The Wichita Eagle from Wichita, Kansas (2024)

4 1 Furniture, Rugs, Etc. Furniture, Rugs, Etc. ALMOST ANY: ARTICLE IN OUR STORE TIE lOKJlLE TEE too, $1 Pes' qoo CTRx a fl id ffl Jt ILAa Ceme in and tell us what you need and how you cam Pay for it We hare planned and helped others furnish their homes. THEY ARE OUR REFERENCE WE CAN HLP YOU. AIM Tibs Eesii2 By taking care Both Cash and Tlbe Buyers ear sales are the largest in the city.

Hence the Jobber aad manufacturers give a tha lowest possible price. This will be a week of great delight to you in your selection of needed furnishings You have never paid such low prices for qualities so pleasing, and in looking over this page, there will be many and many a value that will arouse your enthusiasm to greatest activity. Read, Think and Act. Furniture, Rugs, Etc Furniture, Rugs, Etc. Furniture, Rugs, Etc.

i Furniture, Rugs, Etc. Furniture, Rugs, Etc PLACE 1 IP. 1 FilMSTOlE PslAhy Bcdl Esa8 Ekte I There has been a big raise in cotton. Ask any mattress man. We eon- 5 traded for our mattresses in Augus t.

We bought at the low price. We i are going to give our customers a dvanta'ge of our special contract. Not over two mattresses to a customer. We carry the largest stock of Rugs of any furniture store. When buying Rugs come to the store that has the largest stock, varied grades and tha lowest priees.

We carry everything in Rugs Royal Wiltons, Smith Wiltons, Wolvertons. several grades of Velvets, the newest Yonkers. Kirmans. Brussorahs, Carltons," Smith Extra. Royals, Saxonya, Alpines, Granites, Grass Rugs.

Katonah Velvets, Brussels. Onyx. Phoenix, Ingrains. All sizes. Plenty of large Rugs, 11-3x12 feet, 10-6x12 feet and 12x13-6 feet.

$27.59 Gas Range with elevated oven, grrar-anteed, special 16.95 8.70 1.15 7.95 7.95 $2-09 eerier Back Gas Reflector. special $15.09 inclosed, heavily nickeled Gas Heater, $15.09 Heavy Coal Heater, well nickeled, guaranteed. complete with That will wear ONE OF THE COMBINATI ON COAT. IN THE EXTREME! COLD AND OAS HEATERS WEATHER. THAT $45.00 Wilton, a Rug almost a lifetime, th new aliover effects.

$25.00 9x12 Seamless Velvet, a good Rug for any room. $25.00 Room-size Ax-minster, well woven, close nap, clean wool. $12.00 Wool Fiber, just from the factory 5x12 Wool and Cotton, a wonderful bargain at $5.00 3x12 Matting Rugs $1.50 and $2.50 Axminster and Velvets, 75c to 11.45 14LSS USE $25.00 Satin Finish i Brass Bed, special $20.00 Solid Oak Princess Dresser with large plate glass mirror $13.50 Dresser with piate glass mirror $60.00 Circassian Walnut Trr wit Vl ceptionally large $7.50 Bii TT .4 Aob Genuine leatner Rocker. $27.50 Kitchen Cabinet, complet snaing lop, -ii white enamel II c3 etcrjiiitug S135 the complete furnishings lour-room nouse, in- vji eluding three new rugs, II all new, special $27.50 Kitchen Cabinet, sliding top, white enamel everything. i $22.00 Solid Oak Buffet with heavy plate glass mirror $15.00 Solid Oak Round Extension Dining Table Imperial Spanish Waxed Oak.

Duo-fold, wonderful value. $25.00 Satin Klnish Brass Bed. special. $15.50 Dresser with plate glass mirror $5.00 Solid Oak library Table $18.09 Gas Range, guaranteed. Linoleum Rugs.

LIE A FTTL.L. GIVE SAFETY A LARGE Heater, good Several Hot Cooks and Boston Desk, Bookkeeper's English about Leather WE RENT $18.00 Room-size Brussels, new patterns, well woven, special STOCK OF COAL HEATERS. SOME ALMOST IJKE NEW. $5,75 UP condition. $14.59: several Heater; a great Mg stera or school Blast Heaters; good Coal Gas Heater and Reflectors; 15 Coal Oas Ranges; a good Cosl Range.

