmniln and in our ahipP't't de- t.a rt rr-er.

A'-lma Hroa. Co. WANTEI'- A mm with aorrie ea-jenefice to I third 4is. fourth 4'ts. vlc- tory victory 4s.

$95. 4S. Am Loco 1 Zh't 701, 1 75 i 93 .15 111 90 run a ho- reuair anop; iur i WArHiiCKS fcT 'I 'KN i w.Le, niahe-i: wlii a percent i If you are afflicted with any form 1 comes from the use of lotions, salves, of skin disorder, you are well nc- ointments and other local remedies, quainted with the flaming, burning! y. s. S.

has priven preat satisfae- rTt Kan. CITY HAY ppi, Frank Rlrharda. KANSAS Kansas City. Sept. 1 MARKET.

3. Timothy de-arleties steadv. No. 2. clined 50c todsv.

O' hr tion in the treatment of these disor- irthins; that these disease produce. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN RAILROAD STOCKS? If vn.j are. you t-hotjiri SI'Ki'lAL that we hive prepureij which overs RAII.ROAT STfK'KH, showing their principal investment ftatun-i'. for He port HT-41 Wall Street Stat 1st iral Service 74 Wall New VorlL. V.

2 i Alfslfa. No. 1. $27.50 0 29 00 2 4 CO. No.

3. 21. Ifc 4 1 w' i a fi? rjr or rt h. fr-rw 'hor fcr1 um if 1 i. r.

because it is such a thoroughlv Ant c. Am Stl Fciv. Am S-i; Ref. Am A r. a i I A He c.

A p. Am Woolen B.i Id 1 .000 h. Steel Can Pacific Lea her So many people continue to puffer dors. WANTED Teie'aph arprentlree. youn men.

ase 14 to ij. ealary T0 t-er month and rcnu on ajradaat.on; fine cpptrturjPy to learn teiraph- and worn. Ad-rtrea I'M-', run of Teieerapb. Snta Ke Ky. Tor k.

Prairie, No. 1. S.01 1 9 50 No. $15. oc No.

Ton Kuropcan nations in tho world war liavp shown a potential loss in population of persons. 17.0: No. 3. $9 50 ill 4 Timothy. No 1.

$21.50 24.00: No. 3. 1 5. 0.. 2 1 00 Y' A NT fcf ciored roar, for boa work.

Ap- from eczema, tetter, and other forms 1 satisfactory hlool purifier. It cleanses of skin disease teeanse they do not the Mood of all impurities, and thus seek the source of their snfferinK, and i counteracts the effects of the germs no disease can be successfully com- that attack the pkin. hatted unless attacked at its source. IJecrin taking S. S.

S. today, and if Skin diseases are caused hy an im-jyon will write a complete historj- of purity or disordr in the blood, and your ease, our medical adviser will Jd I. A (j Kr- re piaiKjn. WANTK1' Two young men. dairy aod farm work call iti: K-i.

I.ilac Karm. I WAN'TEI--Nat and intei.inent men for Chand Motors me: -i-r -f A il. rr Is' f'A tia ij w.r.r --T 1 te'rr. txt.liM A- Chi 7', 2 41 75 114', 51 S2 HO 74 24 T.ft 141 7SS 22V. P9 2 3 I I luti'h room work Oo-'1 Jot and Ituod pay tut there is no real and genuine relief Special Fair Week Sale give you expert adviee withotit eliarge.

Address. Chief Medical Adviser, Swift Iaboratory, Atlanta, (ia within your reach until such impurities are removed. This explains why disappointment OK HIGH GRADE to thofie who lua 'ty jsunt ou in i-eraon. L'J-c. 4 ave.

WAITERS Li per ienced rood ni. Vie-, frv Lunch o. WAcHMAN ttrn other help. Mutuai iuo- 1 MAN a aaaiatant In ab-ppln da-, rr I'reyicue,--e cnnwcewiary Sea1y and pieaaar.t worV with I orpo-tunity romot ion. Arlama Broth- e.

i Jacka-r, at. r. c. I Oen Electric. Oen ot ors tloodrich Ot North, p.

Ct North Ore II Barker I Marine I Marine Int Paper Inv Oil Island Oil South c. Kw ifetA. 4r Ail CHICKENS 115'. 70 1, 13 71 4 it hp .9 S.ta S.T, 7fii, S3 10S 41 75 1 1 9 51 'a S2W 60 1-, 74 3H 141 21 77 Si S3-, 75W, 5 -n 1 24, 75-11 75 9it 7 1 24-, 1 4 114', "9 1 7S 25 J4 2 3-5 5N ti .11 hi A l.KY KfTT Vn i- i' no fa 4 i I BUTTON. I.rjz.".whfc-B.