Flush fettea, Leather Upholstered Jettes. Chair to match, Roll-tot one-half the original cost; $50 Iron 8a fa. good condition. Desk and Filing Cabint: 2 Swivel OffTca Chairs; large Earlr Office Table; 19 Library Tables; Kitchen Cabinet Baa. China Closet.

great Solid Oak Folding Bed with mirror. 7 used Rugs: heavy Oak Beds, new, large Oak Boa-ton Daisnport. rood condition, god Couh. EVERYTHING. WE EXCHANGE NEW FOR OLD.

IBS! Mudkg Loadbdl IJnoleum, 55c. Large assortment of $2.95. 9x12 Rug. Special. $5.95.

AUCH1' PANY Mail Orfas 245-247 KOEfl MhW read for 12-foot Cook's Good 6x9 Rug, special, Financial WE MAKE farm loans at very low rates with liberal prepayment privileges and on most favorable terms; quick service; no delays; you get all you barrow. Call, write or phone. The Deming Investment 407 Bitting Bldg. Phone Mkt. 1571.

13 lll-26t SAM F. STEWART makes private personal loans on diamonds, furniture, livestock, etc 219 Beacon Bldg. is 115-26t 1 Furaa 1 By becoming a member of the KANSAS RURAL CREDIT ASSOCIATION A card will bring full information. S. SARGENT.

REPRESENTATIVE 407 SCHTVEITER BLDG. 13 H5-2St Any amount on diamonds, watches, pianos and jewelry, motorcycles, shotguns, etc. Lowest rate of interest in the city. H. Wolkow.

606 E. Douglas. Established in 1894. 13 117-tu-th-su-13t Do you need $50.00 to If so, we can make you a loan, with privilege of repaying the same in small weekly 5r monthly payments. Our rates are reasonable and our business is strictly confidential.

PniBeip 3Lai Phone Mkt. 5700. 310 Sehweiter. 13 Made Without Delay at Small Commission with PRIVILEGE to Pay at Any Time Cinsmiumy Special Examiner 415 Beacon Building 13 122-sus-at WHEELER, F.LLET' AND DEWET LOAN ON BRIC BLOCKS FARMS WHEELER, KELLEY AND DEWEY 13 115-26t MORTGAGES FOR SALE $500 due in three years 7 per cent. $550 due in three years, 7 per cent.

$1200 due in five years, 7 per cent. $1400 due in five years, 7 per cent. $4000 due in five years, 6 per cent. RUSSELL MOORE 13 140-lt 704 Murdock Bdlg. notes drawing 8 per cent and due August 1, 1SI6.

Will allow 6 per cent discount, which will make investor 14 per cent. Also 1 Reves cylinder corn sheller, cheap. Call or write 703 South Water street, phone Market 2537. 13 140-St $250 3-YEAR. PER CENT first Mortgage for sale.

Security Wichita house and three lots, worth 5S0. Other mortgages in amounts up to interest, 8, 7, 61 per cent: securities 3 to 5 times amount of mortgages. Gordon Mortgage Co. 13 140-lt MONET TO LOAN On CITY PROPERTY. THE GORDON MORTGAGE CO.

13 140-su-we-sa-St WANTED Party to finance good live manufacturing business Just starting: handle your own money; good investment for party with 500 to $1,600. Call in person at the Bowers hotel 1 to 5 n. m. Sunday. Dr.

Young. 13 140-lt HAVE TO LOAN $4,500 Sums to suit, on city property. Write location, value, amount to Home Party, Box 2d. Wichita Eaele. IS 140-lt SEVERAL close in properties which net 10 to 2') per cent; this week only.

Claude Cartwrjght. Mkt. 5631 i. WE LOAN en IraproTeC residence warenouse. ousiBWi properties, tsn- i limited amounts: also on residence properties and farm- Rees I insurance and Loans, E.

louslas. 12 U-2t 1 iltC iiUItiUAUt. SO- I licita farm ioarrs at the lO-wcst cur. I rent rate: liberal r-avmet privilege; loans closed promptly. Wichita and; adjacent territory represented by R-i M.

MACKKT V. ios BITTING 1 BLXKj. Phone Market $SS is MONEY TA Wright, F43 N. Main. Mkt.

m-2tx Furoitsre Easy payment $: loan, ie per week. f4f loan, 4c per week. $ST loan. tc per week. 31 Bescos Bldg.

Fhone Mkt. 15 with a 9.15 Or ir Msi Real Estate Wanted I WANTED from owner; five room cottage between tracks and canal; must be a bargain for cash. State price. Box 195, Eagle. 27 140-ltx Frosty Wnafedl I have cash buyers for the following, kindn of property which I have nor vet been able to suit.

One wants a rood, modern cottage around $2200 to buy on Installments; another wants Co liege Hill home, near $3300; also have party for good Douglas RV.4nu business property or just off Era! t'uo'ne Mkt. 629. 125 N. Mkt. 27 140 -It W'AXTKD--To hear direct from owner of good farm or unimproved land for Kale.

C. C. Buckingham, Houston Texas. 27 137-18tx Office Rooms For Rent. Ground floor, 143 N.

Market, desk spce, private office, with girl to answer telephone See us for rates. Phone Market 4t or 12.2. i 30 140-lt DESK SPACE; grour floor; phone and all modem office conveniences. 106 E. First st.

80 13S-3t Rrvoms-For SUITES -of housekeeping rooms one anfuraished, one furnished; down 5 mir. furnace heat; rerer- CHOICE unfurnished housekeeping water furnished. 340 X. Main" 6139-12t imrsvKiTPlV'fJ and sleeping rooms, 123S E. Douglas; nice people Douglas 596-W.

6 140-Ztx THREE or four unfurnished rooms for rent, in modern residence. Nortn Waco. Phone Market 4735. 6 140-lt FOR RENT The second floor over 1T.9 N. Main street, size 25x40 feet, divided into 4 rooms and hallway.

W'lU clean up to suit good tenant, who can furnish good references, at a very low rental. The W. J. Frazier Drug 6 140-lt FOR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms, suit-able for light housekeeping, over 43 Market St. Will rent to the right parties for $6.50 per month.

Call at building or see Robt. E. Israel. 125 N. Market.

Phone Mkt. 62. 6 140-lt FOR RENT Unfurnished suite. 1238 E. Douglas; nice people.

Doug. 596-W. 6 139-2t Pianos and Organs FOR SALE Nearly new mahogany Schiller piano, must sell for cash, immediately. Box 152 care Eagle. 35 137-4tx FOR SALE Almost new.

$300 piano, mahogany case. $160, $5.00 cash, $1.50 week. Has tone of $500 piano. Lewis, 251 N. Main.

Phone 3617. 35 139-2tx FOR SALE New piano boxes also 3 Edison phonographs. Call Mkt. 996. Martin Adams Music Co.

35 13S-6t FOR SALE Cheap, one Conway piano. Call at 1203 N. Wichita. S5 140-ltx HAH OMAN! Yes, we have them and at prices that will surprise you. Monday when vou come down town to buy, be sure and walk up to our store at 220 X.

Mam and we will show you the best bargains you have ever seen. We sell the Hallet and Davis. Price and Teeple and Straube lines, both wholesale and retail. You cannot afford to be without one of our Pianos or Players. imrco The Player liano Store of Wichita.

ELECTRIC player piano as good as rw. fora pair of vacant lots. Wich- it Business Exchange and. Auction Co. 35 140-lt Flayer FSsibwds Yd) BiIk For Rent Apartments FOR RENT Five -room modern flat; $15.

411 Riverview. Apply Shields Millinery 137 N. Main. 39 137-4t FOR RENT Well furnished modern apartment, close in. Call Doug.

11-W. 39 140-lt FOR RENT Verv desirable five -room flat and bath, 10th block North Main, being decorated. Call Douglas 7.4-j 39 140-lt FOR RENT A 4 -room apartment at No. 1911 N. Lawrence avenue.