fc (01 jnH 30 1, 134', 1.14', 134 i 8i 691- 70 13 12 75 7 75S 1 94 t-j 95 f9 59 0 5 35 5 lM't 111 111 99 9t, 5 3 53 1, 5 3 2 2 2 4 -f, -e, i -a -H 1 '-a 1 11 10P, in- 4 1 4 I 4 7 4i 4 7 5., 11 ll'V, 11S 50 51 i-j 51 0 2 8 9', sn 1, 59S! 74 74 3H 3S, 35 14! 141 10 rr. 55 6 5'-, JSV, 74S 77 77 22 33 35 tS S-j 22, 23 7 4, 7 4', 7v, 7S 1 2 35 -t, 1 24 i "'w 39 26 2 24 75-, T. 75 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7JS 74 73 1 4 44 55 7J 7Hi 4.U 41 13 24 34 I 1 14 I 1 4 1, 1" 15 1 91 i 7 9 1 i 4 8 4 "'7 3 0 31 i 94 9 1 34 3 36 4 in 49 44 5 I I 1 1:0 2: 1:0 S9 5 5 S5 45 7 15 104 ins 44 64 64 S7 7 i 27 2- 24 I l-i 15 15. f5 5a Coach tbo. .7.

I J. for i.t Is i' r. A HJ 1- if f- 1 1 -it 1 rs CApF Second Cook wantecL Good wage. I'bon arpenters aiu nr. .4.

SPECIAL PRICES Live and dressel poultry during fair week to dealers, restaurants, cafes and dining rooms. Don't fail to get our prices before buying yonr poultry. If possible see us personaliy. WITCHEY CO. 5 Ja- e- eve- 5 i4 i.

ii Car Guilders wanted trat' K. 1 444 CA r.K a fb it' a I Mr. Fair Visitor If you are contemplating the purchase of a hifih rrade used tonrins car or truck lx? sure and lnspct our line while in Topeka. We have put the prices way down ridiculously low to move them. YVe vab-solutely truarantet them to be in he condition represented.

We have men 1 4 24', i 2S 75'-, IIS 71', 54 73 :4, 14 114-S --a l-- ST UK i e2- 4 K-irora it her town --4 a n't work t-i'mTi for 1 rtra Kenne Copper M.dv Steel Mo Natl Lead N'ev Con Cop. Central. Norf A- West 1 North Pac i Penn Pere MartJ P-Arrow Pierce Oil Pul Irr.a P-ir On P.av Cop. Reading Rep I A- Sc. Rttval Patch Cons St I.

i Sou; Psc St udebal-cer Tfi Pac i Tetas Co I Too Prod 1 T-ansc OH Pn P-ce. Food Pr. Rub Steel -c S'ee! p. api-cf Ad'J r-4 S. CA P.fEN in Karifiao.


(Uil vl. a HKLP WANTEIf If Jr, a.eejt I-icuce li I i at--5 1 AM i. A AN OPJ-' fc- a $2 mirth white te Two hoi.r e'-rn v-rit nd.r.f rn-i I pr 4ar ot i 1: The Denver Tramway Company wants coach carpenters and car builders "who have had some experience in street railway repair work. High wages, moderate living expenses and a good town to live in. Apply at once.

THE DENVER TRAMWAY COMPANY 14th and Arapahoe Streets, Denver, Colo. On August 1st a strike was called on our property. On August 7th by vote of the union the strike was declared off, but many of our former employes have refused to return to work. ir. or-rria ion Tb.a eol Wiflf laiet Kea 40V, 104 4 15 t.

at Jlt. keeuiac- pntnun 4 Mry 7 a. r. all taw ttaeoRiwr aewa f-fcT 1 COMPETENT woman ar.s v. ta.

VFraiaa, tc, JT frr.a.l far-: y. fe'i fmy. No iatirr wora. A I aii oru.at4rr.rr--r--Jt.aay rfJj7vOr; B' aeewr-r a HlHfrsl" V. bit, If Id 4 C4 1, 15 KISSEL 1 -TON TRUCKS, Fart45r- Gusrant.

A visit to our show room will convince you of the roil values we offer. Motor Service Co. Phooe 305 113-15 West Tenth St. Agents for KISSEL AND WESTCOTT aad --ai-eki Ft ah Cofeper 1 Steel I Wabash Waba-sh A I W-house El Wtleon Cft Ei-di-eidead; per cent. Rrl rVJCHr'T' t'jr t-oan and Tf-orr, px.or.-i Ftl, Aft tt''." v' 5.

r'-vry HA fr a An.erican Locomotive. 1 WOMAN for aier, $1 Hfr-r re-4 re APAKL T. -J Mft Per. ttrsn rr r.e 41 i AVTK1' 1 W-. .1 ra '--l te.1 1.

1 Ca: 1-5. e. i r-. ave Waafetrarn hucae nr oaf. a.

Call 1 i o-r 1 Gambling on th weather is common among the Datives of India. Tal j-M-1 Ijrag A. K.ibsa--aaj-i 4k Hoo. t-r. 4t.

The Topeka Daily Capital from Topeka, Kansas (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.