Plumbed for gas and electricity, good rooms and location, cheap rent. Inquire Barber's. 39 140-ltx FOR RENT-apartment. -G-room strictly modern 751 S. Water.

39 140-lt APARTMENTS for rent. 101 West Lewis. Call Market ,3914. 29 140-lt FOR RENT One unfurnished, 2-room apartment, steam heat, private, bath, second floor. 109 E.

Third. Mcln-tire Bldg. 39r-140-26t WANTED Furnished apartment or house, four or five rooms, modern. Phone Douglas 1209-J. 39 140-lt FOR RENT Seven-room apartments; strictly modern.

348 N. Water st. Phone Mkt. 677-W. 39 140-lt FOR RENT One apartment in The Erwin.

526 N. Market: heat, water and gas range furnished. Call or phone Mkt. 607. 39 137-6t Buildings For Sale.

TWELVE-ROOM, well built, boxed house, to move, for $250 if moved immediately. Phone Douglas 5P6-W for particulars. 26 140-ltx For Rent Houses Furnished FOR RENT 8-room furnished house, modern, no chrtUren. 1050 N. Topeka, phone Market C203-w.

4 140-lt FURNISHED bungalow, north of Douglas, by corner Second. Inquire 539 S. Water. 24 140-2tx FOR RENT All or part of a 5-room furnished, cottage. Call 1353 S.

Topeka. 24 140-lt TWO LADIES or married couple to share nicely furnished bungalow, very reasonable. 119 Ash. 24 13S-26t Notice to Real Estat Agents NOTICE to real estate aeents: All my property is this day withdrawn from the market. J.

W. Thomas. 29 140-ltx NOTICE to real estate agents: My property, lots 49 to 59 English 6th addition. S. Main St.

off the market. Abbie M. Dyer, Medford. Okla. 29-rl40-2tx NOTICE to real estate agents: my place is off the market.

West half sec. 25, Towanda township. Butler Co. s. K.

Simpkins. 29 140-ltx NOTICE to real estate agents: my property, 210-214 N. Lorraine avenue, has been sold and is withdrawn from the market. George H. Beers.

29 140-3t NOTICE TO REAL ESTATE DEALERS Owing to the rapid advance in real estate values I herebv withdraw all quotations on my city property and advance same 20 per cent. Howard Schroeder. 29 13S-3t Storage. WE HAVE the only fire-proof warehouse with separate lockers, separate piano room, separate rug room. Come and see the best before you store.

BRYAN TRANSFER X- STORAGE CO. Phone Market 11 14 122-su-tu-thu-13t 14 ll-su-we-fr-13t i FURNITURE STORED and Packed. Phones Mkt. SSI Or 52:. Sirger Donnell.

14 115-2t Financial MONEY always hand for loans on residences, business blocky, apart- ments. farms, etc We examine securities and close all loans ourselves, Special low r-rice on loans of rd above. Office in State livings Psnk. Phone Market The Monarch loan Co. 12 llS-ISt 1 For Exchange FOR EXCHANGE Fine, vacant corner lots to exchange for equity in cottage or small acre tract.

Phone Doug. 532-J. 15 lS7-4t FOR EXCHANGE For small tract, near Wichita, good improved farm in Sumner county. C. A.

Burns. So. Seneca City. 15 139-Stx FOR EXCHANGE $2,000.00 first rnort-gage; good security; due two years; for cottage. 115 X.

Mead. 15 138-3tx FOR TRADE An 1 8-room house and Wichita property, or farm land near Wichita or Northern Oklahoma, Mrs. E. Thomas, Colo. Springs.

Colo. 16 140-ltx WILL EXCHANGE good typewriter or a good silver cornet valve or suae tenor or alto of standard make. L. Strong. Uichlta.

15 140-lt EXCHANGE Splendid drug store, Wichita, low rent, good business, for western land. Smithaon. 220 East Douglas. M. 4464.

15 140-ltx Miscellaneous Sngy Payimi5i4 CIA Attractive club offers. We solicit your magazine subscriptions. Can save you 1-4 to 1-2. Pay as you receive magazines each month. Phone M.

and our representative will calL David C. Cook Pub. eiO5.ll Butts Bldg. 16 119-121 RENT your costumes for Halloween from Harrelson Costume 327 Butts Bldg. 16 134-6t WANTED First-class dressmaking.

Prices reasonable. Phone Market 4432-J. 101-su-we-2t AUTOMOBILE drives 10c per mile: Joy rides $1. per hour. Phone Market 16 140-ltx HORSE RADISH ROOTS Scads of 'em.

slathers of 'em; any old way. Jo McIIughes Ranch, Woodland Ave. 16 140-ltx DETECTIVES McWAIN AND MILLER 305-207 Barnes Bldg. Phone M. 16 112-2t Furniture, Rugs, Etc.

rjJk3(5)El8 Ssnpg NEW GOODO $6.50 Library Table. $3.50. $25.00 Kitchen Cabinet; has sliding metal top on base: roll front, white enamel, etc. I A great snap AU, $6.50 upholstered Rocker, $3.15. 2 inch Post Steel Bed Vernis Martin $10 00 value 3.90 Re, has $7.00 Baby Buggy, rubber tires $18.00 guaranteed Gas Range, leaves on side; not the flimsy kind 11.65 MOST ANYTHING YOU WANT tK NEW GOODS AT -LET LIVE" PRICES FIGURE HERE ON THE HOUSEFUL OF GOODS YOU NEED.

USED GOODS WE CAN MAKE YOU TERMS TO SUIT China closet, oak folding Bed. good, big wardrobe. 00: wash stand with mirror attached. $2.00: kitchen cabinet, complete with top. $600: dresser.

iron beds, refiniahed like new. $1.00 and up; rood washstanda. cheap: organ. JJ5C0 Circassian walnut chiffonier. $17.50: another one, I burner Perfection oil cook stove, 00; coal rarges.

$10 and up; $40 side oven gas range, i price: gas heaters. and up; coal heaters. $2.0 and up. See us Mondsy about th bill of goods rou need. We will try to make the terms suit, and give yea square treatment, ASK YOUR NEIGHBORS ABOUT US JOHNSON" 221 N.

Main. AUCTION FURNITURE GO. Serd-Land department boys everything, pays fair prices. Market S7JS, 24-247 N. Main.

4i FOR sali rwitan taor aste top. cheap. HZ myta. 4i-i4-3t OR SALE Dining set and kitchen a-m iaan taVan a 1V: a Doar. lti or W.

Ma pi. 41 14-lt for SALE A rcaare table. Eiasios dining room table and chairs, aiid other forciture at 4S7 N. Uvri-. 41 les-lt FOR SALT: coal heatlrsg 1n-f.

cheap. 4 Faulkner. M. K4T-J FOR SALE) One roat ro-k atove. ot aewttig n-acbl.

S. bStea4s and Call lilt Iouglaa 41 14-lt FOR SALE Oak drer. cnme to ratch. ta I toilet et. and sr ring.

$: I tf heavy Peltiers. $:. 1T15 W. Maps 41 H-lta Typewriters TYPEWRITERS bought, sold. exchanged; rebuilt, repairs.

supplies. Typewriter Emporium, 136 N. Market. Mkt. 868.

17 139-2tx LATEST MODEL, factory rebuilt Underwood, $45; C. Smith. $45; Remington, $40; Oliver, $30; second hand Underwood, $25; Oliver, $25; Remington, $10; Smith $20. Visible typewriters rented 3 months for $6.00. Royal Typewriter Exchange.

17 140-lt FOR SALE Oliver No. 9. ffood as new; also No. 3. at right prices.

Box 200, Eagle. 17 140-lt GOOD typewriter wanted; must be cheap for cash. P. O. Box 751.

17 139-2tx FOR SALE Nearty new. Underwood typewriter, cheap. Terms if desired. Wichita Piano Exchange. 120 S.

Main. Phone Mkt. 1033. 17 137-4tx For Exchange AUTO ANTED Will exchange 40 acres rich agricultural land in Arkansas, clear of encumbrance, for automobile. Must be in first class coiidition.

Write to owner for full description of land. O. O. Bechtel P. O.

Box 685, Wichita, Kan. 15 140-lt FOR EXCHANGE Two rood cottaees well located and rented; for western land. A. J. Bellport, Jr 506 Sehweiter Bldg.

15 140-lt WANTED to trade for good city property, three tracts of land laying 5 toSrethex that they could be handled as one farm, total waler -year round. hoaie. 00 miles North and West from Wichita. Will trade paL: total valuation -4 wiEhl8ir Menses, Lock Box i-S, Vt ichita, Kansas. 15 140-lt E5H.En acre improved, right ilchlta- Want Tty to eighty Proved near Wichltt im-FJ dVw8had om orchard, good land Describe fully, location, pricV.

AM" -SOfe If suitable. G. M. suitable. G.

M. vjienn, iiDeral, Kan. 15 136-6tx Klowa'county. avk.7CS 'Proved. Want AY ichita residence 'l 44t4.

1 -14J-ltx house. 50 feet. JS property further out on West Side. Box 186 care Eagle. 15 140-ltx FO EXCHANGE 290 re improved ianrfm 5aiTn; alfaa.

corn and wheat incumbrance only $2500 har2l00d Kenral merchandise or hardware: some buildings might be considered. Address The AllTn Coun! Inestment Iola, Kansas 15 140-lt acr rich farm )ln 5 acres in cultivation. JFnfl 10 miles hE of Calhan. 40 east of Colorado Springs, in rain h1t- mi. i 1 includes coal rlghtV; ali UnciStrl every foot smooth and tillable.

Acreage or city residence considered Fine concrete sand and gravel on adjoining quarter: coal $2 per ton at Zn 2 time, with small cash pavment. vEl; nr' 140 S- Belmont ichita. Kan. 15 140-ltx FOR EXCHANGE 10 acres celery l3 sub-irrigated district. San-ford.

Florida, for Wichita or acreage property. Address box 194 care LaSle- 15 140-lt "THE HOME YOU LEFT BE-IIIXD YOU" Is generally unprofitable. If you want to exchange for propertv at owners write Forrest Smith Council Bluffs, ia 15 140-ltx reitrn ivatiuc ciear A- J- BELLIHDliT, -06 Sctweiter Bldg. 15 149-lt HAVE a fine large house, well located, with a mortgage against, wish to trade equity for a cottage. 16--acre farm in Oklahoma to et-iharge for Wichita prpoerty.

TUCKER 201 E. Dousrias. 1 140-lt FOR TRADE Wll located Wichita horee, worth traOe for raw land. Ksr.sss or W. L.

Morris, E. First. 14-lt FOR EXCHANGE to Wichita, price 0-acre farm, close 1 1 morttrace want western larwl for thl Bellport. SC i 13 140-lt Sehweiter. ir wivt- for srood auto.

Peerless Realty 19 E. First. Phone Mku 14S-11 IMPROVED farm, northern Oklahoma, clear, cash; for cen- era! merchandise stock: want a I lk- Address arent. hrx -agi. 1 149-ItS FOR TRADE A good ftve-roans houe.

rentij for t0 and feet, vacant, Call 1914-X or 2 Oio. 13 I4-ltX rnn kxhiaxge moHem story. 11 rooms; executorial good property; on comer; will eicharre for vacant lots on College HiiL! Riverside 5L Water. Give location snd price Ioti in first letter. Ad- dress Box 214.

care Eagt. 1 FOR EXCHANGE Large, well-located residence suitable for apartments r-rj roomers and to exrHanget for bansalow mailr hesae. O. I I i Furniture, Bugs, Etc. SECOND-HAND STORE par you gold for Second-Hand Fumltur.

Highest price paid. Phone Market ZOtO. 605" E. Douglas avenue. 41 US-lit We do not claim to be the largest store in Wichita, "neither do we have the bie ex pense the larger stores That why we ask you to get everybody's prices, then come to us and you'll find our's the lowest.

9x12 Extra Good Grade Axminster Rugs 13.85 95c 1.35 1.35 ...12.75 1.35 65c 9,75 8.75 27x54 Velvet Rugs $2.30 Heavy Comforts $2.50 Good Blankets $20.00 Quartered Buffets Fine Heavy Weight, Second Hand Bed S. H. Springs Slightly Used Sanitary Davenport with arms Slightly Used Magaalne End Library Table See $15.00 Dining Table, solid oak. In our window $22.50 ll-lnch Oven Gas Range, with boiler, aabeetos -v mm lined, fully I J- guaranteed $40.00 Acorn High Closet Gaa Range 24.90 See the Combination Gaa and Coal Heater In our window; Would sell new for 00; special JJ 1B5 Vsfass 41 140-lt WANTED Second-hand furniture and ran stoves. 49 N.

Main St, Phone Mkt. J. O. Heudrix. 41 m-4t FOR 3 ALE Second hand furniture: Carpets.

davenport, like ew. $7 Radiant Home base burner fine ahape. $Z6; $14 beater. rood organ. $7 piann.

good ahare. $C0; good oak library table. guaranteed cabinet Usnger eewluK machine. $12; china cabinet srd buffet combined, good hap. $1(19; sideboard.

new. $11 large oak wardrobe. $le; good oak cab inet. $4 net, 14.72: large a range, up: raa heaters, up; guaranteed! wing machine, 2 good baee i ga a burners large coal heater. drawer White sewing raarhine.

$4 whit enamel dreaaer and wash stand, 69 wl heaters. $3 2i beaters. ll.Zi up; tieav Iron bed. spring atid mattress all cotton), II; koo4 -foot wall case; 204-erg "Mandy Incubator, fine Tyear-old black dresser, with pivet fcarraln at $:: oak rhlffoniers. two -hi id's beds; Yale rftotoreycte, folding bi, with glaae, $4 Dp; rom-btcatU'R bxkca and wr1flr.g desk, like aw, $: oak aiaida, 'tc oak rtuiBMXIn, I I.7i.

god- haf-: good glaae Cr kit'ben safe, like few. large priacs drtaeer, llx4 glsea. god shape. fl: ten otter dreeeers from $4 up. rood shape; two burner Perfection coal oil store ar-d oren.

two good cond-haod la cmes; two iarre Brtiaeele care-et is yards in each; millinery flsae. coal oil heaters. It.JS mp. Juet a few of or arrale Urri tit rAe IT cbiffoelere fr $.7: large extenaiow tM. roijod top.

of IsesVT eak to r-atfc. leather seat djnlee rwta rtiatra. ie; heat wool fjoer r-Z- t2 hirh oven K. ran. $71.

eet eo eoBRpiet; itt gaarante- eo'l asrlnga. $1 Tat iri Vele tiS-9. sll-oltefli felt Isrer mat-tree. ric gas rgrge, $. 9- tt -e fir lay fef.

arts; ti -cfe epa aMt tr, hr, $4: others trm Gro. FECJIIX 22 X- MAIN 41 Maricet U2. rrr. rig for $:: i cabiaet, alo trs 1 tcre SJ; TL I-rU. rfce lar ket i 2 Fimiitnre, Rpg Etc.

FOR SALE: Extension dtnlng table in nice condition. Call Mender. Booth. $43 Ohio avenue. 14t-lix FOR BASLE AT ONCE Extra gwrl fumltore for i reoms; leaving ciri rtne mahogany parlor suite; mltet'i dining furniture, rhlna cloaet.

feMf-fet. round extension table and chaira; 2 bed room suites. Including sanitary folding bed. baae borrifr. xmhI mm rr.

rango and gas heatrr. KHrhrn urniture, also porch cbaira. Wmtr machine. 14 B. II I.

Red pulleis, laying; hen house, wire fencing: everything cheap. Joe Melotn, 1414 N. Market. 41 140-ltx FOR SALE Fine ehlna cloaet. eoslat ble baby buggv.

washing machine, brass bed. Axminster rug. rerfc-tlori oil atove. WeatingiOue electric Iron, electric portable lamp: would trad for a Coleman lamp and a few rhatrs, 1432 Wabash. 41 140-ltx FOR SALE Blue dicing room rug 10xl2.

Call at 1224 N. Topeka, 61 14-It FOR SALE Furniture for rooms, chap tf sold at once. $21 WVst oad. 41 FOR SALE Oak sideboard, cheap, in good condition. Inquire 115 N.

Main street. 41 It FOR SALE Tables, chaira, etc. O. Spencer Realty 124 fi Market. 41 140-lt FOR SALE Furniture In llreem hout.

rooms all rented. good proposition. Sell account etctctieas. Cath only. Box 12 care Facte, 41 M.U FOR SALE Davenport bed In first class condition, with pad.

$. Call Sunday Lulu. 41 140-ltx Business Opportunities FOR HALE Three tracks Bronskielc bowling allers. All hard maple: tar rrain. Address Thos.

Compton. Cleve and. Okla. II Sealed propossls will be received hr the architect fo rth erection of the Administration bulMlng for the W. A.

of Wichita. Kanaae. arrording to plane end specif I cations prepared for same by II. H. Archct, $11-15 Heacnn building, Wlrhlta, Kan.

aaa. until I p. Monday, Nov. 22. Plan and specif lcelona rt be seen at the nffjre i( the arrhitett or can be obtained ftr the purpoe of making estimates by dr-vitlng the sum of lli.eo to Insure thrir safe return.

This will t' refunded on tS return of jlana and rf In good order or before Nv. jeth. If plana are retained after thst date a bona fide bid la fit tendered fof the work, the earn of i' ltl re-talned from the lpit. Heater, piumbtrig end elertrir work pet a eluded in this II. P.

coxnuw, $12 Beacon Wt-hita. Ka. it FOR SALE Grocery mtnru r.l 1(12 K. Klkvg. phone M.

44il. l-li-2 SHOW; moneymaker; In live Kansas nwn quick sale, raeh. balance salt; ranr has case troaineaa ar.d must aei at J. R. Rurford.

Arkansas Cltr, II WANTED Party to fSnawe a goodl live manufacturtf.g jt starting; handle or on rrotr rood Investment for pert with to fall en In oeraoe by Nov. 1. Dr. Toucg. 212 Iiroadwa.

Newton. Kax. 117-Jt FOR SALE etok of nral mercandia locatd In Okla; etock In flrt'Claa scape: good location and good country: --t reeeoB fer aeilg. A'Wreas O-Box Wichita. Kan.

WANTED A ertr-er lo own or- hat? interest la tt test tat tug biUar-J in the city. Ux Ki It- FOR pfr room, ni'. ian at4 laE'H Retain fee rave poeition or Doug. 1114-W or lkt. 241.

11 0 1 6 WANT tally pelstd iil btsr o'itnjcht or fjfte cnarkeOer F3ll rncair tntet be given in lelfer J. 1 19 Eaat Ja-kf JtDd ChUa- laH-li JTTATE rESfeater t'r r.tor rr trm u- f-rssr prte -r iott toodl py to pr year. iTtf $Jfei to liivt Mr, lif, lith so: Clark. RaHae, wt lt-Jts PATENT mi itttnt fgirer. -Jp evWp Ha, geeeral draf Jcr rk -rt pra Jfoethera s-.

r-tit L. co li-tv lNE-Tf NO for Ht ofitJu(. It i wonsi trt etifOe tt i Tn1 IT' to f'r wo lvod'Bl ee a oove tr tjrt wi-o lrerrfi the 4r ifliter for eow tars forf are K4 lo 1 iftfrwj til It i ft. 1A ri f. Fs.

4Hi v'. so Ulvo. C-ir, ft-Sti. lFi: KAl.f: Mr lsh roes at 111 JC If 1 It BtJe. irs N.

Rork rijaelTWO rcs Tnr ctesp. 9Zt N. Mkt, Mkt, C4C. II 1 19 tl 41 llt-lis.

The Wichita Eagle from Wichita, Kansas (2024)
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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.